It has been exciting to watch the middle school students make progress as the week went on. They made arguments and provided proofs from their first debate, but no they are adding crucial dimensions to their debate performance: development of an overall argumentative position in the debate, adequately refuting the arguments of the other side, utilizing strategies as opportunities present themselves and finally balancing the arguments of the two sides into a persuasive argument for a decision one way or the other.
Their energy is exceptional and exciting. During the early evenings they have been occupied in activities, whether walks, touch football, small group games and even a sing-along.
Greg Paulk, the overall instructor, has been very pleased with their progress. "They are really getting it," he said, "and starting to make good decisions in the debates." As a six-time national champion coach at the middle school level, we hope that some of his experience rubs off on these young people.
A number of them have mentioned how excited they are by debating and how they would like to help start it as an activity in their schools when they return home. Greg will be providing them with extensive information beyond hat they already have to facilitate this. As well, WDI will always be there to support and advise students and teachers. Fell free to email me, the director, at alfred.snider@uvm.edu .