Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Carville Hired For Afghan Elections
Famed political consultant James Carville has been hired to run the campaign of a challenger to current Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai:
Carville said he joined the team of Ashraf Ghani, also a former World Bank official, so Afghans had a viable choice in the Aug. 20 poll.

"This is probably the most important election held in the world in a long time," Carville told The Associated Press in a telephone interview late Tuesday. "This is probably the most interesting project I have ever worked in my life."

Carville called Karzai "increasingly unpopular," despite opinion polls showing him with a commanding lead.

"There is very little confidence in Afghanistan at Karzai as a leader," Carville said. "Our job is to let the people of Afghanistan know that there is an alternative."

According to what I have seen, a shot at beating Karzai would definitely be a long one. I have no knowledge, but I would assume that Carville is probably just looking for a challenge. He doesn't need the money and it doesn't really effect anything domestically, so that is the only reason I can come up with. I will be a lot more interested in the Afghan elections now, I do know that.