A few random observations for those of you who could not catch the final round of the WGC at Doral
- Tiger Woods (once again) displays amazing patience: Jimmy Roberts, immediately following Tiger's round asks him "how high is this on the frustration meter" ? Tiger. always cool, handles the question with class. (FWIW, the dude shot 7 under - not the winning score, but clearly a strong showing for his second event back)
- Jeev Singh is pretty much unflappable. He had a lot of chances to get really frustrated and he never seemed to bat an eyelash.
- Jim Furyk is ON FIRE on the last 6 holes...I am gonna attribute that to his change to a more stylish color palette this year (no more beige, thank God)
- Phil and Nick Watney are trading punches like two heavyweight boxers - it's really great entertainment. They are both playing some balls out golf...and looking a little worn out on the last few holes after a slugfest in the middle of the round.
- Watney has hit some magical shots today - ones which TW would envy...but he has also hit some I haven't seen since....I played Friday afternoon - some real stinkers for sure...
- Those are some REALLY FUNKY looking bunkers....and they are eating Watney up. Seriously, for a PGA player, his bunker shots are weak.
- Phil has a pretty good RIGHT handed swing - better than most you see in your weekend foursome.
- The NBC crew is pimping "Celebrity Apprentice" hard, and nary a mention of Natalie Gulbis being on the show...huh ???
- I get it that Rory is the next Sergio(or Tiger,Jack, Ben,Arnold, etc.), but damn he hit some ugly shots this week. The rough around the greens seemed to especially confuse him.
- Hard to figure the greens in South Fla not being in better condition than they are this week - lots of brown spots for a marquee track.
- For the ladies, Camilo is rockin' a RED belt today - matching his red shirt - Tigeresque, no ?
- To the dude who yelled "Go in the water" when Phil hit his tee shot on #18 - you suck - I hope you are making some new friends in the county jail tonight...
- #18, Phil leads by one - both he and Watney split the fairway with their tee shots. Both safely on (the fringe)....and PHIL WINS !!!!