Also in the news: [IT’S TIME FOR US TO SAY "THANK YOU!"] - [Ethiopian convoy ambushed in Mogadishu]
Another Political activist beaten and killed by Ethiopian Police
(Ethio-Zagol) Police shot dead a young political dissident on Wednesday at Rufael, one of the northern suburbs of Addis Ababa.
Four federal police officers dragged Tesfaye Tadesse, 25, from his friend's home at 9:45 pm and shot him thrice on his chest and twice on his back. His family found his bullet-straddled body latter.

Tesfaye a notable kinijit organizer at his neighborhood had been arrested in June and November 2005 when EPRDF embarked upon massive crack down of dissent in the country. His friends said security men had repeatedly harassed him after he was released from detention in November.
Tesfaye's autopsy revealed that he had lost three of his front teeth and one eye due to severe beating. The police officers took him to a dark area in the village and beat him, eyewitnesses claimed. "When people living in the village started surrounding the police officers who were beating him, they shot him and drove away," one witness said. (More...)
Alemayehu G. Mariam
Never was so much owed by so many to so few...
How does one thank those who put everything on the line to stand up for justice, truth and the Ethiopian way?
How does one express appreciation to those who left their families, friends, neighbors and country to expose the truth about unspeakable crimes committed against children, and call international attention to the massive human rights abuses committed by Zenawi’s regime?
How does one express admiration to those who left high positions of authority and willingly gave up their professions and livelihoods because telling the truth was far more important to them than any amount of personal gain or advantage?
How does one say thank you to Woldemichael Meshesha, Frehiwot Samuel, Mitiku Teshome, and Alemayehu Zemedkun? (More...)
Ethiopian convoy ambushed in Mogadishu
MOGADISHU, Somalia - Unidentified gunmen ambushed a convoy of Ethiopian troops in Mogadishu Saturday morning, leaving four bystanders dead and three wounded, just hours after government troops repelled an attack on the Somali president's palace.
The gunmen fired light machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades at the convoy, but missed. The Ethiopian troops responded with heavy weapons, killing a man and a woman on the side of the road, said Hawa Malin, a resident who witnessed the ambush.
Two other people who were wounded died on the way to the hospital, medical officials said. "The Ethiopians shot me," said Ali Kheyre Mumin, one of the wounded. "They shot at me and the others indiscriminately ... they shot everybody who was moving around."
The attack adds to fears that Islamic militiamen, defeated in conventional fighting earlier this month, have begun an insurrection against the internationally backed government. (More...)
The Week in Review
- Monday - January 15, 2007
- Tuesday - January 16, 2007
- Wednesday - January 17, 2007
- Thursday - January 18, 2007
- Friday - January 19, 2007
[Implementing lessons from Ethiopia's EPRDF: somalia shuts down independent Radio and TV Stations] - [Deadly clashes in Mogadishu as Ethiopia seeks African help] - [EACA: Georgetown University Insulting Dr Martin Luther King's Dream] - [Ethiopians risk life and limb across desert and sea to make Gucci bags] - [(NPR) Bole2Harlem: Hearing Ethiopia in New York]
[Local administration asks Somalia govt to remove Ethiopian troops from capital] - [Kennedy Center Ceremony marred by protesters] - [Qaliti Qalkidan update and letter from qaliti prison] - [Mogadishu Residents Refuse to Give Up Guns to Ethiopians] - [Somalia reverses broadcaster ban] - [revised itinerary of the Inquiry commission’s west cost tour]
[New U.N. leader to visit Addis] - [Police Violence in the Streets of Addis] - [Siye Abraha's closing statement] - [U.N. eyes more cuts in Eritrea-Ethiopia peace force] - [Islamist Fighters Captured Fleeing Somalia] - [Clan Divisions Threaten Somalia Government] - [Al Amoudi to build new resort at Bawadi]
[Slums of Addis: where globalization seems far away] - [US plans more raids in Somalia] - [Anti-US backlash in Somalia limited, threat remains] - [Top U.N. Envoy Flies to Somali Capital for peace force talks] - [US slams Somali speaker's sacking]
[Mortars hit Somali presidential palace as Gunmen attack] - [Timket celebrators fill streets of Addis; calls for release of prisoners of conscience reported] - [Conflict in the Horn of Africa: The streets of Mogadishu] - [African Union to deploy peacekeepers ]