Meles Coming to the USA?
Ethiopiawinet is reporting that prime minister Meles Zenawi will be coming to the United States, New York, next Tuesday to give a speech at the UN. Mr. Meles is expected to arrive in New York on Tuesday, September 12 and is scheduled to give his speech in front of world leaders on Thursday, September 14, 2006. We will update our readers on this story as we get more information.

Mr. Ambassador, to be - Donald Y. Yamamoto

The "secret hold" in action
On Yesterday’s Edition, we featured an interview of Professor Alemayheu with Meron Ahadu of HR5680 taskforce, discussing in detail what it would take to make HR5680 a success in both the house and the senate. Professor Alemayehu stated the biggest hindrance to HR5680 may be a particular method practiced in the senate referred to as the “secret hold”. A secret hold is a parliamentary procedure within the Standing Rules of the United States Senate which allow one or more Senators to anonymously prevent a motion from reaching a vote on the Senate floor. Here is a classic example of how a secret hold works.
Pagels Human Rights Award Recipient - Mesfin Woldemariam
Prof. Mesfin is being honored by the Academy for his leadership in advocating for the disadvantaged and in promoting human rights, civil society, and a peaceful transition to democracy. (More...)
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