Not only did Obama win the presidency, but Democrats took Congress. In a New York Times article, Sen. Hillary Clinton said, "This was a long and hard fought campaign but the result was well worth the wait. Together, under the leadership of President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and a Democratic Congress, we will chart a better course to build a new economy and rebuild our leadership in the world."
Let me point out the title President Barack Obama. It's weird, but it's weird in a good way. We are accustomed to writing and saying President George W. Bush because he's been the president for eight years. I'm anxious to see how President Obama will lead our country and how he plans to pull us out of the hole. I'm anxious to see a lot happen because so far both candidates have simply been "politicing." Now is the time to put words into action and do something instead of talking about how to do it. The country isn't in the position economically and financially to be lolly-gagging around. President Obama needs to be assertive and forthright in his decision making, and bottom line, I hope he can CHANGE our country's direction.