Sunday, January 30, 2011

And The PR For Gun Control Begins
In the wake of the Arizona shooting of several people, including a Congresswoman, there has been more speculation than actual action for a renewed focus on gun control.  For most people there needed to be a time to "heal" so to speak before they contemplated action on the topic.  It appears that time has passed as some more mainstream, but still activist, organizations like Democracy for America have joined the fray and began calling for more (but limited) action in gin control.  It seems even some left-wing organization or scared or at least aware of the power the gun lobby holds.  It will be interesting to see if President Obama is willing to expend a great deal of political capital on something that he won't get sweeping reforms anytime soon and will largely make little difference.  I doubt it.  Here is the letter from Gov. Dean:
We can both protect our second amendment rights and keep our communities safe from illegal gun sales.

I was given an "A rating" by the NRA eight times during my years as Lt. Governor and then Governor of Vermont. Guns and hunting are part of our way of life in Vermont. But I don't think any Vermonter or gun owners anywhere can argue against common sense changes to our background check system to make our communities safer and more secure.

And common sense changes are exactly what Mayors Against Illegal Guns is proposing that President Obama and Congress take action on right now. They have a two-part goal. First, we already have laws that make it illegal for guns to be sold to felons, drug abusers or the mentally ill. The problem is that states and federal agencies are not required to make sure these prohibited purchasers are included in the background check database. That must change.

Second, it's time to stop the sales of guns without a background check at all. Right now, anyone can go to a gun show and purchase as many guns as they want no questions asked, no background check, nothing.

It's common sense to fix these two loopholes and make America safer from illegal gun sales.

Join me in adding your name right now

Every day now it seems more news comes out about how these background check loopholes make America less safe. In the last week alone, the Federal government discovered that hundreds of guns bought in Arizona made their way to Mexico to help drug cartels destabilize the Mexican Government. This is not only a threat to the people of Mexico. When loopholes in our laws allow drug cartels in Mexico to stockpile guns, we can all agree it is also a threat to the United States. It's not just the conclusion of progressive Democrats, it's a conclusion drawn by Republican officeholders in the southwest as well.

Now, The Washington Post reports that President Obama is planning to speak out on guns in a special address soon, but it's not clear what actions he plans to take or goals he plans to set.

President Obama is listening. Now's the time to make sure the President and Congress know exactly where we stand.

Please join me now in calling on President Obama and Congress to fix gun check loopholes today

When progressives stand up for our core values of strong communities, security and liberty, America wins.

Please join us today and thank you, Talmadge, for everything you do.


Gov. Howard Dean, M.D.
Founder, Democracy for America