Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Upon browsing the internet today, I found stories that re-enforced my blog last night about about Gov. Palin being the possible force that held Sen. McCain back from reaching his full potential as a presidential hopeful. I never really expected him to win. I could sense how strong the Obama support was, and I always had a feeling he would win. But it's nice to find that others have similar ideas to make me feel like I am on the right track with someone. An article on today discussed Gov. Palin's affect on the McCain campaign. It's true that she was a positive force in the beginning. She was new and fresh and a female. The longer the campaign went on, however, the more of a drag she became. The more she showed up in the public eye, the more she became the butt of jokes and somewhat of a laughing stock. I could never take her seriously as a vice presidential candidate, or for any political office really. She did a great job at drawing attention to McCain because he was being overshadowed by Obama's wave of driving change, which is what most people want to hear and experience. So, while it was good at first to go with the "random" Alaskan beauty queen to draw attention to you, it would be good to first weigh out the possibilities of what this person might do to your campaign in the future.
5:31 PM