Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Ok, so I’ve been gone for a while. I’m not gonna bore you with the reasons…but I will catch you up on what’s transpired in my (golfing) life since then. Here goes…..

(1) TGC Amateur Tour National Championship (October) - A humbling experience. Note to self for 2009 – if you qualify again, try to play more than ONCE in the 5 weeks leading up to the event. Fun event, but a sad performance by yours truly. (Cool footnote – I met a fellow blogger, the author of “a twenty something’s golf blog” while I was walking to the scorer’s table. Tip of the hat to you Andrea and best wishes to you and your Mom).
(2)Switched drivers – After making fun of TaylorMade ( my driver of choice for 15 years) for pumping out FOUR different drivers in 2008, I switched from the Tour Burner to the R7 Limited…and as cliché as this sounds, I really like my new weapon. Altho it’s likely related to the kick a$$ Ozik Matrix Xcon shaft, I think I have finally found a combo that delivers the trajectory and distance combo I am looking for,
(3) Switched putters – I’ve been a Scotty Cameron fan for a long time – using various SC putters for the past 10 years or so. I was, however, torn between my affinity for Cameron flatsticks and my preference for mallet heads. The “red X” just did not do it for me, so I had been using various Newports for the last couple of years (1.5 and 2.5 – I like the flowing neck…). Enter the “Fastback” – I was even able to snag one of the SC custom made “heavy” versions, and it is SWEET.
(4) After years of struggling with weight transfer, hitting “the big ball (ground) before hitting the little ball(the white one)”, inconsistent iron play, and working with various coaches - I happened upon the “Stack and Tilt”. I’ve just started trying to use this, and don’t know if I will be able to do ALL that they two guys recommend – BUT, my early results are SUPER encouraging. Much better iron shots (even in the longer irons), crisp contact, and better distance. Stay tuned, as I will be doing an ongoing series of posts on my progress with the S&T.
(5) Switched golf balls – After playing ProV1x’s (and experimenting with TM Reds), I have settled on the Bridgestone Tour 330 – RX. Bottom line is that is supposed to offer all the spin/feel benefits of the “tour” balls (Pro V, TM Red and Black, Nike One, etc) but be better suited to amateur swing speeds (90-110). Again. My early results are super encouraging, especially off the driver where it is super straight with a nice trajectory.

So with 5 MAJOR changes in the last 90 days, you have probably guessed that I have high expectations for 2009, huh ? Well, you are right…..but that’s for another post.

Fairways and Greens,

4UDECOR - Feliz Ano 2009

4UDECOR deseja a todos um Prospero Ano 2009 !!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Mesa de Vidro

Mesa de jantar em vidro transparente de 15mm, vidro acetinado ou negro, branco, cinza escuro, branco opaco, vermelho, azul marinho brilhante. Com estrutura em aço acetinado (40x20x2mm), disponivel também com a estrutura em aço lacado a branco ou negro. As dimensões disponiveis standard são: 164x90x74, 186x90x74, 200x100x74 e 220x100x74cm. Também podemos efectuar noutras dimensões sob pedido, excepto para mesas quadradas.
Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Monday, December 29, 2008

Visto pelos outros Blogs

O Blog Decor Esporte Clube escolheu os destaques de 2008 onde consta a 4UDECOR. Agradeçemos o reconhecimento de todo o nosso trabalho e convidamos a visitar este magnifico blog brasileiro.

Destaques em 2008
no Decor Esporte Clube

4UDecor Ótimo site e blog de decoração.
Antologia Prints - Belos registros do Rio por Ricardo Zerrenner
ArqDesign Curitiba A vitrine da arquitetura e design de interiores de Curitiba
Artezanal Tecidos , móveis e acessórios para decoração.
Casa com design Site e blog da designer de interiores Maria Alice.
Casa Premier
Color-stripes - Cores
Destaque e Cole - - Adesivos decorativos
Flor de Bananeira - Lindas mandalas e quadros artesanais de Lilita Noronha.
Ls Selection Lindos objetos decorativos que marcam presença nos projetos de diversos profissionais renomados.
Madeirol - Cozinhas, quartos e armários planejados.
Marisa Lima - Paisagista.
New Decor - Blog contendo diversas matérias de decoração elaboradas por Daphine Machado e Fabíola Ferreira .
Paulo Vergueiro -
Pelican Pelúcias e peles sintéticas.
Rosa Mundo - Presentes criativos e presentes diferentes.
Viccarbe - Mobiliário contemporâneo.
Kollat - Comunicação Visual Adesivos para decoração, adesivos para paredes.

Agradeço aos lojistas que gentilmente permitiram a utilização das imagens de seus produtos para ilustrar as dicas de decoração. Agradeço aos lojistas, designers, artesãos, assessores de imprensa e blogueiros pela confiança neste espaço.
Sucesso para todos e muitas realização em 2009 !!!
Consultoria de decoração por Heloisa Ferreira às 00h03

Aparadores / Movel TV

Dispomos de varios aparadores / movel TV com diversos acabamentos e dimensões, aqui apresentamos algumas das possiveis ofertas, do wengué aos lacados de alto brilho. Podemos ainda efectuar os mesmos com design exclusivo para si.
Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Sunday, December 28, 2008

(12.28.08) Recommends:

Airport Confessions.

(Or, People Who Grabbed Our Attention This Year, Written While Flying To Denver).

The other day while on the way to the airport, we blogged about the events of 2K8 that grabbed our attention. Today we thought we'd pass the time on the first leg of our flight back blogging about the people (in the news) who came to dominate our attention this year. We're doing this on the fly, literally -- rim shot! -- so we'll miss some people. And naturally there will be some overlap from our list from earlier in the week. But here goes (and in no particular order).

1. The People Behind the Planet Money Podcast. Planet Money is a blog/podcast put out by NPR ( It is only a few months old, but consistantly put out what we thought was the best reporting of the financial meltdown in both its weekday podcast and in particular it's two, hour-long episodes produced in conjunction with This American Life. One of the things we find annoying about a lot of traditional journalism is the amount of assumed knowledge contained in a typical story. What we love about Planet Money is that takes on big economic issues and unpacks them in a manner that is digestable for a non-economist listener, but without dumbing down the content. The show doesn't assume you know what a CDO is. In fact, the reporters admit they're not really sure what certain things are (in fact, they often get the experts to admit that they aren't always sure what's going on -- simple enough definition of a bubble or a dubious scheme, we'd say). So they go hunt down the story and present it link by link. Clearly and systematically explaining each link and linkage. For our money, Adam Davidson is the star of the show.

2. Paul Krugman. We were first exposed to Krugman -- and hence to his enormous impact on the field -- as econ undergrads back in the late 90s-early 00s, before he started his stint as a NYTimes columnist. We mention this time frame because today some people view him as purely a political or partisan voice. While we've agreed with almost all of his critiques of the Bush Administration, particularly over the past three plus years (during which he increasingly took off the gloves, and was often alone in the wilderness as one of the lone, legitimate, mainstream voices doing so), we were never really convinced it took a first-rate, world-class -- indeed, 2008 Nobel Prize winner -- Economist to point out the failings of the Bush Administration. But as the financial crisis began unfolding in front of us this year, suddenly all the pieces that Krugman has been presenting over the years fell into place. During his time at the Times you arguably could have been forgiven for thinking he was just another member of the liberal elite ego machine, but in 2008 you simply couldn't say you were serious about understanding what was going on in the world financial markets without reading Krugman's column (and perhaps re-reading some of those 2004-06 wilderness era columns) and blog, and listening to him lecture.

3. Barack Obama. It's a funny paradox. The pace of Obama's meteoric rise has been perhaps unprecedented. But the length of the campaign was also perhaps unprecedented. Which made it easy to occassionally lose site of how inspiring we found Obama. After he gave The Speech in 2004 we -- along with most of our family and friends -- instictively knew he would win the 2008 election -- he hit a nerve that was so raw, so exposed, so waiting, yearning to be hit. 2008 was the year that instinct became reality. It'll be a year that history books will both, to paraphrase Lincoln, significantly note and long remember. And it's because of Obama.

4. David Plouffe. We both detested yet were inspired by Plouffe's incessant emails. Detested because the role of money in politics gives us the heebie-jeebies. But inspired because every time he asked he received so much goddam money. There is a fine line between money corrupting and people who normally don't care pitching in because they finally give a damn. Plouffe made us feel it was the latter that was happening. Plus, those "homemade strategy videos" he would sent out were pretty sweet, right?

5. Nate Silver. If you seriously followed this election, between September and November 04 you spent more hours at work checking than working. The week after the election, you checked it like a man who loses his leg in war reports being able to feel his amputated leg. We're only now getting over it. We all know these three things to be true.

6. Shepard Fairey. 2008 was the year he went from being known as the guy who created an image that was widely influential in certain cultural circles, to creating the defining imagine of an historic election. There's no need to attempt to overstate Fairey's role in getting Obama elected, but there's no question that his iconic-imaging of Obama will go hand-in-hand with history's recounting of the election.

7. The Pirates. First we thought the stories were just kind of funny and odd and seemed out of place. Then we thought the Pirates were making a brave, populist stance against foreign overfishing. Then we feared that the world economy was certainly going to collapse and we were headed to a life based on the movie Water World. We still have a few more days in '08 to come up with a new story line. But the fact is we were glued to pirate stories this year.

Plane is landing. Perhaps more later.

Secretaria para PC

Secretaria / Mesa de trabalho onde poderá colocar o seu pc de forma organizada, com uma estrutura de suporte para a caixa do seu computador. Com vidro temperado e serigrafado, a estrutura é em aço acetinado, com as seguintes dimensões: 110 x 70 x 74 cm (comp x largura x altura).

Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Grand Hyattt de Shangai

O Grand Hyatt de Shangai é o hotel mais alto do mundo, ocupando do 53º andar até ao 87º andar da Torre Jin Mao, no centro da cidade em Podung, Shangai. Com uma vista deslumbrante e um grande lobby circular que contransta com as linhas rectilineas exteriores.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Catatan Ringan pada Pelantikan Pengurus Pusat KAMMI 08-10

Oleh : Ramlan Nugraha, Sekum KAMMI Daerah Bandung

Catatan ringan ini ditulis berdasarkan pengalaman saya mengikuti Pelantikan Pengurus Pusat KAMMI yang bertempat di Auditorium Perpustakaan Nasional, Jakarta Pusat pada selasa, 23 Desember kemarin. Secara pribadi saya kesana sebagai perwakilan KAMMI Daerah Bandung. Setelah membaca tulisan di bawah ini, mohon maaf kalau ada kata yang kurang berkenan. Semoga bermanfaat bagi rekan-rekan se-perjoeangan.

1.Proses profesionalisme organisasi ternyata belum menjadi budaya tersendiri di tubuh KAMMI, tidak terkecuali di KAMMI Pusat. Awalnya sekedar basa-basi di tempat acara, sebelum proses pelantikan dimulai saya sengaja bertanya pada beberapa orang calon pengurus kammi pusat (Mauquf Mataram, Rijal Sukabumi dan Kana Cirebon) tentang posisi mereka di kepengurusan sekarang. Hal yang mengejutkan bagi saya, ternyata ketiganya mengaku tidak tahu dimana posisi mereka. Akhirnya, kegalauan hati mereka itu terobati setelah acara pelantikan mulai berjalan, pembawa acara menyebutkan satu persatu nama-nama pengurus beserta posisinya masing-masing untuk maju ke depan podium. Nah, baru mereka sadar dan tahu dimanakah posisi mereka masing-masing.

Saya berpikir bahwa sangat fatal akibatnya kalau sekelas KAMMI Pusat saja seperti ini kejadiannya. Di menit-menit terakhir para calon pengurus pusat tidak tahu posisi tempatnya berada. Mereka tidak memilih posisi sesuai dengan keahlian dan kapasitasnya masing-masing. Lantas bagaimana dengan konsep “Muslim Negarawan” yang digembor-gemborkan ke se-antero Nusantara oleh para kader KAMMI, termasuk pertemuan dengan SBY kemarin ? Padahal sekelas Komisariat saja, teman-teman calon pengurus diberikan kesempatan untuk memilih sesuai dengan kapasitasnya masing-masing. Ini sekelas Pusat, kenapa asal comot saja ? Hal yang ironi kalau kita kaitkan dengan kaidah bahwa “Seorang petarung harus mengetahui siapa dirinya, lawannya dan medan peperangannya”. Saya kira tidak penting kalau timbul pertanyaan, lantas siapa yang menempatkan mereka pada departemen-departemen di kepengurusan ? yang terpenting adalah bahwa posisi di KAMMI Pusat bukan asal penempatan saja, tapi lebih dari itu. Mereka adalah para kader terbaik yang akan memimpin gerakan ini, memimpin gerbong lebih dari 50.000 anak bangsa yang siap untuk meledakkan perubahan di negeri ini. Para pengurus pusat harus mempunyai kapasitas yang jelas, sisi akademis yang jelas dan bisa dipertanggungjawabkan serta mempunyai visi yang visioner. Kalau ini tidak diperhatikan oleh para pimpinan pusat, sepertinya kita harus berpikir ulang untuk menata kembali gerbong dakwah ini.

2.Ketika pembukaan acara, Jujur, saya cukup salut dengan sambutan yang diberikan oleh Saudara Ketua Umum. Saudara Ketua Umum memaparkan sebuah tulisannya yang berjudul “Pemerintah yang Tidak Memerintah”. Dalam tulisan tersebut secara umum digambarkan bagaimana evaluasi kondisi terkini masyarakat Indonesia dalam aspek sosial, ekonomi, politik, hukum dan internasional selama Rezim (beliau menulisnya seperti itu) SBY-JK selama lima tahun berkuasa. Tidak lupa juga, Saudara Ketua Umum menyampaikan seruan KAMMI menyikapi kondisi tersebut.

Saya mengutip beberapa epilog dari tulisan Saudara Ketua Umum :

“Akhirnya sebagai bangsa yang besar, Indonesia belum memiliki posisi tawar yang kuat dalam kancah politik global. Dalam lingkungan regional saja, pemerintah/rakyat Malaysia dan Singapura masih berani dengan semena-mena melakukan penyiksaan kepada warga Negara Indonesia di negaranya, terlihat tidak ada rasa menghargai sebagai anak bangsa Indonesia. Lantas dimana klaim pemerintah SBY yang sering mengatakan bahwa Indonesia punya posisi tawar yang kuat di kancah Internasional. Tindakan kesewenangan sebuah Negara kepada rakyat Indonesia di negaranya, menunjukkan bahwa Negara ini tidak memiliki harga diri di hadapan mereka. Dan dalam skala lebih luas menunjukkan lemahnya kekuatan pertahanan, intelenjensia, ekonomi, dan social negeri kita.”

Secara objektif tulisan Saudara Ketua Umum memang menggambarkan sikap politik yang jelas dari sebuah gerakan mahasiswa bernama KAMMI. Ini perlu kita hargai karena memang sejak awal core gerakan kita memang seperti itu.

Tapi sekali lagi, akan fatal akibatnya kalau Saudara Ketua Umum menciderai gerakan ini dengan langkah-langkah politik yang lucu. Pertemuan dengan SBY kemarin, penyambutan Prabowo Subiakto ketika di Muktamar kemarin harus menjadi pelajaran bahwa ternyata rekan-rekan KAMMI se-Indonesia pada dasarnya tidak mendukung langkah tersebut.

Secara pribadi dan organisasi, saya mengajak kepada Saudara Ketua Umum untuk membuktikan dalam aplikasi gerakan, mengeluarkan sikap politik yang tegas dengan pemerintah, tidak kompromistis dengan para politikus busuk, tidak basa-basi dengan para politikus gila kekuasaan, gila jabatan, dll.

3.Dalam awal sambutannya, Ketua MPR RI, DR. Hidayat Nur Wahid mengatakan kepada kita bahwa pertama, KAMMI harus lebih berorientasi pada kontribusi bukan gerakan meminta-minta, kedua, Jangan sampai KAMMI terpecah menjadi dua kubu, ada KAMMI Perjuangan. Terlepas dari point-point lain yang beliau sampaikan, saya cukup kaget dengan apa yang disampaikan oleh beliau. Kita seharusnya sadar bahwa sosok seorang Hidayat NW sekalipun telah bisa melihat adanya sinyalemen/pertanda tentang kondisi KAMMI hari ini. Oleh karena itu, saya berpikir gerakan ini harus mulai berbenah dengan terus mengkonsolidasikan internal gerakannya.

Sebagai penutup, kita berdoa kepada Allah SWT :

Ya Allah, aku memohon kepada-Mu kebenaran dalam iman, keimanan dalam akhlak mulia, kesuksesan yang diiringi kejayaan, serta rahmat, kesehatan, ampunan dan keridhaan dari Mu” (At-Thabrani dari Ibnu Abbas r.a).

Wallahu alam.

4UDECOR - Feliz Natal 2008

A 4UDECOR deseja a todos os Clientes / Visitantes e Amigos um Feliz Natal cheio de Saude, Felicidade e Paz.

A Famosa Arquitectura da Arvore de Natal

Neste dia de Natal apresento-vos as varias "interpretações" da arvore de natal aos olhos dos mais famosos arquitectos de sempre. Este postal humoristico foi criado por um artista americano tendo como base as inumeras obras dos arquitectos em questão.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

(12.24.08) Recommends:

Taxicab Confessions.

Stories That Grabbed Our Attention This Year, Written While in the Cab to LAX.

01. The election. This probably tops most people's list. From primaries to caucuses to FiveThirtyEight to that awful Sarah Palin person to the election of BH Obama, it was literally a year-long ride.

02. The near collapse of the world economy. Who thought we'd read with such interest stories about the TED spread and the commercial paper market. Every day tried to top the previous day in over-the-topness of bad news.

03. Pirates. A mixture of childlike fasination, admiration of the perhaps dubious populist stance of the pirates, and a fear that due to point 2, pirate economies would become more prevalant, we couldn't read enought about this.

04. Nebraska Anti-Abandonment Law. So NE passed a law meant to encourage parents who couldn't carry the burden of a baby, to turn newborns in rather than abandon them. Problem is, no age restriction was written into the law and something like 50 children, many as old as 17, were immediately given up. Law was amended in an emergency session.

05. Suicide of David Foster Wallace. If anybody could have put stories 1-4 into context of modern culture, it would have been Dave Wallace. When he checked out early, we feared mass confusion had finally carried the day. We all carry on, but with heavy hearts.

06. Myspace verdict. It's always hard to talk about the import of case law until years later when it's impact can be fully analyzed. But this case makes it a federal crime to violate a private company's terms of use. The back story makes this result easy to handle for casual observers, but it's theoretically taking us into murky waters.

Well, that's all the time we have. We're being lectured on taxicab credit card use by the driver and can no longer concentrate. What is up with the cash entitlement complex of cab drivers? I know it's marginally inconvenient for you, but it's marginally inconvenient for me to pay for the price of the ride. So it evens out, okay?

4UDECOR - Feliz Natal

Apresentamos algumas das mais belas arvores de natal
Feliz Natal !!! Merry Xmas !!!
Boun Natale !!! Feliz Navidad !!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

(12.23.08) Recommends:

Scenes From Little Armenia.

So the other day we were out walking around, exploring Little Armenia, which is a little neighborhood nestled roughly between Hollywood and Thai Town and which, incidentally (and somewhat inexplicably), has a pretty decent $20 all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant which has all of these elaborate restrictions on the all-you-can-eat meal, including an ominous, though we're guessing never enforced, threat written on the menu that you are being timed, and if you eat for too long you will be asked to leave. The place specializes in spicy sushi rolls, complete with a "if you can eat a certain amount of such and such spicy roll, we'll put your picture up on a wall." Again, all somewhat inexplicable.

Anyway. As we were saying. We were exploring the neighborhood and came across the following sign:

And the sign seemed pretty perfect. Here we were, in this pretty hard to explain neighborhood, during a time when the country and, in fact, literally the entire world, has been gripped by an almost palatable sense of weariness and nervousness and relentless bad news. And then we saw this sign and realized that though the people walking along the street might have differet lots in life, might be at different points in life, might be aiming for different goals in life, there are certain things that are common to us all. It's a useful thing to keep in the back of our minds, as we go about our day to day lives.

4UDECOR Deseja a Todos um Santo Natal 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Este é um post especial para Ciranda Natalina, brincadeira criada por Flavia entre os leitores do blog DECORACASA.


A sensação de bem-estar causada por um objeto atraente é captada pelo nosso cérebro que nos induz a escolher o belo muito antes de sua utilidade, portanto, estamos acostumados a escolher nossos objetos muito mais pela emoção do que pela razão. E, mesmo utilizando a razão durante a escolha, geralmente optamos pelo objeto que, além de útil, nos pareça mais bonito.

Objetos bonitos seria então a máxima do design?

Longe disso. O objeto, além de belo, precisa ser funcional; carregar um significado dentro de si; passar uma mensagem. O ser humano anseia por individualização: assim acontece, também, com os produtos que escolhe para adquirir. O papel do design hoje é colocar beleza na vida do ser humano levando-se em conta valores culturais, estéticos e funcionais.

Na 4UDecor – Design de Interiores razão e emoção se complementam, pois os objetos escolhidos e disponibilizados através do blog, estão muito além da beleza. Eles conseguem estética à funcionalidade, qualidade de grandes marcas e a genialidade de renomados designers.

Minha inspiração para este post veio do blog parceiro 4UDecor, que muitas vezes serviu como fonte de pesquisas para o meu blog Gosto por Bom Gosto

4UDECOR - Merry Xmas

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Kartell Escadote

Apresentamos um escadote diferente onde o design impera, o Upper Step da Kartell é uma excelente escolha para subir com segurança e estilo aos locais altos inacessiveis. Com estrutura metalica e policarbonato, disponivel em varias cores. Este é um optimo artigo para por exemplo mudar um lampada. Entrega imediata.

Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Thursday, December 18, 2008

(12.18.08) Recommends:

Introducing: The Red Line Diaries.

So, there's no question that we've become bored with this blog over the last several months. We've spent much more time engaging in short Twitter bursts, and playing around with other mobile blogging platforms. (In fact we're -- err, I'm -- typing this waiting on the metro platform on the way home from work, so please excuse the lack of links). To this end, we're developing a new blog -- working name The Red Line Diaries -- that we hope to debut, and link to in this space, very soon.

Ooop. Here comes our train. Talk soon.

4UDECOR - Projecto Casa 08 Agradecimentos

A 4UDECOR agradeçe a todas as empresas que tornaram possivel a nossa representação em 3 espaços na Feira - Projecto Casa 2008 na Exponor, Porto. Agradeçemos igualmente à Exponor, ao Arq Pedro Barata Castro, à Ajasom, Urbancore, Alukit, Cifial, Ed Sistemas, OAT, ZON e a todos os visitantes em geral por terem tornado esta feira num sucesso. Parabens a todos e Boas Festas !!!!

4UDECOR - Projecto Casa 08 - Decoração do Quarto


Dra Patricia Oliveira & Arq Pedro Barata Castro

4UDECOR - Projecto Casa 08 Espaço Media Partners

4UDECOR foi responsavel pela decoração do Espaço Media Partners onde estiveram representadas inumeras publicações de renome nacional