After losing the state by the smallest of margins in 2008 Obama is now unpopular in the state, with 52% of voters disapproving of him to only 43% who approve. He trails Mike Huckabee by 7 points (49-42) and Mitt Romney by 6 points (47-41) in hypothetical match ups. But Palin and Gingrich are even more unpopular in the state than he is and as a result he leads Palin by a 46-43 margin and trails Gingrich only 45-44.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Poll: Obama Struggles In Missouri, Except Against Palin & Gingrich
2012 polling in the state of Missouri looks bleak for President Obama unless the GOP chooses to nominate Newt Gingrich or Sarah Palin:
12:39 AM