
Easter Message from Kinijit Chairman and prisoner of conscience, Hailu Shawel - Kality Prison: click to read
Weekend Top Stories:
[North Korea sells arms to Ethiopia with US OK: NYT] - [U.S. envoy makes surprise Somalia visit] - [Specially-trained Ethiopian forces deploy in Mogadishu]

The Bush administration allowed Ethiopia to complete a secret arms purchase from North Korea in an apparent violation of a U.N. Security Council sanctions resolution passed months earlier over its nuclear test, The New York Times reported in Sunday editions. PRADE magazine, in its 2007 special edition, named both Kim Jong-il of North Korea and Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia 'world’s worst dictators'
Message to the Prisoners of Conscience: Ethiopia
Kinijit North America Association of Support Organizations (KNAASO)
[Resolution On Ethiopia]
African Civil Society Forum 2007
March 2007, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
-Event Website
The Christmas War in the Horn of Africa Continues: What is the Way Out?
By professor Mammo Muchie (Ethiopia) & Osman Abdulkadir Farah (Somalia)
Speech by Professor Mesfin Wolde Mariam
(Sakharov Prize nominee, Robert Kennedy Memorial Human Rights Award nominee, winner of the New York Academy of Sciences - Heinz R. Pagels Award, and Prisoner of conscience)
November - 2003
North Korea sells arms to Ethiopia with US OK: NYT
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Bush administration allowed Ethiopia to complete a secret arms purchase from North Korea in an apparent violation of a U.N. Security Council sanctions resolution passed months earlier over its nuclear test, The New York Times reported in Sunday editions.
Citing unnamed U.S. officials from a number of agencies, the Times said the United States allowed the January arms delivery in part because Ethiopia was fighting Islamic militias in Somalia in an offensive that aided U.S. policies of combating religious extremists in the Horn of Africa.
A spokesman for the State Department declined to comment on the specifics of the arms shipment, but said the United States was "deeply committed to upholding and enforcing U.N. Security Council resolutions," the newspaper reported. No response from the Ethiopian Embassy was available.(More...)
U.S. envoy makes surprise Somalia visit
MOGADISHU, Somalia --The top U.S. diplomat for Africa made a surprise visit to Somalia Saturday to meet with the transitional government and help shore up a cease-fire in a conflict with Islamist insurgents that has left hundreds dead.(More...)
Somalia: Specially-trained Ethiopian forces deploy in Mogadishu
MOGADISHU, Somalia - Hundreds of Ethiopian troops arrived in military planes in the provincial town of Baidoa overnight Thursday, residents reported.
Somali military officials told Garowe Online on the condition of anonymity that the fresh Ethiopian reinforcements are composed of soldiers specially trained in urban warfare.
"They will be helping us [the govt] in house-to-house searches in Mogadishu," said one Somali military contact.(More...)
The Week in Review
- Monday - April 02, 2007
- Tuesday - April 03, 2007
- Wednesday, April 04, 2007
- Thursday - April 05, 2007
- Friday - April 06, 2007
[More reports of Ethiopian soldiers entering Somalia; Prime minister denies troop increase]- [Court adjourned for tomorrow] - [Thousands flee Somalia fighting] - [Museveni in Eritrea over Somalia] - [Encouraging Results Seen in U.S.-Financed HIV/Aids Project] - [Foreign media and observers to be banned from Ethiopia’s future elections]
[EHRCO special report: Torture of Detainees should Stop] - [Court Postponed again] - [CIA and FBI agents visit Ethiopian secret jails] - [Eritrea urges Uganda to withdraw troops] - [Ethiopia says killed 23 Eritrean-backed rebels] - [Islamist cleric in Mogadishu urges jihad against invaders] - [AIDS Holy Water 'Cure']
[Breaking News: Prisoners of conscience in Ethiopia a step closer to the death penalty] - [CIA and FBI agents visit Ethiopian secret jails] - [Combating Child Labor in Ethiopia ] - [Low-level fighting in Mogadishu, govt dismisses ceasefire]
[Breaking news: kangaroo court rules against peace activist and human rights defender Professor Mesfin W/Mariam] - [Somali fundamentalists regrouping- reports] - [Brief fighting at Mogadishu flashpoint] - [5,000 Ethiopians and Somalis moved to Yemen this year illegally ] - [Former Defense Minister’s Case Adjourned Again]
[Europe Looks Into Possible War Crimes committed by Ethiopian troops in Somalia] - [E-mail reveals EU worried about ties to Somali war crimes] - [Professor Alemayehu on the Kangaroo court's ruling] - [Somali opposition figures convene in Eritrea] - [Africa Has Other Zimbabwes] - [Ethiopia Secret Prisons Under Scrutiny]