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- Today's Top HEADLINES
- Picture of the Day - (millennium edition featuring Faces of Ethiopia)
Almezuria Teshome appeals to Kinijit’s leaders
Alemzuria Teshome is 25 years old. In November 2, 2005 security forces who came to arrest her father (Kinijit’s city council elect for Addis Ababa) murdered her mother W/ro Etenesh Yimam , a 52 years old housewife, for screaming too loud. [Listen here]
Also see:
-Alemzuria's Testimony to the U.S. Congress
-VP of Kinijit Birtukan Mideksa Speech - VIDEO-Winners do not falter at faulty moments (ENC)
-Azeb Mesfin in NY to attend conference
-Ethiopian Doctors fleeing in record numbers
-Ethiopia to see grand Millennium Library
-Africa flooding spreads, 22 countries hit: UN
-Enkifat - Poem (Tewodros Abebe)
SOMALIA: RIFT BETWEEN PRESIDENT AND PM DEEPENS The political row between Yusuf and Gedi first surfaced earlier this year when the two leaders supported opposite deals with foreign firms intending to explore for potential oil in Somalia. Some insiders suggested that Gedi's recent meetings with opposition figures represents a separate policy the Prime Minister is pursuing, especially with regard to securing Mogadishu, which is dominated by members of Gedi's Hawiye clan.(More...)
-Iranian president begins US visit amid controversy-US invites Syria to peace talks
-Top Pakistan politicians arrested
-Germans Protest Online Surveillance
-The Most Influential People in the World
JUNTA IN CRISIS AS BURMA'S MONKS MARCH ON The military leaders of Myanmar, the former Burma, are expected to meet this week, to decide how to react to growing protests against their rule. Thousands of Buddhist monks and nuns have staged daily demonstrations on the streets. The generals face a dilemma; stamp out the dissidents and risk an explosion of popular anger, or allow the monks to continue and see the protests become unstoppable.(More...)
(Ethiopia - Borana girl)
