She may have become more of a joke than a serious contender. I cannot see her anywhere near 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Maybe we will have another historical race for the next president. Could we see a Hillary Clinton vs. Sarah Palin ballot? I know that's too far in the future and maybe too far ahead of America, but we can see that we are moving toward a more open-mindedness by electing the first black man to be president.
From what I observed as I watched campaign coverage and debates in groups of people, Gov. Palin had a negative affect on the viewers I was among. Being a somewhat "random" choice from Alaska, which is somewhat a "random" state compared to the rest and using colloquial phrases like "Joe Six Pack," etc. doesn't help the way people perceive you. I'm not sure Gov. Palin did a wonderful job establishing herself as someone you want/need/feel the need to take seriously. But, I don't know if it's a bit far-reaching to say she was the reason that usually Republican voters went for Sen. Obama this time around.