Friday, April 28, 2006

The 9/11 Conspiracy: A Skeptic's View

Very interesting article about the ubiquitous 9/11 Conspiracy Theories. The author agrees that there are some anomalies in the Official Version, in particular in relation to WTC #7. However, the Pentagon was certainly hit and the two main WTC buildings were hit - there are hundreds and hundreds of eyewitnesses.

How then are we to explain the Bush Administration inaction before 9/11, and its willingness to take full advantage of this “new Pearl Harbor?” I don’t know, but that doesn’t keep me from speculating. So here’s my hunch – and it’s only a hunch which I am willing to revise or abandon if and when more evidence appears. The Busheviks were forewarned (“Bin Laden determined to strike in the US”), but they expected attacks on the scale of the USS Cole and the African embassies: perhaps a few dozen casualties -- "acceptable." They did not take countermeasures because they saw a strategic advantage in such a “mini-Pearl Harbor.” For such a purpose, the attack on The Pentagon would suffice. They did not expect the destruction of the World Trade Center. However, after 9/11 the die was cast, and so they eagerly launched their “war on terror," along with the policy outrages that were to follow: the USA PATRIOT ACT, Abu Ghraib, Gitmo. The Iraq War, we now know from Richard Clarke and the Downing Street memos, was on the drawing boards long before 9/11, awaiting just such an event to set it in motion.

Interesting and definitely worth a read.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Making of a Militant

A true Ethiopian story

(By Sintayehu Tefera, Ethiopian Politics Contributor)

[Names have been changed to protect privacy]

I first met Girum in the summer (kiremt) of 1983, on my first airplane ride. I had just triumphantly finished 8th grade and was transferring to a new school to continue my academic misadventures. The trip was a present from my Father – a gesture to show how proud he was that I was on the fast track to becoming a high school student. I hadn’t seen my dad in over a year. He and my Mom had divorced a couple of years back and soon after he had moved to the U.S with his new wife.

Girum, on the other hand, had a physical ailment which at the time couldn’t be adequately taken care of in Ethiopia; so his parents were sending him to the U.S for further treatment. After figuring out we two were the only kids on board - the adults decided the flight would be less boring for us and less of an irritation to them - if me and Girum sat next to each other. We soon struck up a friendship based on common interests. We survived the long arduous flight making fun of the grownups and professing our approbation for Michael Jackson and his new album at the time “Thriller”. We remained close friends there after.

Even after graduating from high school we remained friends. Our new interests, the night life and fervor for politics, drew us even closer. When EPRDF forces took over Addis on May of 91, Girum was one of the few people in the city (I knew of) who believed utterly a change for the better was on the horizon. Most of us assumed it was just a replacement of one dictator with another.

Fourteen years and two unopposed elections passed. We had both moved to the U.S, graduated from college and were leading fairly comfortable lives. My friend still remained a staunch supporter of the Ethiopian government. Girum is a practical man – he was the first to acknowledge democracy had not yet taken a foothold in Ethiopia but he argued the roads were being paved for it. I must admit I too was starting to see his point: the lack of a viable opposition and the perceived “economic growth” EPRDF was bringing to the country was turning me into a cautious believer. Maybe no one else was ready to challenge EPRDF; maybe EPRDF was truly willing to pass on the baton if only there was a competent political party.

I first heard of kinijit (CUDP) on a phone conversation to Addis. The person on the other line informed me discussions were underway to form a coalition of four major political parties. The leaders I knew by reputation and some personally – Girum knew them too. All were a success in their academic endeavors, professional careers and, most important to us, had never in their lives pointed a gun at another human being. There was no question these people had no additional motivation other than to see the transformation of their country for the better.

Two dissimilar agendas, two different goals and two opposing methods on how to reach them. For the first time in history it seemed Ethiopians had a real choice. Sanctioned by the government, blessed by foreign benefactors and enthusiastically endorsed by the citizens, the election campaigns were underway. Like everyone else we debated the issues – ethnic federalism, article 39 of the constitution, economic policies, etc. Girum supported EPRDF and I supported the CUDP (kinijit).

A day after the elections were held on May 15, 2005, the government declared victory saying it had already taken more than 300 of the 547 seats in parliament. In a hotly contested election where more than 90 percent of the 25.6 million registered voters turned out the government’s hasty claim struck most of us as odd – even Girum was perplexed. And yet with optimism and great hope we awaited the unfolding of events patiently.

To our dismay, affairs in Addis gradually progressed from better to worse in a matter of days. But my friend, an avid believer in Mr. Zenawi’s genius, was still hoping for a miracle that would alleviate the growing tensions. But I could see disillusionment creeping in his psyche as statements the Prime minister was making started more and more to resemble the rantings of the previous regime.

The eight point preconditions for joining parliament presented by the CUDP, as most of us saw it, was a very reasonable “Yemariyam Menged”: a way out of the impasse for the government with out it losing face. These preconditions were essential building blocks of a democracy based on anyone's standard. Surly the government will not reject such reasonable requests.

After the June massacres, Girum did a complete 180. He felt betrayed, his hero has turned into a villain; the eloquent progressive leader of Ethiopia turned out to be a mere thug. Subsequently, the opposition leaders and members of the free press were jailed. Thousands of Ethiopian Youth were captured and sent off to various concentration camps.

The nightmare has returned with a vengeance.

In the days that followed I began sensing a dangerous mutation in Girum’s Political philosophies – a result of frustration and total disillusionment. From Gandhi to Che, Martin Luther king Jr. to Simon Bolivar he was tearing down old idols he had upheld for so long; replacing them with new ones.

At the time I sat down to write this article, Girum was actively trying to make contact with an emerging “pro democracy” militant group who are proclaiming the start of an armed resistance to overthrow the government.


This government was on the verge of greatness – on the verge of making history – one that would have been remembered, taught in classrooms, exemplified for hundreds of years. The resurrection of Ethiopia from years of hibernation was within reach but this opportunity was squandered. I believe it still is not too late; there is still a higher road if you wish to take it – Mr. Prime Minister – remember you personal history. What made you decide to leave Addis Ababa University to go join a guerilla army?

Injustice? Prejudice? Lack of free speech? The absence of fairness and equality? The Inequities of the minority elite in leadership positions?

The same militant emotions and ideas the old government evoked in your generation, Mr. Prime Minister, you in turn are evoking from the youth of this generation.

A change is coming: no doubt about that – the issue is; will the current government be a part of it or will it be left behind?



[A sketch of Emperor Tewodros II of Ethiopia made after his death by Sir Richard Holmes, Magdela, April 1868]

It was in the month of April 1868 that Emperor Tewodros ended his life after the fall of Meqdela.
Atse Tewodros's vision of a strong and united Ethiopia shall always live with us.
Here is another short poem by poet extraordinaire Tewodros Abebe which was composed a few years back as a tribute to this unique Ethiopian King.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Blaming the Victims of Rape

Dangerous Logic About Rape
A recent opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal promotes the idea that men are essentially violent and women just have to learn to deal with it. Media critic Jennifer L. Pozner calls it a dangerous response to the problem of sex assault.

A good article. It reminds me of those who talk about how feminism has created a culture of victimhood for women. I would respond it isn't feminists who make rape survivors out to be victims; it is the rapists that victimize them by raping them.

Haven't we learned Blaming the Victims is not only cruel but doesn't get us anywhere?

More Women's Issues

Friday, April 14, 2006

Happy Easter!! What?!

Found Here by my coworker, Karina.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Audacity – The “Addis Ferenji” story

(Interviewer - Hirut Abay, Ethiopian Politics Contributor)

Most of us would like to believe that confronting injustice is second nature to us. However, we know this is not always the case--especially when the injustice being committed doesn’t affect us or our livelihood in any way.

But a special few find it in themselves to set aside trepidations in order to stand up for what is right no matter the consequences.

If you are an Ethiopian with access to a computer and you haven’t heard of our guest, then we can safely assume that you’ve either been living under a rock or hospitalized for the past six month.

Her Blog is “addis ferenji” which loosely translates to “a foreigner in Addis”. She has been reporting on major incidents that followed the 2005 elections in Ethiopia.

Recently she has made headlines for being unceremoniously deported by the government* of Ethiopia as a result of her involvements in political affairs.

EthiopianPolitics was able to spend time with addis ferenji discussing a whole range of issues including her recent trip to Geneva. We would like to thank “addis ferenji” for agreeing to do this interview and wish her and her family much success in their journey ahead.

Like the wise man* said “Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.”

Thank you again “addis ferenji”

LISTEN TO THE INTERVIEW by clicking on any of the following links.(18 Min. 16 Sec.)
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4


*A response from the Ethiopian Government regarding this or any other subject discussed on this Blog is welcomed.

Friday, April 7, 2006

Trade a Paperclip for a House?

Kyle MacDonald is trying to trade one red paperclip for a house. He started with a simple red paperclip and over the past few months has been trading up for bigger or better things (Red Paperclip -> Fish Pen -> Spastic Doorknob -> Coleman Stove... you get the idea). Right now he has a recording contract up for trade. Entertaining site and commentary.

one red paperclip
one red paperclip,
originally uploaded by kylemac.

Thursday, April 6, 2006

One down, a couple more to go

Both EMFand ER are now Confirming the passing of H.R. 4423 with out any amendments. ER reports the vote was split down party lines. Democrats Voting "Yea":4; Republicans Voting "Nay":6 to the amendments.(The amendments were designed to weaken the original bill in favor of the Ethiopian government)

It really is time for Ethiopian Immigrants to Reconsider Alliance with Democrats.

The original bill will now move forward to the full International Relations Committee, Chaired by Congressman Henry J.Hyde(Republican) from the 6th Congressional District of Illinois.

Marking up H.R. 4423

Today at 4:30pm the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights and International Operations, will meet to discuss the marking up of H.R 4423.

Definition of markup - The process by which congressional committees and subcommittees debate, amend, and rewrite proposed legislation.(

Read the notice