Monday, February 1, 2010

Highlights From The President's Budget
I have been going through the President' proposed budget and found a few interesting things that haven't been talked about much lately. Again, I am intentionally ignoring some things that everyone has heard about. Here are some of the things I found interesting:
  1. Eliminate Funding For Inefficient Fossil Fuels. - "the Budget eliminates tax preferences and funding for programs that provide inefficient fossil fuel subsidies...We are eliminating 12 tax breaks for oil, gas, and coal companies, closing loopholes to raise nearly $39 billion over the next decade."
  2. Reinvigorate Space Science and Exploration. - "the Administration is proposing to cancel the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Constellation program...and replace it with a bold, new approach to human space flight...To support this effort, the Budget adds $6 billion to NASA’s budget over the next five years."
  3. Foster Job Creation... - "the Budget fully funds the Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program, which encourages private landowners to voluntarily open their land to the public for hunting and fishing." ***Editors Note*** More info in the 2008 Farm Bill.
  4. Help Americans Prepare for a Secure Retirement. - The Budget [requires] employers who do not offer a retirement plan to give employees the option of making deposits into retirement accounts..."
  5. Create a National Infrastructure Innovation and Finance Fund. - "The Budget includes $4 billion to create a (NIIFF) to invest in projects of regional or national significance. The Fund will allocate resources based on demonstrable merit and analytical measures of performance."
  6. Increase the Number of Peace Corps Volunteers. - "puts the Peace Corps on track to grow by 50 percent so it reaches 11,000 volunteers by 2016."
  7. Publish More Government Information Online. - "Through the portal —launched in May 2009 with just 47 sets of data—the public now can identify, examine, download, and cross-analyze more than 118,000 Government data sets. In 2011, the Government will expand with previously unpublished, high-priority information,
    offered in open formats."
  8. Reforms Farm Payments and Delivery of Crop Insurance. - "reducing the Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) payment eligibility limits for farm and non-farm income by $250,000 over three years."
  9. Supports Americans with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). - "The Budget includes $222 million across HHS to expand research, detection, treatment, and other activities related to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by ASD."
Obviously the budget is much longer than this, but these are just a few things that caught my eye. You can read the budget as a whole HERE. Here are what the WH highlights with regard to Alabama:
  • Tax cuts for 1.7 million families.
  • $889.1 million for schools, students, and teachers.
  • $910.2 million to fix and expand the state’s network of roads and highways, modernize airports, and expand water and sewer infrastructure.
  • $628.3 million in new funding for Pell Grants to help families pay for college.
  • $410.1 million for housing assistance.