Friday, April 30, 2010
FBI Investigating Massey & MSHA for Bribery
NPR reports that the FBI is now investigating Massey Energy and MSHA regarding the possible bribery of Federal officials. Current or former employees are likely talking to authorities. Authorities are also looking into possible criminal negligence in connection with the recent deaths of 29 miners. I guess this is more of the same free market capitalism that I wrote about before, where corporations put profits over lives and are willing to do anything for the bottom line. The name of the game seems to be to get over any way they can.... by any means.
The bribery allegations, if true, would explain why there were so many violations with no credible threat of concrete action. It appears to me that MSHA was seen by Massey as more of a nuisance than a serious regulator.
9:25 AM
Don Blankenship,
Massey Energy
Mayer Hawthorne + The Independents
Make Her Mine (love the nod to Curtis Mayfield)
Leaving Me
Leaving Me
7:33 AM
Classic Soul,
Louisiana Governor Jindal Rediscovers Federal Government- Asks For Aid As Oil Spill Reaches Coast
Huge Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico Now Making Landfall
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal Requests Aid From the Federal Government (After Lambasting It).
Where is Caribou Barbie? The "Drill Baby Drill" folks have been awfully quiet during this calamity.
"Every asshole who ever chanted 'Drill Baby Drill' should have to report to the Gulf Coast today for cleanup duty." -- Bill Maher
The current spill could rival or even surpass the Exxon Valdez disaster.
Read more
5:56 AM
Blacks and The Racial Litmus Test
It didn't take long for Black bloggers to show their ignorance once the photo of Sandra Bullock and her adopted son emerged this week....and I knew it wouldn't take long. As soon as I saw the photo I knew that certain people from the so-called "Black Community" would have something stupid to say. (No I won't link to their sites). But at least one suggested Bullock's adoption attempt was a possible publicity stunt. Another mentioned that special sensitivity training should be required for Whites... you know... gatekeeper nonsense. Basically, some just seemed annoyed that a Black baby had been adopted by a White woman.
Apparently the adoption isn't final.... but she is continuing with the process.
I'm all for it.
I lived in an abusive home from a toddler until I was about 11 years old. My bio mother (egg donor) was neglectful and was consumed by a world of alcohol, drugs and men. I wasn't at the top of the priority list. What kept me alive was my grandmother.... who was the only responsible adult in my life at the time. She basically raised me. And even then, I came close to death a couple of times. It was my father who saved me once and for all in the Winter of 1984, removing me from a St. Louis ghetto. Before that, I would have loved the idea of someone (ANYONE QUALIFIED) adopting me.... no matter what race they were.
Blacks (at least some of them) are being hypocrites on this.... ignorant hypocrites to be exact. If Black women were not having children out of wedlock at such high rates....or having children that they could not care for, then there wouldn't be such a big need for trans-racial adoption in the first place. But they don't want to talk about that. They also don't want to mention the fact that Black children are over-represented in Foster care systems across the Country. The fact is.... there are not enough Blacks stepping up to take care of their own children. Nor are there enough (qualified) Blacks stepping up to adopt Black children once they are in the social services system. But rather than wrestle with reality... (at least some) Blacks would rather criticize those who are willing and able to adopt.
I'm tired of the Black litmus tests. They annoy me to no end.
I'm tired of the color based litmus tests for relationships, adoptions, Supreme Court justices, Congressional districts, and the rest. Don't get me wrong... I love it when an African American reaches high office or achieves an important milestone... but is it necessary for Blacks to create a racial test for every situation?
5:03 AM
Sandra Bullock,
transracial adoption
When Racism Masquerades as Something Else
(The following is an excellent commentary from the Philadelphia Inquirer. Carlos Dews puts into focus the current political climate, particularly the Tea Party...calling it what it really is. Dews' commentary is supported by facts from The University of Washington).
Don't let the virulent hatred of Obama's presidency - veiled in "policy differences" - fool you. Just ask someone raised around bigotry.
By Carlos Dews
[Dews is an author, a professor of English literature, and chairman of the Department of English Language and Literature at John Cabot University in Rome]
'The nigger show."
I first heard this expression used to describe the Obama administration during a visit to my hometown in East Texas during the early summer of 2009. I understood what the epithet meant: Our minds are made up, the president lacks legitimacy, and there is nothing he can do that we will support. I was not surprised to hear such a phrase.
I grew up in the 1960s during the ragged end of the Jim Crow era, where many of the books in my school library were stamped Colored School, meaning they had been brought to the white school when the town was forced to integrate the public school system. I recall my parents had instructed me, before my first day of elementary school, not to sit in a chair where a black child had sat. And I remember my sister joked that her yearbook, when it appeared at the end of her first year of integrated high school, was in "black and white."
The outward signs of racism of my home state have now disappeared, but racial hatred remains. My father and his friends still use the word nigger to refer to all black people, and the people of my hometown don't hesitate to spout their racist rhetoric to my face, assuming I agree with them. I hold my tongue for the sake of having continued access to this kind of truth. I learned long ago how not to accept the hatred I was being taught and how to survive not having done so. More recently, I realized that I also learned another lesson: how to recognize racism when it masquerades as something else.
More than 40 years after my first experiences with racism, I am thousands of miles away in Rome, but surrounded by ghosts. Last year, I received a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts for a community program called the Big Read, which sponsors activities to encourage communities to come together to read and discuss a single book. I chose Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, in part because I thought that some of the most salient issues in the novel - racism, classism, xenophobia, the Jim Crow era - were perhaps relevant to an increasingly diverse, contemporary Italy.
That there is racism in Italy is obvious to anyone who pays attention to current affairs. In fact, during the first week of the Big Read Rome, a story in one of Italy's national newspapers detailed the experience of a Nigerian woman being called sporca nera (essentially, dirty nigger) by two women she asked to stop smoking on a Roman bus.
But I never imagined that consideration of the novel would prove so relevant to a country that had just elected its first black president.
Ironically, until the election of Barack Obama, my discussions of racism in the United States seemed historical. I felt that with the passage of the civil rights legislation of the mid-1960s, the country had turned a corner, that the slow evaporation of overt racism was perhaps inevitable. Now, my personal experience of Southern racism feels current and all too familiar. A news story about the Big Read that appeared in La Repubblica on Sept. 20 (unaware that my grant was awarded during the Bush administration), presciently brought Rome, Obama, To Kill a Mockingbird, and racism together in its headline: "Obama brings antiracist book to Rome."
Jimmy Carter was lambasted for having recently explained that the vehemence with which many Americans resist Obama's presidency is an expression of racism. Carter was accused of fanning the flames of racial misunderstanding by labeling as "racist" what on the surface could be perceived as legitimate policy differences. Like Carter, as a white Southern man, I can see beyond the seemingly legitimate rhetoric to discern what is festering behind much of the opposition to Obama and to his administration's policy initiatives. I also have access, via the racist world from which I came, direct confirmation of the racial hatred toward Obama.
The veiled racism I sense in the United States today is couched, in public discourse at least, in terms that allow for plausible deniability of racist intent. And those who resist any policy initiative from the Obama administration engage in a scorched-earth policy that reminds me of the self-centered white flight, the abandonment of public schools, and the proliferation of private schools, that followed the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision to desegregate public schools. The very people, like my own rural, working-class family back in East Texas, who stand to gain from the efforts of the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress are, because of their racism, willing to oppose policies that would benefit them the most. Their racism outweighs their own self-interest.
Unfortunately, racists in the United States have learned one valuable lesson since the 1960s: They cannot express their racism directly. In public, they must veil their racial hatred behind policy differences. This obfuscation makes direct confrontation difficult. Anyone pointing out their racist motivations runs the risk of unfairly playing "the race card." But I know what members of my family mean when they say - as so many said during the town hall meetings in August - that they "want their country back." They want it back, safely, in the hands of someone like them, a white person. They feel that a black man has no right to be the president of their country.
During a phone conversation a few weeks after Obama's election, my father lamented that he and my mother might have to stop visiting the casinos in Shreveport, La.: Given Obama's election, "the niggers are already walking around like they own the place. They won't even give up their seats for white women anymore. I don't know what we're going to do with 'em."
My students often ask me how I managed to avoid accepting the lesson in racism offered by my family. From the time I was 4 or 5 years old - roughly the same age as Scout Finch, the narrator of To Kill a Mockingbird - I recall knowing that I didn't agree with racism. More important, my paternal grandmother provided me with the encouragement that I could ignore what I was being taught. She provided me with the courage to resist.
My grandmother hoped that my father and his father represented the last generations of the type of Southern man that had shaped her life - virulently racist, prone to violence, proud of their ignorance, and self-defeatingly stubborn. It was a type of Southern man that she hoped and prayed I could avoid becoming.
However, my father and his father were not the last of their kind; their racial hatred has been passed on. My grandmother, if she were alive, would recognize the same tendencies among many of the people who shout down politicians and bring guns to public rallies. She would also see how the only change they have made is to replace overt racist epithets with more euphemistic language.
Rather than seeing my home state and its racist attitudes, slowly, over time, pulled in the direction of more acceptance, the country as a whole has become more like the South, the racial or cultural equivalent of what is called the Walmartization of American retail.
It might be easy to see literature as impotent in the face of the persistence and adaptability of racism. But I continue to believe in the transformative potential of literature and its ability to provide an alternative view of the world. And for children who are not lucky enough to have grandmothers like mine, I believe that books like To Kill a Mockingbird can provide inoculation against the virus that is racism.
by Carlos Dews, author, a professor of English literature, and chairman of the Department of English Language and Literature at John Cabot University in Rome.
This article originally appeared in the December 2009 issue of Aspenia, the Italian journal published by the Aspen Foundation Italy.
Don't let the virulent hatred of Obama's presidency - veiled in "policy differences" - fool you. Just ask someone raised around bigotry.
By Carlos Dews
[Dews is an author, a professor of English literature, and chairman of the Department of English Language and Literature at John Cabot University in Rome]
'The nigger show."
I first heard this expression used to describe the Obama administration during a visit to my hometown in East Texas during the early summer of 2009. I understood what the epithet meant: Our minds are made up, the president lacks legitimacy, and there is nothing he can do that we will support. I was not surprised to hear such a phrase.
I grew up in the 1960s during the ragged end of the Jim Crow era, where many of the books in my school library were stamped Colored School, meaning they had been brought to the white school when the town was forced to integrate the public school system. I recall my parents had instructed me, before my first day of elementary school, not to sit in a chair where a black child had sat. And I remember my sister joked that her yearbook, when it appeared at the end of her first year of integrated high school, was in "black and white."
The outward signs of racism of my home state have now disappeared, but racial hatred remains. My father and his friends still use the word nigger to refer to all black people, and the people of my hometown don't hesitate to spout their racist rhetoric to my face, assuming I agree with them. I hold my tongue for the sake of having continued access to this kind of truth. I learned long ago how not to accept the hatred I was being taught and how to survive not having done so. More recently, I realized that I also learned another lesson: how to recognize racism when it masquerades as something else.
More than 40 years after my first experiences with racism, I am thousands of miles away in Rome, but surrounded by ghosts. Last year, I received a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts for a community program called the Big Read, which sponsors activities to encourage communities to come together to read and discuss a single book. I chose Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, in part because I thought that some of the most salient issues in the novel - racism, classism, xenophobia, the Jim Crow era - were perhaps relevant to an increasingly diverse, contemporary Italy.
That there is racism in Italy is obvious to anyone who pays attention to current affairs. In fact, during the first week of the Big Read Rome, a story in one of Italy's national newspapers detailed the experience of a Nigerian woman being called sporca nera (essentially, dirty nigger) by two women she asked to stop smoking on a Roman bus.
But I never imagined that consideration of the novel would prove so relevant to a country that had just elected its first black president.
Ironically, until the election of Barack Obama, my discussions of racism in the United States seemed historical. I felt that with the passage of the civil rights legislation of the mid-1960s, the country had turned a corner, that the slow evaporation of overt racism was perhaps inevitable. Now, my personal experience of Southern racism feels current and all too familiar. A news story about the Big Read that appeared in La Repubblica on Sept. 20 (unaware that my grant was awarded during the Bush administration), presciently brought Rome, Obama, To Kill a Mockingbird, and racism together in its headline: "Obama brings antiracist book to Rome."
Jimmy Carter was lambasted for having recently explained that the vehemence with which many Americans resist Obama's presidency is an expression of racism. Carter was accused of fanning the flames of racial misunderstanding by labeling as "racist" what on the surface could be perceived as legitimate policy differences. Like Carter, as a white Southern man, I can see beyond the seemingly legitimate rhetoric to discern what is festering behind much of the opposition to Obama and to his administration's policy initiatives. I also have access, via the racist world from which I came, direct confirmation of the racial hatred toward Obama.
The veiled racism I sense in the United States today is couched, in public discourse at least, in terms that allow for plausible deniability of racist intent. And those who resist any policy initiative from the Obama administration engage in a scorched-earth policy that reminds me of the self-centered white flight, the abandonment of public schools, and the proliferation of private schools, that followed the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision to desegregate public schools. The very people, like my own rural, working-class family back in East Texas, who stand to gain from the efforts of the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress are, because of their racism, willing to oppose policies that would benefit them the most. Their racism outweighs their own self-interest.
Unfortunately, racists in the United States have learned one valuable lesson since the 1960s: They cannot express their racism directly. In public, they must veil their racial hatred behind policy differences. This obfuscation makes direct confrontation difficult. Anyone pointing out their racist motivations runs the risk of unfairly playing "the race card." But I know what members of my family mean when they say - as so many said during the town hall meetings in August - that they "want their country back." They want it back, safely, in the hands of someone like them, a white person. They feel that a black man has no right to be the president of their country.
During a phone conversation a few weeks after Obama's election, my father lamented that he and my mother might have to stop visiting the casinos in Shreveport, La.: Given Obama's election, "the niggers are already walking around like they own the place. They won't even give up their seats for white women anymore. I don't know what we're going to do with 'em."
My students often ask me how I managed to avoid accepting the lesson in racism offered by my family. From the time I was 4 or 5 years old - roughly the same age as Scout Finch, the narrator of To Kill a Mockingbird - I recall knowing that I didn't agree with racism. More important, my paternal grandmother provided me with the encouragement that I could ignore what I was being taught. She provided me with the courage to resist.
My grandmother hoped that my father and his father represented the last generations of the type of Southern man that had shaped her life - virulently racist, prone to violence, proud of their ignorance, and self-defeatingly stubborn. It was a type of Southern man that she hoped and prayed I could avoid becoming.
However, my father and his father were not the last of their kind; their racial hatred has been passed on. My grandmother, if she were alive, would recognize the same tendencies among many of the people who shout down politicians and bring guns to public rallies. She would also see how the only change they have made is to replace overt racist epithets with more euphemistic language.
Rather than seeing my home state and its racist attitudes, slowly, over time, pulled in the direction of more acceptance, the country as a whole has become more like the South, the racial or cultural equivalent of what is called the Walmartization of American retail.
It might be easy to see literature as impotent in the face of the persistence and adaptability of racism. But I continue to believe in the transformative potential of literature and its ability to provide an alternative view of the world. And for children who are not lucky enough to have grandmothers like mine, I believe that books like To Kill a Mockingbird can provide inoculation against the virus that is racism.
by Carlos Dews, author, a professor of English literature, and chairman of the Department of English Language and Literature at John Cabot University in Rome.
This article originally appeared in the December 2009 issue of Aspenia, the Italian journal published by the Aspen Foundation Italy.
4:40 AM
Barack Obama,
Republican Party,
Tea Party
Republicans Live In a Perpetual Fantasy Land
I know you all probably remember the video from a few weeks ago of the Tennessee lawmaker who said that the unemployed should stop being lazy and find a job.... leave em' to starve...society shouldn't help them. People struggling should stop whining. (Basically suggesting that those who are struggling to survive are lazy bums).
Now more video has recently emerged showing another Tennessee lawmaker (what is it about Tennessee and the South?) suggesting that Americans could use vegetables as currency to pay for Health care. Wow! This comes as Harry Reid's Senate challenger, Sue Lowden, stated last week that people could bring chickens to their doctors in exchange for care. This is so far off the crazy scale that it's just hard to conceive.
Here is the video of the latest lunacy.... paying with Veggies.
I love how lawmaker Joe Towns explains reality to Mr. Crazy. (at the end of the Maddow segment).
This is a perfect example of how Republicans live in a parallel universe. They create their own reality, their own rules, etc... and increasingly question real life (as the rest of us see it).
Now more video has recently emerged showing another Tennessee lawmaker (what is it about Tennessee and the South?) suggesting that Americans could use vegetables as currency to pay for Health care. Wow! This comes as Harry Reid's Senate challenger, Sue Lowden, stated last week that people could bring chickens to their doctors in exchange for care. This is so far off the crazy scale that it's just hard to conceive.
Here is the video of the latest lunacy.... paying with Veggies.
I love how lawmaker Joe Towns explains reality to Mr. Crazy. (at the end of the Maddow segment).
This is a perfect example of how Republicans live in a parallel universe. They create their own reality, their own rules, etc... and increasingly question real life (as the rest of us see it).
4:03 AM
Republican Party
Consultoria Feng Shui na Decoração Interiores
Feng Shui significa vento e água, ou seja, é uma tentativa de viver em harmonia com as forças da natureza. Isso foi pesquisado por milenios para organizar a circulação energética nos ambientes.
Todas as pessoas desejam ter uma casa onde se sintam bem, cheia de energias positivas. As nossas casas são o reflexo directo da forma como pensamos e sentimos sobre nós mesmos. O Feng Shui de decoração é apenas a colocação de umas meras cortinas, a escolha das cores da pintura ou um apontamento decorativo longe de uma janela.
O Feng shui aplicado na decoração é uma técnica que evoluiu bastante nos últimos anos tendo mesmo se tornado numa practica bastante solicitada pelos clientes. Existe uma elevada harmonia entre a decoração e Feng Shui. Uma decoração de Feng shui não se limita à colocação de uns bambus numa sala. Decorar com os princípios de Feng Shui envolve um movimento de energia e conseguir bloquear determinadas áreas para que a energia se move num ritmo equilibrado em torno de toda a casa. O Feng Shui irá usar todos os tipos de ferramentas para mover esta energia. Isso poderia envolver a decoração com espelhos, água, plantas, cor, som, aroma, e muito mais.
Todas as pessoas desejam ter uma casa onde se sintam bem, cheia de energias positivas. As nossas casas são o reflexo directo da forma como pensamos e sentimos sobre nós mesmos. O Feng Shui de decoração é apenas a colocação de umas meras cortinas, a escolha das cores da pintura ou um apontamento decorativo longe de uma janela.
O Feng shui aplicado na decoração é uma técnica que evoluiu bastante nos últimos anos tendo mesmo se tornado numa practica bastante solicitada pelos clientes. Existe uma elevada harmonia entre a decoração e Feng Shui. Uma decoração de Feng shui não se limita à colocação de uns bambus numa sala. Decorar com os princípios de Feng Shui envolve um movimento de energia e conseguir bloquear determinadas áreas para que a energia se move num ritmo equilibrado em torno de toda a casa. O Feng Shui irá usar todos os tipos de ferramentas para mover esta energia. Isso poderia envolver a decoração com espelhos, água, plantas, cor, som, aroma, e muito mais.
Bagua é um mapa para a organização da casa segundo o Feng shui, baseado nas cores.Assim, o melhor mesmo é aproveitar a energia positiva (chamada chi) que entra pela porta principal para posicionar o Bagua. Trata-se de um símbolo simples, criado para aplicar o Feng Shui em casa. É uma octógono místico, sendo que cada lado representa uma área de sua vida.
Para posicionar o Bagua é só observar a parede onde está localizada a porta do seu quarto. Esta parede sempre representará o trabalho ou a carreira. Descobrir os outros lados é fácil: o canto à direita será o dos amigos e o da esquerda o da espiritualidade. A parede em frente á porta de seu quarto será a do sucesso.
A influência das cores é um aspecto importante para elaborar uma decoração com base no Feng Shui. Nós reagimos às cores de forma subjectiva. Na China, a decoração com a cor vermelha traz boa sorte. O vermelho é frequentemente utilizado na porta de entrada, a energia e as oportunidades chegam até nós pela porta da frente. Evite obras de arte agressivas ou objectos cortantes no seu hall de entrada, não são símbolos de boas vindas. Decorar com vermelho não é a única cor da sorte, o amarelo e o roxo são cores muito auspiciosas. No Feng Shui, o amarelo tem sido considerada uma cor imperial que muitos mestres de Feng Shui consideram mais benéfico do que vermelho. Decorar com verde, significa frescura, paz e crescimento. Cores escuras podem ser relaxantes ou deprimentes, cores claras podem ser edificantes ou monótonas, e as cores extremas podem ser divertidas ou agravantes dependendo das situações.
Se houver um determinado espaço da casa propicio a discussões, confira a cor e a forma como ela está decorada, se tem objectos agressivos ou se a cor é irritante. Se você se sente bem na casa de um amigo que está decorada com cores e objectos que você gosta, lembre-se deles quando decidir decorar a sua casa ou apartamento. Por alguma razão, os projectos de interiores / decoração, tem de ter sempre em atenção a sensibilidade do cliente que deve "sentir" o ambiente de tranquilidade do Feng Shui na sua mente.
Numa decoração com base nos princípios do Feng shui devemos sempre ter em conta como é que os elementos decorativos irão reagir à bagua, bem como a harmonia das cores entre si.
A prosperidade e a família são representados pelos elementos em madeira.O Feng Shui, utiliza na decoração plantas que têm as folhas largas, não usar plantas secas porque elas simbolizam doença. Papel de parede azul, tapetes azuis ou decoração de interiores em tons de azul são bons porque este representa a água e a água permite que a madeira cresça (Prosperidade e Família). Decorar com uma mistura de azul e verde é uma excelente forma de captação de energia positiva. Utilizar peixes como elementos decorativos é sinonimo de riqueza.
Decoração em vermelho e com elementos fogo, captam a sorte e reconhecimento. As paredes podem ser pintadas de pêssego ou castanho. As cores podem ser muito suaves, e não precisam de ser brilhantes. O fogo é representado pela luz, um bom projecto de iluminação atrai energias positivas, as velas são igualmente uma excelente escolha como elementos decorativos positivos.
Harmonizar todos os objectos de decoração com tons de terra, ajuda a melhorar a saúde, relacionamento e as áreas do conhecimento.
Crianças, Criatividade e Pessoas generosas tem como elemento o metal. A utilização de chaminés metálicas ou outros elementos metálicos são fonte de captação de boas energias. No Feng Shui, o ouro e a prata também trazem boas energias. As melhores cores para decorar estas áreas são o branco ou cores metálicas, tons da terra são também bons quando misturados com o branco, ter sempre música ou televisão ligada.
O trabalho é representado pelo elemento água. Muita água é como uma cheia que arrasta uma elevada carga negativa. No entanto, decorar com pequenas quantidades de água é excelente. Uma pequena fonte de água ou um aquário é excelente para uma área de trabalho. Decorar com preto e branco é excelente e muito popular em casas com decoração contemporânea.
Para posicionar o Bagua é só observar a parede onde está localizada a porta do seu quarto. Esta parede sempre representará o trabalho ou a carreira. Descobrir os outros lados é fácil: o canto à direita será o dos amigos e o da esquerda o da espiritualidade. A parede em frente á porta de seu quarto será a do sucesso.
A influência das cores é um aspecto importante para elaborar uma decoração com base no Feng Shui. Nós reagimos às cores de forma subjectiva. Na China, a decoração com a cor vermelha traz boa sorte. O vermelho é frequentemente utilizado na porta de entrada, a energia e as oportunidades chegam até nós pela porta da frente. Evite obras de arte agressivas ou objectos cortantes no seu hall de entrada, não são símbolos de boas vindas. Decorar com vermelho não é a única cor da sorte, o amarelo e o roxo são cores muito auspiciosas. No Feng Shui, o amarelo tem sido considerada uma cor imperial que muitos mestres de Feng Shui consideram mais benéfico do que vermelho. Decorar com verde, significa frescura, paz e crescimento. Cores escuras podem ser relaxantes ou deprimentes, cores claras podem ser edificantes ou monótonas, e as cores extremas podem ser divertidas ou agravantes dependendo das situações.
Se houver um determinado espaço da casa propicio a discussões, confira a cor e a forma como ela está decorada, se tem objectos agressivos ou se a cor é irritante. Se você se sente bem na casa de um amigo que está decorada com cores e objectos que você gosta, lembre-se deles quando decidir decorar a sua casa ou apartamento. Por alguma razão, os projectos de interiores / decoração, tem de ter sempre em atenção a sensibilidade do cliente que deve "sentir" o ambiente de tranquilidade do Feng Shui na sua mente.
Numa decoração com base nos princípios do Feng shui devemos sempre ter em conta como é que os elementos decorativos irão reagir à bagua, bem como a harmonia das cores entre si.
A prosperidade e a família são representados pelos elementos em madeira.O Feng Shui, utiliza na decoração plantas que têm as folhas largas, não usar plantas secas porque elas simbolizam doença. Papel de parede azul, tapetes azuis ou decoração de interiores em tons de azul são bons porque este representa a água e a água permite que a madeira cresça (Prosperidade e Família). Decorar com uma mistura de azul e verde é uma excelente forma de captação de energia positiva. Utilizar peixes como elementos decorativos é sinonimo de riqueza.
Decoração em vermelho e com elementos fogo, captam a sorte e reconhecimento. As paredes podem ser pintadas de pêssego ou castanho. As cores podem ser muito suaves, e não precisam de ser brilhantes. O fogo é representado pela luz, um bom projecto de iluminação atrai energias positivas, as velas são igualmente uma excelente escolha como elementos decorativos positivos.
Harmonizar todos os objectos de decoração com tons de terra, ajuda a melhorar a saúde, relacionamento e as áreas do conhecimento.
Crianças, Criatividade e Pessoas generosas tem como elemento o metal. A utilização de chaminés metálicas ou outros elementos metálicos são fonte de captação de boas energias. No Feng Shui, o ouro e a prata também trazem boas energias. As melhores cores para decorar estas áreas são o branco ou cores metálicas, tons da terra são também bons quando misturados com o branco, ter sempre música ou televisão ligada.
O trabalho é representado pelo elemento água. Muita água é como uma cheia que arrasta uma elevada carga negativa. No entanto, decorar com pequenas quantidades de água é excelente. Uma pequena fonte de água ou um aquário é excelente para uma área de trabalho. Decorar com preto e branco é excelente e muito popular em casas com decoração contemporânea.
Algumas ideias básicas da decoração com Feng Shui para sua casa ou simplesmente para um determinado ambiente incluem: evitar salas pequenas, apertadas e muito cheias, para manter o projecto de fluxo livre. Evite longos corredores, porque a energia move-se muito rapidamente pelo corredor. Evitar iluminação excessiva. Escolha uma iluminação difusa. Coloque plantas saudáveis de uma forma decorativa por toda a casa. Organizar os sofás e cadeiras de um modo que permita às pessoas verem a porta e terem um ambiente muito agradável para conversarem. Tenha cuidado com a inclusão de muitas bugigangas. Isto pode significar a desordem e pode ser negativo. Decorar com os princípios de Feng Shui não é difícil, basta sentir o espaço e seguir algumas boas ideias do Feng Shui para decorar uma casa ou um ambiente de forma a ser bastante agradável para quem habita na mesma.
Efectuamos consultadoria na área do Feng shui para projectos de arquitectura e decoração de interiores.
Efectuamos consultadoria na área do Feng shui para projectos de arquitectura e decoração de interiores.
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Telf: 214 867 378
Lisboa / Portugal
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Rachel Maddow takes on the architect of the' If you ain't White, you better have papers' Law
hat tip-SouthernGirl2
Rachel Maddow interviews the president of the Federation of American Immigration Reform
Rachel ripped Dan Stein to shreds
from Political Carnival
The president of FAIR (Federation of American Immigration Reform), Dan Stein, was on the Rachel Maddow Show. It was brutal.
Because of this interview (read: tussle; read: battle; read: slaughter), we have a new word: "Steined"... as in, "You've been Steined by Rachel Maddow".
Witness the peerless Rachel "Stein" Stein:
Rachel Maddow interviews the president of the Federation of American Immigration Reform
Rachel ripped Dan Stein to shreds
from Political Carnival
The president of FAIR (Federation of American Immigration Reform), Dan Stein, was on the Rachel Maddow Show. It was brutal.
Because of this interview (read: tussle; read: battle; read: slaughter), we have a new word: "Steined"... as in, "You've been Steined by Rachel Maddow".
Witness the peerless Rachel "Stein" Stein:
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
10:59 PM
Rachel Maddow Show,
Racial Profiling
Dr. Dorothy I. Height's Funeral
US President Barack Obama wipes away a tear as he sits next to First Lady Michelle Obama at the funeral service for Dr. Dorothy Height at Washington National Cathedral in Washington, DC, April 29, 2010. Height, who led the National Council for Negro Women for four decades, and was present at the key battles for racial equality since the 1930s, died at age 98 after a lifetime devoted to the fight for equality.
----JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images
See Full Post
The coffin containing the remains of Dorothy Heights, is carried by Washington Metropolitan Police honor guard to the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, Thursday, April 29, 2010. Height, who led the National Council of Negro Women for decades and marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., will be honored during a funeral service at Washington National Cathedral for her leadership on the front lines fighting for equality, education and to ease racial tension. She died last week at age 98.
----AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta
U.S. President Barack Obama watches as the casket of civil rights movement
leader Dorothy Height enters the National Cathedral for her funeral service in Washington April 29, 2010. With Obama from left are first lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
----REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama arrive to attend the funeral of Dorothy Height, a historic figure in the US civil rights movement, at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC, on April 29, 2010. Height, who led the National Council for Negro Women for four decades, and was present at the key battles for racial equality since the 1930s, died at age 98 after a lifetime devoted to the fight for equality.
----JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images
WASHINGTON - APRIL 29: U.S. President Barack Obama (R) arrives with first lady Michelle Obama for the funeral service of civil rights leader Dorothy Height April 29, 2010 in Washington, DC. Height led the National Council of Negro Women and marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
----Win McNamee/Getty Images
President Barack Obama wipes his eyes, as he attends Dorothy Height's funeral service at the National Cathedral in Washington Thursday, April 29, 2010. From left are, the president, first lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif.
----AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari
WASHINGTON - APRIL 29: Former U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexis Herman speaks at the funeral service of civil rights leader Dorothy Height April 29, 2010 in Washington, DC. Height led the National Council of Negro Women and marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
----Win McNamee/Getty Images
WASHINGTON - APRIL 29: Lawyer Vernon Jordan attends the funeral service for civil rights leader Dorothy Height at the Washington National Cathedral April 29, 2010 in Washington, DC. Height led the National Council of Negro Women and marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
----Win McNamee/Getty Images
WASHINGTON - APRIL 29: Jesse Jackson (R) greets Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) (L) at the funeral service for civil rights leader Dorothy Height at the Washington National Cathedral April 29, 2010 in Washington, DC. Height led the National Council of Negro Women and marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
----Win McNamee/Getty Images
WASHINGTON - APRIL 29: Boxing promoter Don King attends the funeral service for civil rights leader Dorothy Height at the Washington National Cathedral April 29, 2010 in Washington, DC. Height led the National Council of Negro Women and marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
----Win McNamee/Getty Images
WASHINGTON - APRIL 29: Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Steele attends the funeral service for civil rights leader Dorothy Height at the Washington National Cathedral April 29, 2010 in Washington, DC. Height led the National Council of Negro Women and marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
----Win McNamee/Getty Images
WASHINGTON - APRIL 29: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (R) talks with Attorney General Eric Holder (L) at the funeral service for civil rights leader Dorothy Height at the Washington National Cathedral April 29, 2010 in Washington, DC. Height led the National Council of Negro Women and marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
----Win McNamee/Getty Images
WASHINGTON - APRIL 29: Poet Maya Angelou attends the funeral service for civil rights leader Dorothy Height at the Washington National Cathedral April 29, 2010 in Washington, DC. Height led the National Council of Negro Women and marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
----Win McNamee/Getty Images
WASHINGTON - APRIL 29: Jesse Jackson (R) greets former Washington DC Mayor Marion Barry (L) at the funeral service for civil rights leader Dorothy Height at the Washington National Cathedral April 29, 2010 in Washington, DC. Height led the National Council of Negro Women and marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
----Win McNamee/Getty Images
WASHINGTON - APRIL 29: U.S. President Barack Obama (L) greets Jesse Jackson at the funeral service for civil rights leader Dorothy Height at the Washington National Cathedral April 29, 2010 in Washington, DC. Height led the National Council of Negro Women and marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
----Win McNamee/Getty Images
Donna Brazile leaves Washington National Cathedral in Washington, Thursday, April 29, 2010, after funeral services for Dorothy Height. Height, who led the National Council of Negro Women for decades and marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., will be honored during a funeral service at Washington National Cathedral for her leadership on the front lines fighting for equality, education and to ease racial tension. She died last week at age 98.
----AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta
Tears roll down the cheek of Kathy Craft of the National Council of Negro Women, as she looks at the coffin of Dorothy Height, outside the Washington National Cathedral, Thursday, April 29, 2010. Height, who led the National Council of Negro Women for decades and marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., will be honored during a funeral service at Washington National Cathedral for her leadership on the front lines fighting for equality, education and to ease racial tension. She died last week at age 98.
----AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta
WASHINGTON - APRIL 29: Rev. Jesse Jackson attends the funeral service for civil rights leader Dorothy Height at the Washington National Cathedral April 29, 2010 in Washington, DC. Height led the National Council of Negro Women and marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
----Win McNamee/Getty Images
Guests listen to President Barack Obama as he speaks during funeral services for Dorothy Height at the National Cathedral in Washington Thursday, April 29, 2010.
----AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari
US President Barack Obama (R) speaks during the funeral of Dorothy Height, a historic figure in the US civil rights movement, at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC, on April 29, 2010. Height, who led the National Council for Negro Women for four decades, and was present at the key battles for racial equality since the 1930s, died at age 98 after a lifetime devoted to the fight for equality. ----JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images
The coffin containing the remains of Dorothy Height is carried down the steps of the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, Thursday, April 29, 2010, by an honor guard. Height, who led the National Council of Negro Women for decades and marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., will be honored during a funeral service at Washington National Cathedral for her leadership on the front lines fighting for equality, education and to ease racial tension. She died last week at age 98.
----AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta
12:20 PM
Funeral Services for Dr. Dorothy I. Height
Thursday, April 29
10:00 a.m. — A funeral service will be conducted at Washington National Cathedral and is open to the public. The burial service will follow at Fort Lincoln Cemetery in Maryland.
MEDIA ALERT: It WILL air on C-SPAN 2, beginning at 10 AM EST.
It will also be livestreamed at
Dr. Height's funeral will also air on TV One at 10AM EST.
Here is her on C-Span's BookTV discussing with Brian Lamb about her autobiography.
Dr. Height talked about her book, Open Wide the Freedom Gates: A Memoir, published by PublicAffairs. Then 91, she had witnessed most of the major events in the African-American struggle for civil rights. She talked about her life work for her cause and about people she knew personally such as W.E.B. DuBois, Eleanor Roosevelt, and many others. She talked about the experience of leading the National Council of Negro Women for forty-one years. Ms. Height received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1994.
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
April 26, 2010
Presidential Proclamation -- Death of Dorothy Height
As a mark of respect for the memory of Dorothy Height, I hereby order, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, that, on the day of her interment, the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and upon all public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval stations, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its Territories and possessions until sunset on such day. I further direct that the flag shall be flown at half-staff for the same period at all United States embassies, legations, consular offices, and other facilities abroad, including all military facilities and naval vessels and stations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-sixth day of April, in the year of our Lord two thousand ten, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fourth.
6:16 AM
Civil Rights Hero,
Dr. Dorothy Height
Poufs variados
A utilização de matérias primas leves e flexíveis, permitem a estes produtos um conforto de excelência o que aliado a um design apelativo e minimalista, permite integra-los em qualquer tipo de ambiente de forma harmoniosa com as restantes peças de mobiliário tanto no interior como no exterior. Com uma grande variedade de cores disponíveis.
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Lisboa / Portugal
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Banco BDLove 2.0
Ross Lovegrove criou este novo banco com acabamento especial para lugares públicos que tem todas as características da escultura animada exuberante, com formas destinadas a envolver as emoções. As suas dimensões muito generosas permitem sentar até dez pessoas ao mesmo tempo, bem como agradar às crianças fazendo-lhes recordar a forma de uma baleia.
Este novo acabamento, lacado está disponivel em qualquer cor RAL ou numa versão especial totalmente cromado.
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Telf: 214 867 378
Lisboa / Portugal
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Blacks Missing Out On Science and Tech Jobs
The key to surviving the recession is taking the time to plan your life after the recession. There are both short and long-term ways to do this. In the short-term, pay off your debts, set aside enough to get you through three-to-six months in case you lose your job. But, it's in strategizing for the long-term where you can really make a difference in your life.
Read the rest at
Read the rest at
7:34 AM
Sublime - The Question of Free Will: Divine Gift?
Christopher Hitchens:
"Of course we have free will because we have no choice but to have it"
7:02 AM
Gangsta's Paradise
(Photo from Taipei Times Tues April 27th - Caption reads: "Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng, right, Chiayi County Commissioner Chang Hwa-kuan, center, Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Yu Tien and other guests attend the funeral of gang boss Lee Chao-hsiung in Taichung City yesterday.")
Taichung: isn't it about time someone made a feature film thriller about stuff like this?.
5:55 AM
Freudian slip?
My mind ordered a different word but this is what my fingers typed:
"Bodin’s writings were reinforced in the Age of ‘Englishtenment’ by writers such as..."
Some deep sub-conscious nationalism at work? ;)
5:53 AM
Cadeira Comeback, Patricia Urquiola, Kartell
A conhecida designer espanhola Patricia Urquiola, criou a cadeira Comeback para a Kartell, resuscita uma das mais famosas cadeiras clássicas, a cadeira Windsor. A sua versão da cadeira inglesa do século 18, com o encosto em forma de pente, composto por sete "dentes" que se dirigem para a região lombar, onde se encontram numa forma hexagonal reforçada por finos eixos até ao assento. Esta cadeira é executada num único molde de tecnopolimero termoplástico.
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Lisboa / Portugal
Monday, April 26, 2010
Jangan Terbawa Arus
Oleh: Ramlan Nugraha
Beberapa hari lagi kita akan memasuki bulan baru. Genap tiga puluh hari akan kita lewati dan berjumpa dengan hari-hari yang lain. Inilah waktu, setiap detik, menit bahkan bulannya selalu berganti. Dia tidak pernah berhenti, sekalipun manusia meminta sekuat tenaga. Bagi mereka yang senantiasa memanfaatkan waktu dengan sebaik-baiknya, totalitas mengejar amal kebaikan, maka waktu merupakan modal kehidupan yang tiada tara. Namun, bagi mereka yang hanya mengejar waktu demi kenikmatan sesaat, mengejar ambisi demi kepentingan perutnya sendiri, maka hakikatnya waktu tiadalah berguna bagi kehidupan mereka.
Menyambut Hari Pendidikan Nasional (Hardiknas) pada 2 Mei mendatang, tidak ada salahnya kalau kita menghubungkan antara sikap seorang pelajar dalam memaknai waktu. Hal ini penting ketika arus globalisasi yang semakin dahsyat menimpa remaja dan anak muda saat ini. Derasnya serbuan teknologi apabila tidak dimaknai dengan baik akan senantiasa menjadikan generasi muda menjadi korban teknologi.
“Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi, dan silih bergantinya malam dan siang terdapat tanda-tanda (pelajaran) bagi orang-orang yang berakal.” (Ali Imran: 190).
Seorang pelajar harus bisa memaknai kondisi alamnya. dianalogikan seperti ini, apabila anda berdiri di tepi sungai maka benda apakah yang begitu mudahnya hanyut terbawa arus? mungkin yang sering kita lihat adalah busa ataupun sampah lainnya.
Demikianlah manusia, apabila mudah hanyut dalam derasnya arus kehidupan maka kualitas dirinya tidak jauh dari sampah. Setiap manusia yang berkualitas pastilah dia berdiri dengan kokoh. Mereka memiliki mental baja. Mereka adalah orang yang bisa menahan kuatnya arus, teruji dengan kuat. Dan akhirnya mereka adalah sebaik-baiknya orang yang bisa memanfaatkan waktu. Semoga kita menjadi orang yang diberikan Allah kesungguhan dalam menggunakan waktu. Amin.
Terima kasih saya ucapkan kepada Ustad Muhammad Syamlan, Deklarator Partai Keadilan Bengkulu yang sekarang menjadi Wakil Gubernur Bengkulu. Jazakallah atas tausiyahnya. “Katakan yang baik itu baik dan amalkan, sedang yang buruk katakan buruk dan jauhi. Insya Allah hidup berbahagia dan penuh arti.”
3:40 PM
Getting Skills To Beat The Recession
The hard part with a recession is we get lost in worrying about short-term concerns, like paying the electric bill. The important thing is to think long-term. It's a well known fact that people with college degrees will earn about $900k more in lifetime earnings than someone with just a high school diploma. If you ask me, it's easily worth taking student loans for that amount. Now, Obama has made it even easier.
Read the rest at The
Read the rest at The
7:26 AM
Cadeira Piña, Jaime Hayon, Magis
O desejo de criar uma cadeira de metal para uso exterior foi o ponto de partida da cadeira piña, Jaime Hayon que o designer espanhol desenvolveu para a Magis. A cadeira combina o elemento natural da madeira com uma estrutura metálica tipo capitonné. O padrão de tecer os fios de metal que compõe o encosto da cadeira faz com que a unidade de assento pareça insuflada.
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Lisboa / Portugal
Sunday, April 25, 2010
ABC Greenroom On The Brit Elections
I thought the greenroom web segment from This Week was quite good Sunday. The panelists discuss the British elections:
10:28 PM
Cartoonist Advocates For A Depiction Of Muhammad
Cartoonist Molly Norris is calling for all cartoonists to draw depictions of Muhammad on May 20 in response to threats *and the eventual censorship) made against the creators of South Park:
[a cartoonist] is asking artists all over the world to create depictions of Mohammed on May 20, then submit the images to a Facebook page she set up.Speaking on a Seattle radio show on Friday, cartoonist Molly Norris said she announced her idea as a way of countering the fear exhibited by Comedy Central in censoring episode 201 of South Park.
8:42 PM
Funeral Arrangements for Dr. Dorothy I. Height
Funeral Arrangements for Dr. Dorothy I. Height
Courtesy of the National Council of Negro Women
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Funeral services for Dr. Dorothy I. Height, chair and president emerita of the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW), who passed earlier this week, will take place in Washington, D.C. beginning Tuesday, April 27 and end with funeral services at Washington National Cathedral on Thursday, April 29, according to former U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexis Herman, who is overseeing the arrangements.
Burial services will be held at Fort Lincoln Cemetery in Maryland. Dr. Height passed away on Tuesday, April 20, at the age of 98.
Tuesday, April 27
6:00 – 10:00 p.m. --- Dr. Height will lie in repose at the NCNW Dorothy I. Height building for a public viewing.
Wednesday, April 28
2:00 p.m. --- The Delta Sigma Theta Sorority will conduct a public Omega Omega Service at Howard University. Dr. Height served as national president of the sorority in 1947.
7:00 p.m. --- A “Community Celebration of Life” memorial will be held at Shiloh Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. The memorial is open to the public.
Thursday, April 29
10:00 a.m. --- A funeral service will be conducted at Washington National Cathedral and is open to the public. The burial service will follow at Fort Lincoln Cemetery in Maryland.
Simmie Knox
Dr. Dorothy Height
National Council of Negro Women
Washington, D.C.
oil on linen
10:36 AM
Civil Rights Hero,
Dr. Dorothy Height,
Cappellini e Walt Disney com serie limitada e exclusiva
A Cappellini estabeleceu uma parceria com a Walt Disney Signature, criando uma serie bastante restrita e limitada de peças de mobiliário para os admiradores do Rato Mickey. Dia 26 de Abril, inicia-se o a comercialização destas peças, reserve já a sua: .Com design de forma circular, aberto e linhas fluídas, o Banco Ribbon é ideal para receber a famosa silhueta do Rato Mickey sobre o seu assento, misturando perfeitamente em conjunto, as duas visões destas 2 marcas e criar uma representação única e icónica da colaboração contínua entre Cappellini e Walt Disney Signature. Esta é uma série de bancos de altos e baixos com encosto, produzidos a partir de corte a laser e chapas metálicas dobradas. O banquinho tem um verniz vermelho brilhante, o banco alto um verniz brilhante amarelo, enquanto os pés são em plástico transparente. Série de 299 peças numeradas para o banquinho. Série de 199 peças numeradas para o banco alto.
De forma orgânica inspirada na natureza, a Cadeira Fish, é a forma ideal para mostrar o mais recente avanço na fabricação - um opaco, de plástico multi-colorido produzido a partir de materiais reciclados, moldado usando uma técnica de rotação. É de salientar a utilização de materiais reciclados por parte da Cappellini, revelando a sua preocupação na conservação de matérias-primas para as gerações futuras. A parte interna do assento é de cor branca. Série de 99 peças numeradas.
Com seus contornos arredondados e design exclusivo, a cadeira Y's De Lux presidente é perfeita para abordar um dos ícones da Walt Disney, o subtil padrão geométrico usando o perfil do Rato Mickey. Cadeira giratória com estrutura de poliuretano integral, em pele branca com costuras de linha branca, reproduz o perfil inconfundível da personagem dos desenhos animados mais famoso do mundo. Base em alumínio fundido com verniz branco fosco, pés em plástico preto. Série de 33 peças numeradas.
Fazendo a ligação entre moda e design, a cadeira Rive Droite combina perfeitamente uma forma pura e moderna, com o padrão gráfico da sobreposição da silhueta do Rato Mickey. O preto, ilustra a ousadia da Walt Disney Signature e abordagem destemida em matéria de cor da Cappellini. Poltrona giratória com moldura de madeira e poliuretano moldado e assento em tecido. Base em aço inox escovado. Série de 99 peças numeradas.
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Telf: 214 867 378
Lisboa / Portugal
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