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- Kinijit EU delegation report
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Ethiopia in the Third Millennium—Where Do We Go From Here? (Obang Metho)
PRESS RELEASE - Congressman Mike Honda to host RECEPTION Honoring the Ethiopian Millennium. [Click here for details]

(ETP/ CIVICUS) - Final verdict is expected Tuesday, October 9, 2007, in the case of the two civil society advocates, Daniel Bekele and Netsanet Demissie, who have languished in an Ethiopian prison for over 23 months.
Daniel and Netsanet presented their defence from 27 July until 2 August, calling 29 witnesses and presenting 300 pages of documentary evidence. Their witnesses included members of the opposition party CUD and a UN election observer, all who pointed to Daniel and Netsanet’s innocence. Daniel and Netsanet were charged with conspiracy and the treason related charge of 'outrage against the constitution and constitutional order'.
Also see:
-Activists in over 10 countries unite for Danel and Netsanet
-U.N. elections consultant testifies for Daniel and Netsanet
-Daniel/Netsanet's case not to wrap before the millennium
In a press conference held Oct. 4th with Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi took some time to express his feelings on the passing of H.R. 2003 from the house.“It is an unfair decision. It is the result of a vendetta” he said “If it was about the human rights situation; they should have looked at Eritrea first”.
What sort of argument/logic is this? Especially coming from the Prime Minister, one who has been deemed by some as being highly intellectual, is very surprising.
First, in regards to the “vendetta” comment;
Is the Prime Minister saying that Congressman Payne, Congressman Smith and all the other congressmen and women who voted “yes” to H.R. 2003, have a “blood feud, rivalry, contention, or the like” with him and his government? Because that is how the dictionary defines “vendetta” –- “a prolonged and bitter blood feud, rivalry, contention, or the like”.
Second, in regards to the “they should have looked at Eritrea first” comment:
Particularly kids in elementary School are very familiar with this excuse. The ploy is simple; when you are caught doing something that you know you shouldn't be doing – blame a peer to divert attention off of yourself. It may be a good strategy in kindergarten, but not so in international politics.
Here is a simple analogy; say you get pulled over for doing ninety in a thirty mile per hour zone, and you say to the officer “Well, I know I was speeding, but my neighbor always drives much faster than me” Will this argument convince anyone?
Why bring Eritrea into this? Eritrea is a totally different issue from the topic at hand. Actually, the Prime Minister has no reason to be envious of U.S’s treatment of Eritrea, as a part of the U.S. government is currently pondering whether to put that country on a terrorism watch list or not.
The uncanny ability of Ethiopia’s Prime Minister to talk his way out of any predicament is well known. But even he couldn’t muster a single convincing and credible reason as to why H.R. 2003 could be of harm to Ethiopia.
Also see:
-Ato Samuel Aseffa Hates HR 2003 (Weichegud)
KINIJIT EU DELEGATION REPORT - WE TESTED DEMOCRACY, IT WAS SO SWEET(EMF) - Kinijit Europe Delegation met with EU MPEs, EU commission, ACP-EU high ranking officials and Office of Human right commission.
Discussions were held with the EU authorities during the sessions. The delegation, which started its tour in London, is having similar sessions and lobby works in major European countries, namely Belgium, Norway , Sweden, Finland, Holland, Austria, Switzerland and Germany.(More..)
-City Expresses Support for Ethiopia's Pro-Democracy Movement(ethiomedia)-Eng. Hailu Shawl interview with DW - AUDIO (via emf)
-Hijackers release khat cargo plane in Somalia
-Darfur Rebels Find Refuge in Eritrea, but Little Hope
-Attacks kill five in Somali capital
-Interview with Haile Gebrselassie - VIDEO

Burmese Military's Offer to Meet Opposition Leader
(Picture - Burma Senior General Than Shwe (L) and democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi (R))
[AUDIO report]
-Death toll from Congo plane crash rises to 39
-Obama hopes to surprise Clinton in Iowa
-Pakistan's court puts Musharraf's future on ice
-From soup to swords, this year's Ig Nobels