(By Sintayehu Tefera, Ethiopian Politics Contributor)
At the moment, the CUD is at a crucial point in its existence. As is the case with every decision, there is a potential for a great failure or a resounding success. Uniting the country and rallying its supporters should be the number one priority. The following suggestions outlined, may have a positive effect in regards to the ongoing struggle.
1) CUD should call for the immediate release of all political prisoners, WITH a very special emphasis on MR. Siye Abrha and other EX- EPRDF members who are currently imprisoned.
2) In the event that a mass strike is needed, CUD should start the grounds work to enable people in the rural areas to participate in this strike and, in addition, implement a support system where by people that make their living paycheck to paycheck could be provided for and maintained by willing and able supporters.
3) International media has a very short attention span, by strategically utilizing supporters outside the country, CUD has to try and keep the struggle for democracy in the forefront by captivating the world’s interest.