Originally filed on 16 December 2007.
I am here in Malaysia and the World Universities Peace Invitational Debates are in full swing.
I arrived Friday and spent most of the day recovering from a 30 plus hour trip from the USA.
On Saturday morning I was joined by Malaysian trainer Iqbal Hafiedz and we went over to Bangi area (where there are many, many training centers) to the CIMB Bnk training center (CIMB is the host and sponsor for this entire event) and we did a training session for about fifty high school students.
We did five different sessions before breaking in the afternoon. Including:
- "Why debate?" session by me.
- "Macro view of a debate" by Hafiedz.
- Coffee, tea and snack break (wow, and what great snacks).
- "Speaker roles on World Schools format" session by me.
- "Structure and strategy for argument" session by Hafiedz.
- Small group sessions on analyzing motions and building arguments, by both of us, where the students were very spirited and involved.
A wonderful late lunch followed, and then we had a sad farewell with the students and it was back to Kuala Lumpur and the Novotel where people are staying. A good first day and many thanks to CIMB Bank and HNGSC Strategic Communications.