The Vatican today made the "attempted ordination" of women one of the gravest crimes under church law, putting it in the same category as clerical sex abuse of minors, heresy and schism.I have a new rule too. Being a Roman Catholic is equal to indirectly supporting systematic institutionally protected child abuse and sexism. How can you continue to follow the Pope when your religion has been exposed for the debased superstitious and exclusionary cult that it is? Surely, every female catholic will recoil from this decision by the Vatican in horror and embarrassment? ... I'm not holding my breath.The new rules, which have been sent to bishops around the world, apply equally to Catholic women who agree to a ceremony of ordination and to the bishop who conducts it. Both would be excommunicated. Since the Vatican does not accept that women can become priests, it does not recognise the outcome of any such ceremony.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Can we be done with this exclusionary and broken religion please?
News that the Catholic Church has passed new rules equating female ordination of clergy and bishops to child abuse, heresy and schism. Yes, read that again then read this and wonder, like me, why this institution is not subject to European laws on discrimination and fined into oblivion:
10:39 AM