Monday, June 15, 2009

California Looks At A "Dope" New Tax On Marijuana
No matter what polls say, national marijuana legalization is probably a good ways off, but the movement is growing steadily in California and could facilitate some much needed tax money for the state. Heck, even "The Terminator" is considering it:
In California, a Field Poll found 56 percent backing legalization and as a result California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger called for an open debate on legalization, all which suggest that American society may be reaching a tipping point when it comes to legal pot.
Just what is being proposed you ask:
[Richard] Lee and, the newly minted organization he started to push the initiative, calls for the legalization of small amounts of marijuana for personal possession by adults 21 and older, and allows cities and counties the option of regulating sales and cultivation. The legal amount would be 1 ounce for personal possession, with cultivation allowed in a space no larger than 5 feet by 5 feet.

Lee's group plans to send the initiative to California Attorney General Jerry Brown in July for the summary and title oversight required by law. Signature gathering will begin in August, with 650,000 signatures required by January to make the November 2010 ballot. An efficient political operation, with paid signature gatherers, as well as thousands of volunteers is expected.
My main question on this is how will the Federal Government respond? I believe we are finally ceasing to arrest cancer patients with prescriptions, but how will the Federal Government react to an unchecked assertion of state's rights upon federal drug law? I may be getting a little ahead of myself, as the measure hasn't even been put upon a ballot yet, but it will be interesting to watch in any case.