Saturday, December 4, 2010

Quote of the Week: Study, Don't Work

“What I meant to say was that students should make good use of their time studying. When they are short of money, they can take a loan. Working part-time should be the last resort,” Control Yuan President Wang Chien-shien failing to contain the fall out from his remarks that students were 'stupid' to take part-time work whilst at college.

 It get's better ... :
Speaking at National Ilan University on Wednesday, Wang said that college students were “very stupid” to waste their time working part-time instead of spending more time studying.
He also said that many students worked because they only cared about money.
Defending his remarks, Wang said students who criticized him have not “waken up” to the truth.
Wang Chien-shien yesterday said his comments were made with the best intentions.
He said there was nothing much he could do “if people chose to nitpick [over what I said].”
“However, it was said out of good intention and I’m not in the wrong,” he said, adding that the public should not read too much into what he said or to quote him out of context.
So .. lets see.   Students are lazy, weak-willed, ignorant and immature members of society who need to be patronised so that they can properly understand their very low level in the social hierarchy.  This humility will make them productive economic units, the highest status most will ever enjoy.  What I just said was out of good intentions and I'm not wrong. Even if some stupid people think I am,  I'll take any criticism as 'nitpicking' and quoting me out of context.  That'll quash any silliness or opposition.


As a former student in a Taiwan university, this not so veiled attack does not surprise me.  It is symptomatic of this society's attitude toward students and younger generations in general.  The key word here being patronisation.  This may not be a good economic or political tactic in the long run.  Young people can be mobilised to vote and it seems played a larger role in the latest elections.   They are also far more connected and communicative than Wang Chien-shien might feel comfortable about.  I'm sure his student-bashing comments are going down a storm on PPS. I'm sure they'll love the idea of taking a loan to pay for everything and then starting pay that off on a 22K salary when they graduate.  Wang wants students to study and get into debt.  I want Wang's resignation, a reduction in the number of universities, and expansion of sports, design and technology colleges, the introduction of failing students who don't meet a minimum academic standard and free tuition for all.  I think its likely Wang will get what he wants first.