Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sessions Knocks His Own Party On Sotomayor

Sergio Garcia - We Found Him, and He is HAPPY !!!

On The Links.........................and At The Prom....

Sergio Garcia's troubles of late have been well chronicled - missed cuts, poor play, and (oh yeah) the endless stream of excuses. From the British Open of two years ago to this year's Masters Sergio seems to have had an excuse for everything. Although the track at Augusta National was not to his liking, his latest round of troubles have been linked to his "personal" struggles - read difficulties with the opposite sex. His relationship with Morgan Leigh Norman has ended (rumor is that she kicked him to the curb....), and according to recent press releases from across the pond:
Garcia said that it had been Morgan’s decision to part. Further stating “Myself, when I am not feeling happy on a golf course and not up for it, that is the way it is. You can’t do anything about it. I can’t do well. Obviously the break-up with Morgan didn’t help. You get over some things. Others take a little longer. “It was her doing, not mine, and it happened the week of Miami. It is unfortunate, one of those things. Do I still think of her all the time? No. It is pretty much back in the past now.” Sergio has been suspiciously absent from the public eye of late, so, the sleuths at Bushwood went looking for him. We are happy to report that we not only FOUND Sergio, but also found him VERY HAPPY. It seems that Sergio has made some, um, "changes" and has really "found himself"., and...well, the article below sums it up better than I could:

DATELINE LOS ANGELES – Sergio Garcia said he felt "invincible" when he was crowned queen of the Fairfax High School dance at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel on Saturday. Days before the dance, Garcia told fellow students that he was "not your typical prom queen candidate. There's more to me than meets the eye. He also promised that he would be wearing a suit on prom night, but "don't be fooled: Deep down, I am a queen. And he made good of that promise Saturday, wearing a thong and a tiara."I don't wish to be a girl," he told the Los Angeles Times. "I just wish to be myself." Although many students were supportive of Garcia's run, others were upset and didn't understand why Garcia chose to run for prom queen.
"I'm not really happy about that," said 17-year-old Juan Espinoza. "He should've just tried to win a major..."

P.S. - That's SG on the left in the picture above !!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to succeed outgoing Supreme Court Justice David Souter has largely been embraced by the center, agreed to by the left, and (with the exception of the far right) treated haphazardly by the right. In point of fact, she was not my choice, because I think the court needs a much further shift to the left after the two Bush appointments, but here are some of the potential winners and losers of her placement on the Court.


Moderate Republicans:
Moderate to right-of-center Republicans shouldn't except Sotomayor as an ideal jurist, but should probably acquiesce to her nomination as the best they can get from an Obama Adminstration. Despite what some may say, Sotomayor is widely regarded as a left-of-center jurist, but certainly no ideological bomb thrower. Most sensible Republicans should realize that there has to be some questions to give the appearance that the GOP is not laying down, but eventually accept Obama's selection as an inevitable, politically shrewd reality.

Moderate Democrats:
Most moderate Democrats should be happy with Mrs. Sotomayor on two fronts: one she is not a rabid leftist (which I think Obama has the political capital to appoint) and (2) she is a definite political winner. Mrs. Sotomayor has maintained centrist positions on abortion funding restriction as well as has been given approval by a study in Business Week. She will be the first Hispanic on the Court and will help throw a bone to an increasingly blue constituency. This voting trend by the fastest growing minority in the U.S. will help moderate Democrats compete ever further in the South and Midwest.
The Far Right:
I almost hate to call the far right losers for two reasons, (1) I believe the far right was looking for this fight, and (2) like the "Moderate Republicans" mentioned above the choice could have been far worse by their standards. The main reason the far right is assured a place in the "losers" column is that they will almost certainly lose the fight against her confirmation and they are apt to take the fight to a level that will damage the GOP politically. The only Latino Republican in the Senate, Mel Martinez, realizes this, I just don't think Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh does. Barack Obama increased the Democrats edge with Latino voters in 2008 by 25% over 2004 (67-31) and the likes of Rush won't push that number back any. This is why Obama won Florida, and we will gladly take it again.

The Far Left:
I almost created a "push" column for the "far left", but decided to put them in the losers column. After some suffering due to a Roberts' Court the far left will largely lay down its arms and support Sotomayor, but they may turn out to be bigger losers than they expect. Sotomayor has not taken a hard line position on abortion and is not likely to do so. Further, she will probably not turn out to be an ideological counterweight to Antonin Scalia when Ginsburg retires. Politically this group does well as, like the far right does the GOP, they mostly associate themselves with the Democrats and this move will bode well for them politically.
Personally, I wanted to see someone that was much to the left of Sotomayor placed by Obama. I believe that he will get another chance, as Ginsburg will probably retire while he is in office, but who knows what the Senate will look like then or how much political capital he will have. While a moderate on most issues (and upset by Sotomayor joining the majority in Maloney v. Cuomo regarding local gun rights) I want a leftist court because I feel they are more likely to side with my views regarding the Bill of Rights. In any case, this move is the first hard-line political move by Obama that will help position the Democrats for victory in 2010 & 2012.

Chris Dodd Still Troubled In Connecticut
Embattled Democratic Senator Chris Dodd's number have improved slightly according to a new Quinnipiac poll, but they are still in the tank:
Chris Dodd (D-inc): 39
Rob Simmons (R): 45
Undecided: 13
Dodd is basically up 5 points from a poll done in March, but this still looks terrible. He is even facing some trouble from his own party, as he controls a commanding lead over some possible challengers, but there are far too many undecideds to really deter a primary challenge that would hurt him in the general.

H/T - SwingStateProject

Joe Turnham Authors New Book
Joe Turnham, the Chairman of the Alabama Democratic Party, is the author of a new book on faith entitled "Leading from our Knees" in which he discusses how faith is relevant to all manner of things. The book is available from

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Blogger vs "Journalist" - A Case Study HBR would be Proud Of...

The debate over "blogger" vs. "journalist" seems like one we will hear for a long time. For a multitude of "reasons", many "professional journalists" have a real dislike for bloggers. Rick Reilly (whose writing I happen to really like) makes no attempt to contain his raw contempt for bloggers - and the list of journos who diss bloggers just goes on from there. The reasons have become so rote, that a pre-schooler could recite them:
  1. No editorial control or review
  2. Nor PROFESSIONALLY trained
  3. Mostly opinion, not "researched"
  4. Often anonymously written
  5. blah,blah,blah
Well, something happened last week that allowed me to examine this argument from a completely different perspective - and one which I hope will open a few eyes. It all started when I was scanning the daily news and I came across a headline that included the words " Lady Golfers" and "Escort Services". Intrigued (as was no doubt the JOURNALIST'S intent), I clicked through. I then proceeded to read an article on Time Magazine's website which pretty much made me want to puke. Seems some ivy league punk named Sean Gregory did a complete hack job on a completely legitimate business - one that is new, innovative, and totally above board. The business, Play Golf Designs is run by one of Bushwood CCs Charter Members, Nisha Sadekar. PGD's staff includes a list of other BCC members such as Amber Prange, Blair O'Neal, Kim Kouwabunpat, Caroline Larson, and others. 
Given this, any attack on Nisha and her crew is pretty much guaranteed to get me ready to drop some old school,down south,give no quarter ass whipping on that dude in the Princeton letter sweater.....but that's for another time. This slanted,biased,unprofessional "story" is complete crap at best, and outright slanderous at worst - but don't just take my word for it - you can read many other people say the same thing here, here, and here.
Therefore, I'm taking a different approach - I'm going to use this as an opportunity to call out the differences between a blogger and a journalist, from a blogger's perspective. Belly up to the bar, and get ready for a tall, cold one...
  1. Bloggers rarely, if ever, get paid - so they are likely to write about something they care about. That means you get REAL passion, not some wanker trying to make a deadline or gen up ad sales evenue..
  2. Bloggers are less likely to take a slanted or biased angle on a story - because they are glad to be talking to someone who will take the time to chat with them.
  3. Bloggers DO threaten traditional journalists - because we don't have to generate (much) revenue to cover costs, we don't have to be sensationalistic or biased - we call em how we see em, and if no one reads the story, no big deal. We don't churn up whatever sensationalistic smeg that we can muster just to move a little product.
  4. Bloggers tend to "care" about the people they write about - because they may want to actually be able to talk to them again in the future - there is no "churn and burn" mentality in the blogosphere (unless, like "The Queen of All Media", you are a corpulent, self important, windbag).
  5. Some bloggers (like me) are, in fact, NOT anonymous. Neither are my colleagues Patricia Hannigan, Shane Bacon, Ryan Ballangee, Nisha Sadekar, Stephanie Wei, Jay Busbee, and a host of others.
  6. Some bloggers (like me) offer their interview subjects a chance to review the story and correct any obvious mistakes - you may call that a lack of independence, I just call it being fair to the people who I talk to. If I don't like their requested changes, we either work it out or I dont post the story - either way, no respect is lost and no one is hosed.
Rather than go on with the list, I want to leave something for the Harvard Business Review to study upon. So the to folks at HBR, I've laid it out for you - you help us figure out, once and for all ,the answer to the Sphynx like riddle - Journalist or Blogger ?
P.S. - Hey "Tiger of the Week"
Remember the scene in Pulp Fiction when Marsellus is talking to Butch...well, if you see a coupla dudes with some pliers and a blowtorch, they aren't coming to fix the water heater...

Monday, May 25, 2009

What is the International Debate Academy?

2008 faculty celebrate another successful program

The International Debate Academy is a training program for college and university students who are interested in the arts and skills of debating. It takes place in Slovenia each November and has been held for six consecutive years. This November it will hold its seventh session.

The program is sponsored by Za in Proti, the national debate program of Slovenia directed by Bojana Skrt, and the World Debate Institute of the University of Vermont in the USA directed by Alfred Snider. Skrt directs the program and Snider is the director of training.

The program was originated because there was a high level of interest in debating in Europe, especially in the former communist nations, but very little expertise for training. There were no university faculty members who specialized in speech communication, argumentation and debate, and so students were basically on their own in terms of training. The idea was to create a low-cost one-week program for these students and to try and attract the best possible trainers from other countries, especially those with a more established debate tradition.

All except for two years the program has been held in Ormoz, a small town in eastern Slovenia. It has a good rail connection and the Hotel Ormoz (two star) has been willing to rent out its entire space for the dormitories, classrooms and practice space required. Hotel Ormoz now as additional housing nearby. Hotel Ormoz serves three adequate meals a day to all attendees.

The program has attracted some of the finest trainers from around the world, from places like the USA, UK, Australia, Singapore, Germany and many other nations. The presidents of the World Debate Council and the European Debate Council have been faculty. Former British and American champions have trained here. The program has also been used to prepare a new generation of trainers from the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Former students, who have become European champions, have returned to serve as trainers. Trainers have included professors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, and public officials.

It is important to remember that IDAS trainers are never paid, their travel expenses are never covered and all they receive is room and board while at the academy. They do it because they love the program and they are dedicated to debating.

The program consists of five full days of training followed by a three-day tournament. Training lasts from breakfast until after a late dinner, and involves lectures, drills, exercises, elective courses and two full practice debates each day. After these training days the entire contingent boards buses and heads to a university campus or a full tournament of three days, with housing in high school dormitories.

During its history IDAS has had attendees from many nations, including:

Czech Republic
United Kingdom

The evaluations of the program have been universally positive. Students have treasured the opportunity to work with so many notable international debate experts. They have gone on to achieve remarkable competitive success in heir own countries and internationally. More importantly, many of them have returned to their homes to become important, dynamic and successful leaders in creating larger and more diverse debate communities of their own. Ultimately, the goal of the academy is to bring debate and its inherent civic engagement potentials to broader populations. Whether on looks at this standard or the standard of competitive success, the academy has been a success. As the years go by even more and more will be seen from the academy graduates. The best from them still lies in the future.

Faculty Announced for WDI World Schools Workshop

Rhydian Morgan & Debbie Newman

Alfred Snider & Bojana Skrt

There is still room at the workshop. July 25-August 7 2009. Held at the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont, USA.

Contact Janet Nunziata to register --

Bojana Skrt, ZIP Slovenia, Director

As director of the national debate program of Slovenia, Bojana has become one of the most respected debate trainers in the world. She has directed countless teacher and student workshops, and her team has been EFL World Champions at the World Schools Debating Championship three times.

Debbie Newman, UK

Debbie has been debating champion of England and Wales and president of the legendary Cambridge University Union in the UK. She has taught at WDI a number of times. She coached England to the World Schools Debating Championship in Washington in 2008 and to second place at WSDC Athens in 2009.

Rhydian Morgan, UK

Rhydian is a professional communications trainer who has an endless love for debating. He has won numerous tournaments and has also been chief adjudicator at countless tournaments in Europe. He is a returning WDI faculty member, has taught at the Department of State Study of US Institutions program for students from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh in 2008 and is a regular faculty member at the International Debate Academy Slovenia.

Alfred Snider, USA

Has been WDI director, since 1984 director of the Lawrence Debate Union since 1982 and is the Edwin Lawrence Professor of Forensics at the University of Vermont. Has trained debaters in over 28 countries, published over 50 books about debating and for debaters and has won every major award given to debate coaches in the USA. As a student debating for Brown University he finished third at the USA National Debate Tournament and second at the Tournament of Champions.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

WDI Reorganization Points to Global Expansion

The world is full of changes, and this is also true for the World Debate Institute. One thing that has not changed is that WDI remains as one of the leading global sources of sophisticated debate instruction.

The World Debate Institute announces a number of changes in the program.

Due to escalating costs and the economic downturn many of the summer programs hosted at the University of Vermont will not take place this year.

However, in Vermont the World Schools Debating Workshop will continue with strong attendance and a celebrated international faculty. July 25-August 7 2009.

During July WDI will be assisting in the planning and implementation of a high school debate workshop at Piedmont College in Georgia.

There will be some additional smaller debate workshops held in Vermont for university students in August that involve WDI faculty but are not official WDI programs. See .

The World Debate Institute will continue to sponsor and hold training events around the world. In some ways it makes more sense to bring the program to the world than to try and bring the world to Vermont (although it is a wonderful place).

WDI will be working with ZIP Slovenia to sponsor the World Schools Debate Academy for high school students to be held in Slovenia 5 July-12 July 2009.

WDI is working with the US State Department and the Faculty of Organizational Sciences at Belgrade University in Serbia to hold a university workshop in Serbia 15-22 July 2009. Contact for information.

WDI is working with ZIP Slovenia to present the Seventh Annual International Debate Academy Slovenia 21-29 November 2009 to be held in Ormoz, Slovenia. Information can be found at

WDI is beginning to make plans for a debating workshop to be held in Iraq in cooperation with ZIP Slovenia and local Iraqi partners.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bushwood Member Blair O'Neal is,um,QUALIFIED !

A few weeks back, we interviewed Blair O'Neal - this year's uber-hottie from TGC's Big Break PEI. Blair was super nice throughout the interview process - and shortly after the post was up, our membership committee met, and voted rather UNANIMOUSLY to extend a membership to Blair.

For those of you who follow The Big Break, you probably noticed that early on Blair was sort of considered "just a pretty face", and was not given much of a chance - while we can surely understand the former, the latter has turned out to be far from the truth. After 5 people have been booted from the show, our girl Blair is still there kickin azz and takin' names... However, that is not the big news.

On Monday May 18th, there was a little event at the Phoenix Country Club - called the U.S Women's Open local qualifier. Entered in the event was none other than the lovely and talented Blair O'Neal. I won't make you wait any longer to learn what all the excitement is about here at BCC - Blair rocked the house, shooting a cool 3 over par 75 to QUALIFY FOR THE SECTIONALS ! To show Blair our support, the members have voted to sponsor Blair in the sectionals - that's right - we have assessed our members and will be paying her entry fee into the US Women's Open Sectional.

We caught up with Blair today, and asked her a few questions about the local qualifier:

Cash: First of all, congrats on takin' some names at the Phoenix CC this weekend. We were cheering hard and long for you! Tell us a little about it.
Blair: Thanks for the Congrats. I had an awesome day - it was a little nerve wracking at times, but I am happy with the result.
Cash: How did you start the round ?
Blair: Oddly, I started off not so well - I hit my first drive into a fairway bunker, and eventually double bogeyed the hole ! UGH! But then, I settled down and put together a string of pars.
Cash:When was your first birdie ?
Blair: On my 9th hole (actually the par 5 #18) b/c I started on the back 9), I hit a great drive, laid up with a 6 iron, and was about 100 yards out. From there, I hit my approach to about a foot - that gave me a lot of momentum for the last nine holes. I also had one of my good friends from high school caddying for me - so she helped keep me focused on the moment.
Cash: What was the layout like ?
Blair: The course played pretty long - probably 6,600 yards or so - which helped me because I was able to use my distance off the tee to my advantage. The greens were very fast,but in great condition - so I was rolling the ball pretty well. Oh, and it 107 degrees at around 1:00 !
Cash: OMG - that's ridiculous ! So what's next up ?
Blair: Well, I selected the Maryland site for playing in the sectionals. I have some friends in the area, and I think the course sets up well for me - so hopefully I will play well, and make it into the U.S. Open.
Cash: Well, everyone here is cheering hard for you - we are all proud of how well you are playing. It's obvious that the hard work you told us about earlier is really paying off for you. I gotta tell you one final story - I was playing last week and one of my partners brought along his 13 year old son named Caleb. When I told him about Bushwood, and that you were a member here he almost melted.
Blair: Melted ?
Cash: His immediate response was this "Blair is the PERFECT woman - she is a model, she plays golf, and she is HOTTT! I wish could meet her !". I told him I would ask you to send him one of your famous autographed photos - can we do that ?
Blair: Sure..I'm happy to !
Cash: Blair, thanks again for your time. Always nice talking to you - and keep on rockin !
Ok gang, that's it from BCC today. Keep watching and cheering for our homegirl Blair O'Neal, and check her out at

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Layakkah JK, Megawati dan SBY Menjadi Presiden ?

Oleh : Ramlan Nugraha
Ketua Departemen Kebijakan Publik
KAMMI Wilayah Jawa Barat Periode 2008-2010

Kata Pengantar

Pada awalnya, judul tulisan diatas adalah “Mengapa kami menolak JK, Megawati dan SBY ?”. Hal tersebut didasarkan atas adanya hasrat dari penulis sebagai bagian dari gerakan mahasiswa yang mempunyai sebuah argumentasi penolakan dalam perspektif ilmiah dan realistis dalam memandang kondisi politik hari ini yaitu Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres) 2009.

Tetapi pada akhirnya, penulis meyakini bahwa judul tersebut akan menimbulkan ketidakseimbangan pemunculan pemikiran personal, karena lebih mengedepankan pendapat penulis sendiri. Kesan pasif mungkin akan lebih dominan apabila judul tulisan ini seperti semula, tidak mengalami perubahan seperti halnya sekarang. Penulis tidak begitu faham tentang istilah jurnalistiknya, tetapi dalam bahasa penulis, kami berharap ada “dua sisi” cara pandang ketika memahami isi tulisan ini. Tidak hanya “satu sisi” saja, yaitu dari sudut penulis. Intinya, ada sebuah ruang dimana tulisan ini memunculkan nalar dialogis personal (dialog monologis) bagi siapapun yang membacanya.

Setiap ide dan gagasan yang didalamnya tersirat secuil kebaikan pun tidak lepas dari berbagai lontaran baik yang bersifat membangun ataupun pedas tanpa makna. Kita berharap bahwa di dalam gerakan ini setiap ide dan gagasan bukanlah sebuah tabu ataupun “pelit” untuk dibagikan, tapi hal yang sangat biasa untuk didiskusikan. Bukankah mulai dari hal ini, harapan besar untuk membangun ummat bisa tercapai ? tentu sekali lagi bukan yang pedas tanpa makna.

Menakar Kualitas Partai Politik

Menakar kualitas produk berupa kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh partai politik adalah hak setiap warga negara, tidak terkecuali gerakan mahasiswa. Malah dalam hal ini gerakan mahasiswa mempunyai fungsi controlling dan pengawasan yang lebih independen dan “menggigit” dibandingkan dengan lingkup perseorangan. Posisinya yang netral diimbangi dengan kekuatan intelektual menjadi alasan awal kenapa suara gerakan mahasiswa sangat diperhatikan. Tetapi alangkah sayangnya, jika kepercayaan yang diberikan ini terdegradasi hanya diakibatkan oleh segelintir oknum yang sebenarnya dia adalah biang kerok penyebab kehancuran dari sebuah gerakan.

Salah satu kebijakan partai politik menghadapi Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres) Juli mendatang adalah terkait dengan koalisi dan pencalonan calon presiden. Peta partai politik hari ini sudah bisa kita lihat dengan indikator mereka bergabung dengan koalisi mana ? Apakah koalisi JK-Win, Mega-Pro Rakyat ataukah SBY Berbudi Luhur ? Landasan koalisi yang mereka jelaskan kepada publik adalah persamaan platform, adanya visi yang sama dalam membangun bangsa lima tahun ke depan. Walaupun pada kenyataannya, sudah bukan rahasia umum lagi bahwa koalisi yang dibangun hanya berdasarkan bagi-bagi kekuasaan. Apa buktinya ?

Pertama, partai politik tidak secara jelas dan detail memberitahukan kepada publik bahkan mungkin para konstituennya tentang apa landasan/dasar mereka bergabung dengan sebuah koalisi ataupun mendukung Capres dan Cawapres tertentu, kedua, Interpretasi komunikasi politik yang dilakukan parpol hanya tertuju pada peningkatan daya tawar agar si calon yang diusung sebuah parpol –misal- menjadi Cawapres si X, ketiga, pengakuan beberapa elit pengurus partai politik yang sedang ditimpa konflik internal mengakui bahwa proses politik yang terjadi hanya dilandasi semangat mencari jabatan saja, keempat, penilaian publik tentang nilai-nilai moralitas awal yang diusung oleh sebuah parpol pada akhirnya nilai-nilai tersebut habis tergerus dengan alasan melihat kondisi realita-empiris keadaan.

Koalisi yang dibangun sangat memperlihatkan betapa ideologi parpol tidak dijadikan syarat utama untuk menjadi landasan dalam berkoalisi. Partai dengan ideologi berbeda hari ini bisa bersatu dan menyatakan kesiapannya untuk bulat dalam satu barisan. Semisal, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) yang notabene mempunyai garis perjuangan menegakkan Islam duduk bersama dengan Partai Damai Sejahtera (PDS) yang selama ini mempunyai rel perjuangan yang berbeda. Lupakah para elit parpol Islam tentang firman Allah SWT :

‘Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak akan senang kepada kamu hingga kamu mengikuti agama mereka. Katakanlah : Sesungguhnya petunjuk Allah itulah petunjuk (yang benar). Dan sesungguhnya jika kamu mengikuti kemauan mereka setelah pengetahuan datang kepadamu, maka Allah tidak lagi menjadi pelindung dan penolong bagimu. (Al-Baqarah : 120)

Koalisi yang mengagungkan isu kebangsaan dengan alasan pluralitas dalam keberagaman bangsa, pada akhirnya hanya akan terperosok pada lubang kehancuran. Karena pada hakikatnya, faktor ideologilah yang menjadi pembeda antara kebenaran dan kebathilan. Karena ideologilah, parpol Islam seharusnya lantang untuk memperjuangkan dan menegakkan Islam. Bukan sebaliknya, mencari beribu alasan untuk menunjukkan bahwa dirinya bertindak di jalan kebenaran. Mereka mencoba mencitrakan kebenaran, tapi pada dasarnya hanya kebodohanlah yang mereka pertahankan.

Sejalan dengan itu, pencalonan JK, Megawati dan SBY sebagai Calon Presiden merupakan kebijakan signifikan yang dikeluarkan oleh setiap parpol pengusungnya. Secara sadar semua parpol membawa arah bangsa ini ke arah gerontokrasi kepemimpinan. Gerontokrasi adalah pemerintahan yang dijalankan oleh orang-orang tua. Ini bukti bahwa semua parpol tidak mempunyai itikad untuk mewujudkan regenerasi kepemimpinan nasional. Pertanyaan berikutnya adalah apakah perlu kita selaku gerakan mahasiswa melakukan rekonsiliasi dengan mereka, parpol para pengusung gerontokrasi, yang memacetkan negeri ini dalam mewujudkan regenerasi kepemimpinan nasional yang lebih baik ?

Ini penilaian objektif kita terhadap parpol bung ! bukan sekedar tolak-menolak lantas diam begitu saja. Akan sangat kerdil kalau kita hanya berpendapat bahwa gerakan mahasiswa bisanya hanya sekedar menolak semua capres lantas tidak ada solusi untuk bangsa. Ironi, sungguh pemikiran yang salah kaprah.

Pada akhirnya, tolong jujur Anda katakan bila disodorkan sebuah pertanyaan, “Layakkah JK, Megawati dan SBY Menjadi Presiden ? Apa jawaban Anda ?

Fungsi GM : Controlling dan Pengawasan

Fungsi ini merupakan salah satu indikator, yang bisa menunjukkan apakah gerakan mahasiswa masih hidup atau mati ? Sebagai salah satu bagian dari sektor ketiga, gerakan mahasiswa ambil bagian dalam aspek penyeimbang, untuk mewujudkan kondisi pemerintahan yang baik (good governance).

Oleh karena itu, sikap yang dikeluarkan oleh gerakan mahasiswa secara eksplisit menunjukkan tekad dan keinginannya dalam membangun pemerintahan yang baik melalui fungsi controlling dan pengawasannya. Fungsi ini sekali lagi, bisa dilakukan dengan penilaian kita terhadap kualitas produk berupa kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh setiap partai politik. Bagi pihak yang faham hal ini, tentu fungsi parpol sebagai wadah aspirasi rakyat, dan gerakan mahasiswa adalah salah satu bagian dari rakyat, maka suara yang diserukan oleh gerakan mahasiswa kepada partai politik seharusnya ditanggapi positif sebagai sebuah masukan yang membangun, baik itu kritik maupun saran. Artinya, jika para elit menggembor-gemborkan yang namanya wahana demokrasi, maka sikap yang dikeluarkan oleh gerakan mahasiswa baik itu berupa kritik maupun saran merupakan sebuah ajang dimana itu adalah proses membangun wahana demokrasi. Bukan sebaliknya, ditanggapi dengan negatif sambil memaki sana-sini.

Peran memberi peringatan (tadzkirah) kepada partai politik pun menjadi bagian dari urgensi sikap gerakan mahasiswa. Apabila pemerintahan tidak ada yang mengimbangi, maka rezim otoriter akan kembali menguasai negeri ini. Parpol harus diingatkan terkait dengan produk kebijakan yang mereka keluarkan, harus ada pembanding sebagai bagian dari proses intelektualitas bangsa ini.

Sikap gentle pun harus kita kedepankan ketika semua parpol mempunyai sikap yang berbeda dengan kita. begitu juga sebaliknya. Oleh karena itu, ketika parpol di Republik ini mengusung JK, Megawati dan SBY sebagai Capres yang akan maju nanti, maka kita selaku gerakan mahasiwa mempunyai penilaian sendiri terkait dengan hal ini. Sekali lagi, ini bukan soal tolak menolak bung ! tapi ini adalah bagian dari komitmen gerakan mahasiswa untuk jujur terhadap kondisi bangsanya sendiri. Dan bagi kami, masyarakat dan siapapun mesti tahu dengan sikap dan penilaian ini. Karena ini bagian daripada dakwah kami !!

Sikap KAMMI Jawa Barat

Hasil kajian Departemen Kebijakan Publik KAMMI Jawa Barat mengerucutkan opsi tentang sikap yang kami ambil pada 2 (dua) point. Pernyataan sikap tersebut telah kami sampaikan kepada publik, melalui media massa maupun cetak. Implikasi dari itu semua adalah kita mencoba menjalankan sebaik-baiknya fungsi gerakan mahasiswa sebagai controlling dan pengawas.

Efek dari hal ini tentu sangat banyak sekali. Contoh, secara implisit kami mengingatkan kepada semua partai politik untuk memihak kepada kepntingan rakyat dan konsisten dengan nilai-nilai moralitas yang diusungnya, tidak terjebak hanya sekedar bagi-bagi kekuasaan saja. Sikap ini juga setidaknya akan memberikan pengaruh kepada para konstituen parpol untuk menilai kualitas kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh parpolnya masing-masing. Dengan sikap ini kita pun mengajak kepada segenap masyarakat, khususnya di Jawa Barat untuk menilai proses yang dilakukan oleh semua parpol.

Salah satu penyampaian sikap yang dilakukan adalah melaksanakan demonstrasi pada Jum’at (15/5) kemarin, bertepatan dengan momentum deklarasi SBY-Boediono di Sabuga ITB, Bandung. Sebagai catatan, pemberitaan media dan beberapa pihak terkait dengan demonstrasi yang dilakukan oleh KAMMI Jawa Barat tersebut sangat terlihat janggal. Content yang diberitakan kepada publik terkesan mengarahkan bahwa sikap yang dikeluarkan oleh kami hanya terfokus pada Anti Neoliberalisme. Pemberitaan ini sangat tendensius sehingga opini yang beredar tertuju pada Boediono saja. Isu tentang Anti Neoliberalisme juga seakan memberikan keuntungan kepada pasangan JK-Win, karena isu ini hanya santer pada 2 (dua) pasangan saja, yaitu SBY-Boediono dan Megawati-Prabowo.

Padahal dalam kenyataannya, sejak awal KAMMI Jawa Barat menyatakan sikap, pertama, menolak dengan tegas semua calon presiden, yaitu JK, Megawati dan SBY karena mereka adalah pemimpin gagal, kedua, Kita juga mengecam semua partai politik karena tidak mempunyai etika politik yang baik dan mengkhianati suara rakyat. Etika politik ini didasarkan pada carut-marutnya proses koalisi yang hanya tertuju pada bagi-bagi kekuasaan saja. Oleh karena itu, isu neoliberalisme atau Anti-Boediono bukanlah isu utama yang kami sampaikan kepada masyarakat.

Pasca disampaikannya pernyataan sikap ini, pro dan kontra muncul bergantian. Beberapa diantaranya adalah, pertama, dilihat dari indikator publikasi. Misal, pada keesokan harinya surat kabar lokal terbesar di Jawa Barat dengan inisial depan “P” untuk kesekian kalinya tidak memberitakan satupun tentang demonstrasi ini. Padahal dari sudut timing dan content, aksi ini sangat tepat momentumnya dan cukup menggigit. Kedua, Tanpa ada kesan menggeneralisir, pasca penyampaian sikap yang dilakukan banyak pihak terutama dari kalangan partai politik yang mempertanyakan hal ini. Bahkan, salah seorang pengurus pusat sebuah parpol Islam langsung memberikan statementnya kepada saya lewat sebuah pesan pendek, “Lantas Ente maunya apa?”. Saya jawab, “Gerakan Mahasiswa berharap partai politik bisa memihak kepada rakyat, bukan mementingkan urusan perutnya sendiri. Salam.”. Di sisi lain, kami pun memberikan apresiasi yang tinggi kepada beberapa rekan media yang telah fair memberitakan sikap kami ini.

Alasan Penolakan

Beberapa alasan menjadi point awal kenapa kami menolak semua kandidat yang akan maju pada Pilpres Juli mendatang. Point-point tersebut sudah kami jelaskan lewat pernyataan sikap yang kami sampaikan. Hanya bermaksud untuk mengingatkan, point-point tersebut antara lain :

Fakta membuktikan bahwa para calon presiden yang akan maju pada Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres) Juli mendatang yaitu Jusuf Kalla, Megawati dan SBY telah menunjukkan rekam jejak kegagalan mengemban amanah reformasi. Beberapa hal diantaranya :

1. Penjualan aset–aset strategis bangsa seperti Indosat, PT Garuda Indonesia, PTPN III, IV, VII, PT Krakatau Steel dan PT Bank Tabungan Negara;

2. Kasus pelanggaran HAM seperti kasus Munir ;

3. Keterlibatan dalam agenda pemiskinan rakyat yang menyebabkan negara ini pada 31 Januari 2009 mempunyai utang negara sampai Rp 1.667 triliun (data dari Dirjen Pengelolaan Utang Depkeu) ;

4. Selain itu, berbagai kasus fenomenal seperti lumpur Lapindo yang sampai saat ini belum juga memperlihatkan penanganan cukup berarti sehingga membuat rakyat semakin menderita ;

5. Intervensi asing pun sangat terlihat nyata pada masa kepemimpinan SBY-JK. Baru-baru ini, pada 2 Mei 2009 di Bali, Indonesia mendapat pinjaman program dari Asia Development Bank (ADB) senilai US$ 750 juta dan US$ 1 miliar sebagai pinjaman siaga. Dengan pinjaman ini, Indonesia dinyatakan sebagai salah satu pengguna dana terbesar dari ADB. Padahal, dibalik itu semua sudah bukan rahasia umum lagi bahwa keberadaan ADB dan lembaga keuangan internasional lainnya pada dasarnya hanya untuk menguasai dan mengendalikan negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Hal Ini menunjukkan bahwa harkat dan martabat negara ini telah diobral untuk diobok–obok melalui kekuatan ekonomi asing.

Fatwa Ulama

Sebelum pemilihan legislatif (pileg) kemarin, negeri ini seakan gempar dengan fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Pusat terkait dengan Memilih dalam Pemilihan Umum. Media pun kontan rame-rame membuat headline besar pada cover depannya tentang ‘MUI Keluarkan Fatwa Haram untuk Golput.”. Para elit parpol, tokoh masyarakat bahkan para mahasiswa hilir mudik memberikan komentarnya tentang hal ini. Terlepas dari benar atau tidaknya, sungguh sangat ironi bagi mereka –khususnya para akademisi- ketika banyak yang memberikan komentar tapi ternyata tidak mengetahui secara pasti isi dari fatwa MUI tersebut.

Pada dasarnya isi fatwa yang disahkan MUI dalam rapat Komisi Masail Asasiyah Wathaniyah di Padang Sumatera Barat beberapa bulan yang lalu terlihat ada perbedaan dengan pemberitaan yang dilakukan oleh media. Media sangat santer menyebutkan bahwa MUI mengeluarkan fatwa haram untuk golput (golongan putih/ tidak mau memilih), pemberitaan tersebut disampaikan tanpa menyampaikan butir-butir fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh MUI.

Mari kita cermati kembali beberapa point krusial yang dikeluarkan MUI terkait dengan fatwa memilih dalam Pemilihan Umum, diantaranya :

• Butir ke-4 fatwa berbunyi :

“Memilih pemimpin yang beriman dan bertaqwa, jujur (shiddiq), terpercaya (amanah), aktif dan aspiratif (tabligh), mempunyai kemampuan (fathanah), dan memperjuangkan kepentingan umat Islam”.

• Butir ke-5 fatwa berbunyi :

“Memilih pemimpin yang tidak memenuhi syarat-syarat tadi hukumnya haram. Begitu juga jika kita tidak mau memilih padahal ada calon yang memenuhi syarat-syarat tadi, hukumnya haram”.

Ini artinya propaganda fatwa haram golput pada dasarnya tidak sepenuhnya mencerminkan dari isi fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh MUI. Ini hanya permainan, tak-tik dari beberapa pihak yang ingin memecah belah umat Islam.

Atas dasar itu, terkait dengan para calon presiden yang akan maju dalam Pilpres nanti, apakah mereka adalah orang-orang yang termasuk dalam kriteria yang disebutkan pada butir ke-4 tadi ? Apakah kita yakin bahwa mereka, yang akan kita pilih nanti pada Pilpres mendatang adalah orang yang memiliki kemampuan dan mau untuk memperjuangkan dan menegakkan kepentingan umat Islam ?

Wallahu’alam bishshawab.

Bandung, 17 Mei 2009

Candeeiro Suspenso

Candeeiro suspenso, minimalista, elegante e circular de grandes dimensões, composto por 2 elementos semelhantes a 2 conchas, fechando a estrutura num jogo de encaixe. Esta forma singular permite a difusão uniforme da luz por toda a sua superficie. Ideal para espaços bastante amplos ou contract. Disponivel em branco / branco ou preto / branco. Com 2 lampadas redondas, uma de luz fria e outra de luz quente. Entrega imediata.

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Cascais / Portugal

Sunday, May 17, 2009



Percaturan politik yang terjadi pasca pemilihan legislatif semakin menunjukkan kepragmatisan kekuasaaan. Kekuasaan menjadi ajang pembicaraan para elit beserta semua partai politik dengan satu tema “politik dagang sapi”. Tingkah laku yang ditunjukkan oleh mereka hanya berfokus pada orientasi posisi, prediksi kemenangan dan saling jegal antar lawan. Sementara di sisi lain, faktor ideologi, kepentingan rakyat dan agenda pembangunan tidak pernah dijadikan landasan. Suara rakyat dalam proses legislatif hanya menjadi komoditas dan modal untuk berbagi kekuasaan.

KAMMI Wilayah Jawa Barat menyakini bahwa agenda mendesak rakyat harus menjadi landasan pembangunan Indonesia. Fakta membuktikan bahwa para calon presiden yang akan maju pada Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres) Juli mendatang yaitu Jusuf Kalla, Megawati dan SBY telah menunjukkan rekam jejak kegagalan mengemban amanah reformasi. Beberapa hal diantaranya pertama, penjualan aset–aset strategis bangsa seperti Indosat, PT Garuda Indonesia, PTPN III, IV, VII, PT Krakatau Steel dan PT Bank Tabungan Negara, kedua, kasus pelanggaran HAM seperti kasus Munir dan ketiga, keterlibatan dalam agenda pemiskinan rakyat yang menyebabkan negara ini pada 31 Januari 2009 mempunyai utang negara sampai Rp 1.667 triliun (data dari Dirjen Pengelolaan Utang Depkeu). Selain itu, berbagai kasus fenomenal seperti lumpur Lapindo yang sampai saat ini belum juga memperlihatkan penanganan cukup berarti sehingga membuat rakyat semakin menderita.

Intervensi asing pun sangat terlihat nyata pada masa kepemimpinan SBY-JK. Baru-baru ini, pada 2 Mei 2009 di Bali, Indonesia mendapat pinjaman program dari Asia Development Bank (ADB) senilai US$ 750 juta dan US$ 1 miliar sebagai pinjaman siaga. Dengan pinjaman ini, Indonesia dinyatakan sebagai salah satu pengguna dana terbesar dari ADB. Padahal, dibalik itu semua sudah bukan rahasia umum lagi bahwa keberadaan ADB dan lembaga keuangan internasional lainnya pada dasarnya hanya untuk menguasai dan mengendalikan negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Hal Ini menunjukkan bahwa harkat dan martabat negara ini telah diobral untuk diobok–obok melalui kekuatan ekonomi asing.

Atas dasar tersebut, maka dengan ini KAMMI Wilayah Jawa Barat menyatakan sikap :

1. Menolak para pemimpin gagal yaitu JK, Megawati dan SBY untuk memimpin Indonesia.

2. Mengecam semua partai politik karena tidak memiliki etika politik yang baik dan telah mengkhianati suara rakyat.

Demikian pernyataan sikap ini kami sampaikan, semoga Allah SWT memberikan rahmat dan karunia-Nya kepada kita semua dan menjadikan negeri ini baldatun thoyibatun wa rabbun ghaffur. Amin.

Bandung, 14 Mei 2009 M/18 Jumadil Ula 1430 H.


(Ketua Umum)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Bancos Contract

Banco Desenhado por James Irvine, onde o metal é o material dominante, elegante nas suas curvas, com um apoio ergonomico para os pés. Ideal para contract, bares, restaurantes, hoteis ou para sua casa. Disponiveis com o assento oval ou redondo, em pele ou tecido. Tem um sistema ajustavel em altura.

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Telf: 214 867 378
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Cascais / Portugal

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Sofás modernos, com design italiano, muito confortáveis e disponíveis em vários acabamentos.
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Cascais / Portugal

Dudes Messin' with John Daly - FAIL

I came across story today on John Daly (imagine that!). Martin Rogers has written a pretty slanted attack on Long John Daly over at Devil Ball Golf .  The article calls into question everything from Daly's golf attire (provided by LoudMouth Golf - check em out !) to his attempts to right his financial situation.  While Devil Ball is usually written by Jay Busbee, a dude who I like a lot, and is a real leader in the golf blogosphere, I suppose they have given a guest editor a shot today.
Judging by the comments to this post, a "SHOT" is something Martin is likely to get if he shows his face anywhere - likely the 12 gauge kind.  His take on Daly's comeback is clearly less than flattering, and he has angered a ton of people in only a couple of hours.  Here are a few of the choice comments from the readers:
  • why don't you actually do some reporting on the entire story, rather than just harping all over him. you're a douchebag and it's getting really old. how about some comparisons between the how difficult an italian course plays as compared to the courses the pga plays on. how about some insight on the competition he faced in that tournament? how good are they? how do they stack up against the pga? it gets [explicative] old listening to you constantly harp on daly. i understand that is what the media is all about these days because they feel so inadequate about their own choices in life, but please stop it already.
  • I'm sure this Martin is desperate for attention, pissing people off, Bad example for young writers, to learn that putting people, when they are down, is good writing. That you can have a job, or keep your job, That's a shame, or a scheme, for readers to respond, I'm writing or responding to this idiocracy. My advice to you Martin, is to practice cleaning toilets, Coz that's where you going, Good Luck John, Congrats!! and Good Luck in the European tour, You are the Man!!
  • Hey Martin, I think you've exposed yourself as just another freeloader trying to get some attention on the back of JD. It's funny how many unknown writers have come out in the last couple of weeks with stories about how Tiger is done and John Daly is a "freak show." Yeah, he's a freak show with 2 major championships, you douche bag. Fact is, John moves the needle in golf. Now that he's playing well, LOTS of people care, you included, apparently. If you had a big event with John, Tiger and Phil playing in different groups, who would have the smallest gallery? Hint: It wouldn't be John or Tiger. Yahoo, please stop publishing these outlandish and ridiculous columns from no-name writers trying to get attention. PLEASE.
  • 'Sad? Yes, but also proof that Daly no longer has any pride left, whatever his financial state.' Are you serious with this statement? Could it be that he has come to realize the sitiation he as put himself in and is taking steps to improve things? Seems to me that he attempting to change because he has some pride left. What is sad is that we are burying people before they pass. He just may be giving everyone what they have been hounding him about for years and they still aren't happy. That isn't a reflection on JD, my friend.
There are a ton more comments  - and perhaps the most interesting thing is that not ONE PERSON agrees with the Rogers take on JD.  Now, I am no professional journalist - but a 0 percent success rate tells me maybe it's time Mr. Rogers decided write about lacrosse or something.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sikap KAMMI Pusat Mengecewakan !

Oleh : Ramlan Nugraha
Ketua Departemen Kebijakan Publik
KAMMI Wilayah Jawa Barat Periode 2008-2010

Pernyataan sikap KAMMI yang disampaikan langsung oleh Saudara Ketua Umum, Rahmantoha Budiarto di Tv One pada Selasa pagi, 12 Mei kemarin seolah menjadi indikasi bahwa gerakan mahasiswa tidak ubahnya seperti kuda tunggangan para elite politik yang sedang berkuasa.

Dalam perspektif content yang diangkat, kita melihat ada satu kesefahaman diantara kita bahwa Capres dan Cawapres yang mendukung neoliberalisme dan titipan asing tidak layak untuk memimpin bangsa ini. Dalam hal ini jelas prinsip fairness dan independent telah ditunjukkan oleh KAMMI sebagai bagian dari gerakan mahasiswa.

Tetapi dalam perspektif kondisi politik kontemporer yang sedang terjadi, sungguh sangat disayangkan statement yang disampaikan menunjukkan adanya logika politis bahwa KAMMI telah masuk dalam ranah depak-mendepak dan dukung-mendukung Capres dan Cawapres tertentu.

Dalam beberapa hari ini, publik dengan jelas bisa melihat kekisruhan yang sedang terjadi di dalam internal koalisi besar (PD,PKS,PAN,PPP dan PKB). Masalah tersebut timbul ketika SBY selaku Calon Presiden dari koalisi ini memberikan signal untuk memilih Boediono sebagai Cawapresnya. Jelas hal ini mengundang protes dari semua parpol dalam koalisi, karena mereka kadung telah memberikan opsi nama-nama Cawapresnya kepada SBY. Proses komunikasi politik SBY dan Partai Demokrat yang dianggap tidak transparan dalam menentukan Cawapres seolah menumbuhkan kembali rezim kediktatoran di Republik ini. Tetapi alih-alih untuk mendapatkan jawaban dan rasionalisasi yang jelas, kritik pedas parpol-parpol tersebut tak ubahnya dianggap angin lalu oleh SBY.

Hari-hari ini merupakan bagian dari tahapan titik klimaks politik bagi parpol yang bergabung dalam koalisi pengusung SBY. Para pengurus pusat dari PKS,PAN,PPP dan PKB hampir setiap hari hilir mudik memberikan pendapat dan komentarnya terkait dengan sikap PD dalam hal ini SBY tentang komitmennya dalam proses demokrasi koalisi besar ini. Tidak jarang kita melihat, nada-nada kekecewaan terlihat jelas dari muka para elite parpol-parpol ini.

Di saat klimaks inilah, teman-teman KAMMI Pusat yang sebelumnya telah mengagendakan rekonsialiasi nasional dan bersiap melakukan komunikasi politik dengan siapapun yang akan menjadi Capres dan Cawapres nanti, bahkan bersiap juga bertukar pikiran dengan para calon menteri tentang mazhab kebijakannya, tampil menyuarakan agar masyarakat tidak memilih Capres dan Cawapres pengusung neoliberalisme dan titipan asing. Jelas, publik melihat hal ini merupakan fact campaign kepada Boediono selaku Cawapres yang kemungkinan besar dipilih oleh SBY. Sekali lagi, dilihat dari perspektif content kita ada persamaan, tetapi dari sudut timing politic sungguh sangat disayangkan hal ini dilakukan oleh organisasi sebesar KAMMI. Harga politik yang sangat mahal bagi ukuran KAMMI.

Langkah ini tentu sangat kontradiktif dengan pernyataan sikap sebelumnya yang menyatakan bahwa KAMMI akan melakukan komunikasi politik dengan para Capres dan Cawapres siapapun itu dan darimana pun partainya. Dengan statement terbaru ini, tentu akan menimbulkan sedikit gap dan friction hubungan yang akan dibangun dalam proses langkah politik selanjutnya.

Atas nama pribadi, saya sangat menyayangkan sikap yang telah dilakukan oleh teman-teman KAMMI Pusat. Kita berharap, tahapan demokrasi ini tidak membuat kita terjerat dalam kubangan-kubangan pragmatisme semata. Ada langkah strategis yang seharusnya dilakukan sebuah gerakan mahasiswa dalam mengarahkan bangsa dan negara ini ke jalur yang lebih baik.

Sebagai penutup, mohon maaf bila ada redaksi kata yang kurang berkenan. Tanpa bermaksud menyudutkan siapapun, tulisan ini murni untuk perbaikan dan kemaslahatan organisasi. Kritik dan saran yang sifatnya membangun, sangat diharapkan demi kemajuan dan kedewasaan kita dalam berorganisasi. Salam Mahasiswa !

Wallahu’alam bishshawab.
Bandung, 13 Mei 2009

Whitey Ford (actually Shane B.) and What It's Like ....

Forgive me for co-opting (sort of) the name of an Everlast record there - below is a link to a great post from my man Shane Bacon about what it's REALLY like to play some tournament golf...

Props to Shane B. for having the ballz to go for it...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Carl Spackler and The Sawgrass Redemption

The Patient...................The Doctor.....................The Solution

Hopefully, lots of you got to watch THE PLAYERS CHAMPIONSHIP this weekend. Plenty of good golf, and a fair amount of drama. For the last several years THE PLAYERS has really pushed itself as the "5th Major"-complete with some pretty,um,outlandish quotes in their commercials. As challenging as the course is, complete with the controversial 17th hole (some love it, others say it is gimmicky), there was something that was pretty obvious this year...something that requires Bushwood's (recently promoted) Head Greenskeeper, Carl Spackler to get involved.
There were many,many areas of the course that looked flat out crappy this year - I mean dead,brown,middle of a drought, subject to spontaneous combustion bad. None were more obvious than the greens on Sunday - which looked like (and played like) brownish concrete with a little green overspray. I get it that the folks at TPC Sawgrass wanted to make the greens "fast and challenging" and the pin placements tough - but they went way beyond that. When a PLAYER who is competing at THE PLAYERS lands a shot ON the green, I don't think it is unreasonable for a PLAYER to expect the ball to bite just a little, and stay on the green. I counted about 30 examples of what looked like good shots (short or mid irons, struck well, landed on the front of the green) which hit the green, and rolled clean off the back. I don't buy the argument that having "KFC extra crispy" greens is the only way to make 'em fast - hell, the folks at Augusta don't seem to have a problem with super fast greens that are receptive to good shots.
Apparently, I am not the only one who noticed this - because the folks from Sawgrass called Bushwood last night. They said they were deluged with calls from PLAYERS and fans alike - all of whom requested that we dispatch Carl Spackler down to the sunshine state to cure what ails 'em. Early this morning, Carl loaded up a semi full of bales of pallets of his custom blend Spackler Turf Grass. He was smoking digging up some samples of it for the folks down south, and planning to get started immediately on their greens. I'm sure the addition of his invention will make the greens at Sawgrass much smoother and mellower more receptive to those high flying approach shots right away!

It isn't surprising...

... that 'Status Indians' face threat of extinction, since the Indian Act was implemented specifically for the purpose of eradicating indigenous peoples and culture. Indian Status was designed to reduce the Indian population, a neat solution to the "Indian Problem".

Within a few generations, it was assumed, the Indian population would nearly disappear. This was ensured through the restrictive nature of Indian Status: an indigenous woman who married a white man lost her status, as did her children, plus if you were enfranchised to vote or got a university education you were no longer considered an Indian.

In the past 40 years there have been many changes to the Indian Act, some positive and some negative, but most aboriginals in Canada are unable to access the benefits of the Act, while dealing with many of the negative consequences of their heritage. Canadians often display an incredible degree of racism, particularly towards aboriginal individuals and groups. Don't believe me? Just read the comments on the Star article, if you can stomach it.

Personally, I can't imagine if the government was able to decide for me who I am (legally speaking). Imagine they all of a sudden decreed that only those with two Christian parents could be Christian, or that those women who vote were no longer legally women, or that men who go to university are no longer legally men, or if you have a slice of pizza you are now Italian.

Also see How the Indian Act made Indians act like Indian Act Indians

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

An Elevator Ride at Bushwood CC...

WARNING - What follows is Bushwood's first foray into a quasi-political issue. What I say may anger you, upset you,or make you laugh. However, take note that I am simply EXERCISING MY RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH.

Sadly, the current (political,media,social,whatever) climate is now managed by folks who seems to have forgotten that the first amendment applies to ALL Americans (as my man Ice T once said "freedom of speech,just watch how you use it) - regardless of whether they are in vogue or not. That means Wanda Sykes or Wanda at WalMart, David Feherty or David Brinkley, Tom Cruise or Tom Sawyer - ALL have a right to express their opinions.
Last week,news of some comments that David Feherty made to D magazine surfaced. In case you have been under a rock since then, Fehertry made some colorful (humorous,I thought - others say disrespectful)comments about a couple of politicians who are (presently) in leadership positions within their political party. In essence, he said that based on his actual experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan,our soldiers don't think much of these two people (Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid). Subsequently, David was widely criticized and skewered by the media for his fact-based observations. Sadly, this criticism failed to give much consideration to two important facts:
  1. He was exercising his 1st Amendment rights.
  2. He based his comment on FACTS gathered in discussions with US Soldiers - thus,he was simply reporting accurate information (I suppose one could allege that hewas just lying,but then he is not running for office, so what are the odds of that)
In an effort to verify #1, I checked - and thankfully, no one has managed to amend or delete that provision in the constitution. To check out #2, I emailed 3 friends who are serving active duty at this time. Without exception, they expressed a, um, "no confidence"(that's being pretty damn mild,btw) vote in Pelosi and Reid - no big surprise, since these two elected officials have been anything BUT supporters of our troops.

Personally, I think both political parties have anything BUT the interest of the average American in mind - so this is not a politically biased commentary. However, it IS sad when someone gets chastised for simply speaking the truth. As for Mr. Feherty, I hope he does notlet this in any way impact his great golf reporting OR his full and complete support of our brave soldiers. They are, after all, the ones who help ensure that we get to keep our rights as promised by the framers of the Constitution.
Now,if David had asked me the question...well, lets just say that the world would be a better place after those elevator doors opened...regardless of how many people got off.