Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The New First Lady
Being a McCain supporter, I think I am more excited to see Michele in the White House, more so than Obama. Michele is honestly a class act. The way she carries herself, to the way she speaks, I know she is destined to do great things in DC. After watching the early show this morning, I came away looking at Michele in a new night. The Today show proposed the question of whether Michele would be the type of first lady like Hilary Clinton, who had an office in the house, or more of the lines of Jackie O. Though they made comparisons to both of those first ladies and Michele, it seemed unanimous by all the reporters that she will more than likely be a mixture of the two. She will work, and she will strive to make a difference across the United States, but at the same time, she has mentioned numerous times that her main goal is to keep her children's lives as normal as possible. She doesn't want them growing up really any differently. I am excited to see what Michele will bring to the house. She has an important job as first lady and she will be a role model for young women all across the world.
10:47 AM