I know that most of you were glued to the Olympics this weekend - according to the folks I follow on Twitter, only a moron was watching the Waste Management Open (until Sid Crosby slapped in the final goal). Well, if you weren't at least channel surfing to catch SOME of the event, you missed a few interesting things.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Some interesting Observations from the Waste(d) Management Open
I know that most of you were glued to the Olympics this weekend - according to the folks I follow on Twitter, only a moron was watching the Waste Management Open (until Sid Crosby slapped in the final goal). Well, if you weren't at least channel surfing to catch SOME of the event, you missed a few interesting things.
Poll: Bright Crushes Roby
A poll commissioned by the Bright campaign and done by Anzalone-Liszt Research reveals that Bobby Bright has a commanding lead over all supposed challengers in his race to retain his House seat:
Bobby Bright (D-inc): 54
Martha Roby (R): 30Bobby Bright (D-inc): 55
Stephanie Bell (R): 29Bobby Bright (D-inc): 58
Rick Barber (R): 26
(MoE: ±4.4%)
I must say that this surprises me. I have been less than optimistic about Bright's chances for reelection since he won 2 years ago. Regardless, it will be interesting to see turnout numbers on the Democratic side without President Obama drawing voters out in Montgomery. These number probably haven't been factored in, but Charlie Cook and CQ Politics still have the race rated as a toss up.
***Personal rant*** It will be also be quite intriguing to see how the GOP attacks Bright seeing that he is rated the most conservative Democrat and more conservative than some Republicans. My inkling is they will attack him as a "Pelosi" Democrat, which is fine, but maybe it will shut-up some of this people who say they "aren't Republicans" just "conservatives" on a regular basis. It's ok to be partisan, but people who pretend to be so principled and above the fray and then vote partisan no matter what really piss me off.
***Also, I continue to use the above picture because I know the people in it.***
H/T - Political Parlor (For the above link)
Shelby Doesn't Know About Qualified Nominees
H/T - Think Progress
Saturday, February 27, 2010
4UDECOR com Miguel Vieira Casa
Miguel Vieira, um grande apaixonado pela área de mobiliário, acaba de lançar a nova linha Miguel Vieira Casa. O designer de moda tem vindo a dedicar-se a diversos projectos paralelos à moda e a decoração surge, agora, como o desafio ideal no seu percurso.
Este novo projecto surgiu na sequência de uma parceria do atelier Miguel Vieira com uma empresa de mobiliário portuguesa, algo que estava há vários anos nos horizontes do designer e que resultou numa “colecção criada a pensar no meu tipo de casa ideal. Uma colecção que consegue mobilar todas as divisões de uma casa, onde a palavra de ordem é o design”, explica Miguel Vieira. “À semelhança da importância que tenho dado às minhas criações de “alfaiataria”, nomeadamente no que diz respeito ao interior dos fatos, esta linha mantém o factor surpresa de igual forma. Ao interior de cada peça de mobiliário é dada uma importância grandiosa. Os acabamentos revelam uma minúcia e um detalhe surpreendentes”.
“O conceito que orientou a criação da colecção foi o encontro da sintonia perfeita entre um design de perfil contemporâneo e o intimismo, a elegância e a liberdade que permitem criar um ambiente moderno mas também confortável e requintado. São exploradas diversas facetas de estilo que permitem criar peças sofisticadas e cheias de personalidade. Para além da perspectiva utilitária, cada peça expressa um valor próprio, semelhante à personalidade humana”.
A colecção Miguel Vieira Casa apresenta peças de mobiliário que privilegiam o design e a durabilidade, apostando em madeiras exóticas (ébano e nogueira americana) e acabamentos luxuosos (lacados, talha de ouro e tecidos jacquard desenvolvidos em atelier). Os formatos são pouco convencionais - há peças cuja estrutura clássica foi totalmente subvertida - e as proporções, as formas e as volumetrias são continuamente depuradas. Branco puro e cerâmica, champanhe, bege, pérola, amarelo, verde, amora silvestre, violeta, rosa e preto são as cores predominantes.
“Trata-se de um projecto que me apaixona bastante pois une ousadia e equilíbrio. Sinto que criei peças que emanam charme e sofisticação em todos os detalhes, e cujas influências são ao mesmo tempo contemporâneas e clássicas”, conclui Miguel Vieira. Publicada por Associação Modalisboa
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Republican Senator Holds Unemployment Benefits Extension Bill Hostage
From The AP:
Unemployment Extension Fails in Senate
GOP Sen. Jim Bunning Blocks Action over Concerns About Swelling Deficit
(AP) The Senate failed late Thursday to extend programs for laid-off workers, jeopardizing unemployment benefits scheduled to expire over the weekend.
The benefits are part of a larger package of government programs, from highway funding to loans for small businesses, set to expire Sunday because senators couldn’t agree on how to pay for an extension.
The House passed a bill Thursday extending the programs for a month while lawmakers consider how to address the issues long-term. Senate Democrats repeatedly tried to follow suit Thursday night but they couldn’t overcome the objections of a single lawmaker, Republican Sen. Jim Bunning of Kentucky, that the $10 billion bill would add to the budget deficit.
The Democrats are to blame for not forcing this clown to stand up on the floor, and any of his co-conspirators to STAND ON THE SENATE FLOOR - FOR ALL TO SEE - as they hurt at least 1.2 million American citizens. If they're so big and bad - FORCE THEM TO FILIBUSTER. This mamby-pamby bullshyt of letting them get away with it - without shouting it from the rooftops everytime a Democrat gets on tv - is pathetic.
From Bob Cesca:
* No reimbursements to States for previously-committed Federal highway funds. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will not be able to approve any expenditures from the Highway Trust Fund beginning on Monday, March 1. This will prohibit FHWA from reimbursing States for any previously-committed Federal highway funds.
* No ability to commit additional Federal highway funds. Due to both a statutory prohibition and the furlough of its employees (described below), beginning on Monday, March 1, FHWA will be unable to approve States’ commitment of any Federal highway funds.
* No ability to commit additional Federal transit funds. FTA will be unable to approve any new transit grants from all transit programs that are funded out of the Highway Trust Fund. This will prohibit States, transit agencies and MPOs from receiving funds from any of the following programs: Bus and Bus Facilities, Urban and Rural Formula, Metropolitan and Statewide Planning, Fixed Guideway Modernization, Formula Grants for Elderly and Disabled, Job Access and Reverse Commute, New Freedom and Transit in the Parks.
* Shutdown of Agencies and furloughs of over 4,000 Federal employees. The entire FHWA, the entire Federal Motor Carrier Administration (FMCSA), some portions of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and some portions of the Research and Innovation Transportation Administration (RITA), will cease operations and furlough their employees (totaling over 4,000 employees) beginning on Tuesday, March 2.
* ARRA “Recovery Act” Impact: Due to the furlough of FHWA employees, any remaining obligation of funds by States may not be processed. This could cause States to lose some unspent ARRA funds.
Highway Safety
* No new MCSAP or new entrant grants. The shutdown of the FMCSA will prevent the agency from entering into new obligations for its 11 grant programs and funding vouchers for work performed during the duration of the lapsed authority. In particular, two highly visible programs, the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) grants and the New Entrant grants, would be greatly affected. The MCSAP program provides funding to States to reduce the number and severity of crashes and hazardous materials incidents involving commercial motor vehicles. The New Entrant program provides funds to States to prevent unsafe motor carrier companies from entering the industry.
* All of NHTSA’s State highway safety grant programs would shut down. In addition to the furlough of its personnel, NHTSA would have to shut down operations of Highway Safety Research and Development; National Driver Register (NDR); and Highway Safety Grants, and would have to stop paying all bills for the programs under these accounts.
and what was Bunning's response when asked about all the unemployed people who would stop getting their benefits?
I kid you not.
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President Obama Signs Executive Order to Strengthen HBCU's
Miguel Vieira - Aparador Porcelain
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Taichung Mayor Urged to Run for President in 2012
A big campaign was set yesterday in Taichung City to urge Taichung City mayor Jason Hu to run for the president in 2012, drawing a widespread attention across the island.In response to the controversial campaign, Hu said yesterday that he still supports the incumbent President Ma Ying-jeou to run for the second presidential term.
Hu is still considering whether to run for the mayor in the newly-upgraded “Great Taichung City.” However, a voice that urges him to think about another option has emerged. It is feared that the poor performance of the Ma administration has eroded the confidence of its staunch supporters.
Friday, February 26, 2010
The Politics of Fear
Taiwan could face immediate risks if it fails to conclude the proposed Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) with China, said Premier Wu Den-yih yesterday during an administrative interpellation in the Legislative Yuan.“It’s extremely disadvantageous to Taiwan if the ECFA is not signed,” said Wu in response to an inquiry by Kuomintang (KMT) Lawmaker Lo Shu-lei yesterday morning, according to local media reports. Wu warned that “every trade in Taiwan would lose competitiveness.”
Note the terminology at use here. "Immediate risks", "extremely disadvantageous", "every trade would lose competitiveness" and also, but not mentioned above, "Taiwan would be downed". The KMT is ramping up the fear of ECFA not being signed yet at the same time hardly anyone believes that any significant obstacle will prevent the KMT from signing the agreement with the CCP so it would appear that this fear mongering is purely a way to build up the legitimacy and necessity of signing a deal that is as good as signed already. To my point of view there is a difference between a government persuading a people that a policy is needed and THEN, when public support indicates sufficient approval, pushing the policy into practice, and unilaterally moving to implement a policy goal in an environment of severe public skepticism whilst continually trying to justify the action on threats of a dark future without it. The obvious parallel is not with Obama's healthcare reforms which in principle the US public supports but rather with the post 9-11 Bush administration's push for an unnecessary war in Iraq and afghanistan citing a war on terror. In terrorising the Taiwanese people with stories of economic doom without ECFA, the KMT administration betrays its desperation to sign an agreement that many observe to be one that will trap Taiwan's economy within China's sphere of influence. Yet that's arguably a real threat Ma seems utterly oblivious to.
Blockbuster A Memory?
In this part of the country most people are Movie Gallery patrons, but regardless it is entirely possible that blockbuster could become a thing of the past in 2010. Personally, I think they will survive, but their last quarter was miserable and the stock currently trades at $10 cheaper than it did 5 years ago:
The 21% revenue decrease was mostly due to a 14% decline in same store sales. The firm’s net loss was $114 million compared to a $19 million loss in the same period in 2008. Blockbuster has only $141 million in cash and cash equivalents.
The market value of the company is only $125 million. Blockbuster has bought itself some time by refinancing a large part of its debt and it has been aggressively closing stores
A bankruptcy will do almost nothing to improve Blockbuster’s prospects. Blockbuster does have over $1.7 billion in assets, not all of them saleable, but the firm will almost certainly face liquidation in the relatively near future.
The Coffee Party: The Anti-Tea Party
The genesis of the idea for the Coffee Party Movement and its purpose is best explained by the video above. It all started with documentary filmmaker Annabel Park venting her frustrations on her Facebook page about media coverage that made it seem that the Tea Parties were representative of the “real America.” She vehemently disagreed and her comments on Facebook got a lot of feedback from people who similarly felt pent-up and frustrated.
Their name the “Coffee Party” directly references the Tea Party movement and presents itself as an alternative. Park argues elected officials who represent us should work towards positive solutions to the problems the country faces instead of adopting obstructionist political tactics that play on peoples’ fears and which are driven by deliberate misinformation.
The Coffee Party is currently organizing nationwide. It is stressing the message that its members are voters who intend to hold elected officials accountable to holding up progress. Its members will participate and be engaged in the political process.
In addition, the Coffee Party values diversity, is, itself, diverse and completely comfortable with the changing ethnic demographics of the US. Park argues that politicians are exploiting the anxieties people feel regarding these changing demographics for political gain and that it is wrong.
Cooperation is needed to solve problems and that no practical solutions can be reached when there is no cooperation in Congress. Dialogue is impossible when one side—a reference to the Republicans and the Tea Party movement in the healthcare town hall meetings over the summer of 2009—is engaged in tactics designed to shut down discussion.
Park says the Congress works for us – the American people – not corporations and not just a sliver of the total demographic. Congress should stop the endless fighting and get down to work on problem-solving and representing our interests as their constituents. The Coffee Party Movement is an open invitation to participate to anyone who believes that government should be part of problem-solving and representing our interests.
The Movement is Growing
I was able to speak with an organizer of the Coffee Party. He argued that many Americans are tired of the Tea Partiers portrayal in the media as the representation of the "Real America." Many Americans oppose the Tea Party and their tactics and rhetoric and need a vehicle to represent their side on the debates and issues of a country in crisis.
In addition, the Coffee Partiers want to give voice to real economic populism that is designed to address the concerns of middle and working class Americans. The Coffee Party organizers don't want the Right to have a monopoly of the populist side of the debate on economics and economic issues.
Their main struggle at this point is to come to a consensus on core principles and areas of focus. Their Facebook note on developing a platform for the movement reflects a desire to demonstrate, through practice and example, their commitment to (a) inclusivity and respect for a diversity of opinion and (b) a commitment to small "d" democracy and consensus-building.
We will try to show by example what a participatory democracy can and ought to look like. We need to show that we can come together as a community, despite our differences, and engage in a constructive dialogue that leads to solutions.
The movement is currently centered around social media networks. They have a website, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages.
- coffeepartyusa.com
- www.facebook.com/coffeeparty
- twitter.com/coffeepartyusa
- www.youtube.com/user/coffeepartyusa
Since they started the social media sites in early February, there are now over 40 chapters nationwide and growing everyday. Their Facebook group had over 20,000 fans as of the time I am writing this (late February) and growing rapidly.
Potential and Challenge for the Future
The Coffee Party Movement has the potential to really take off and spread like wildfire much the same way the Tea Parties started through social media and grassroots networks. I am very pleased that a citizen-centered, grassroots uprising other than a right-wing one is in the works which seeks to address the gridlock and polarization in Congress and the dysfunctional politics in general in Washington DC.
The very fact that within a month of launching that they have established nearly 40 chapters nationwide and have passed the 20,000 member mark in the Facebook page bodes well for their future.
The real test for the Coffee Party will come when they have reached critical mass, have established an organizational structure and then are in a position to DO something. Either support or oppose some political measure, or apply pressure on a politician by giving or withholding support. Once the Coffee Party Movement has passed the stage of conversations and meetings and are in a position to execute their ideas into practice will determine what type of organization and movement they will be.
Another big test would be how they are portrayed in the mass media and if the media portrayals create momentum that will allow the Coffee Party to control the narrative in the public consciousness regarding the issues it wishes to address. The American mass media is notorious for leaning towards sensationalism and soundbites instead of substantive, in-depth treatment of serious issues. And let us not forget the influence of Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck in allowing the Right to set the stage, climate and control the debate and to derail the momentum of any fledgling movement that they oppose.
Their organizers told me that they are non-partisan and fully intend to reach out and appeal to Republicans and conservatives as well as independents. Reading their Facebook wall comments and general thrust of their communications, they appear to have a primarily left-leaning membership and leadership (so far) with a focus on supporting the aims of the more progressive policies of the Obama administration.
The question in my mind is this a grassroots movement that independents can participate in?
The Coffee Party would do well to heed the findings and statistics in this study:
People who self-identify as independents now outnumber those who self-identify as either Republican or Democrat. They have found both major parties inadequate, and are cynical about the two major national parties for solutions or leadership. Independents like me are independent precisely because we reject that the frame and scope of political debate and discourse in the U.S. should be limited to the Republicans and Democrats. Like the Coffee Party, we want solutions and problem-solving, not gridlock and endless partisan bickering.
If the Coffee Party Movement will succeed in truly transcending narrow partisanship it would have to watch out about becoming subsumed into or being perceived by the public as an appendage of the Democratic Party. Being a primarily liberal or Democratic organization and one which seeks to apply pressure to politicians to adopt more progressive positions is fine. The danger for the Coffee Party in appealing to non-Democrats lies in being seen as just another vehicle to elect Democratic politicians into office.
I gather that the Coffee Party Movement intends to be independent of the major parties. It bodes well for them to keep that vision in mind as they grow and develop their organization.
The Swiss Have The Lowest Crime Rate
Sarah Palin =....George Wallace???
Jonathan Rauch at the National Journal is drawing some parallels for Sarah Palin and it isn't the, lip-service good kind like Barry Goldwater gets, it's the populist George Wallace kind. I don't know if I buy what he has to say, and I certainly don't buy that she is as appealing but here are the highlights:
Palin: "Voters are sending a message." Wallace: "Send them a message!"Palin: "The soul of this movement is the people, everyday Americans, who grow our food and run our small businesses, who teach our kids and fight our wars.... The elitists who denounce this movement, they just don't want to hear the message." Wallace: "They've looked down their noses at the average man on the street too long. They've looked [down] at the bus driver, the truck driver, the beautician, the fireman, the policeman, and the steelworker...."
Palin: "We need a commander-in-chief, not a professor of law standing at the lectern." Wallace: "We have a professor -- I'm not talking about all professors, but here's an issue in the campaign -- we got these pseudo-theoreticians, and these pseudo-social engineers.... They want to tell you how to do."
Palin: "What does he [Obama] actually seek to accomplish...? The answer is to make government bigger; take more of your money; give you more orders from Washington." Wallace: "They say, 'We've gotta write a guideline. We've gotta tell you when to get up in the morning. We've gotta tell you when to go to bed at night.' "
Some Great Exchanges from the Healthcare Summit
Speaker Pelosi
"If you think it's a socialist plot, then please drop out of the federal employees health program."
-- Sen.Richard Durbin (D-IL), to Republican lawmakers at today's health care reform summit.
Cantor: People “allegedly” wronged by health care system
Democratic Health Care Summit Highlights
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Shelby Upsets The Banking Committee
Some members, of both political parties, are upset at Richard Shelby for not being a team player on banking regulations:
...the panel’s ranking member is largely sitting on the sidelines — as he has for many of the key committee debates in recent years.GOP colleagues of ranking member Richard Shelby (Ala.) insist he’s relevant to the debate and predict a bipartisan outcome will prevail.
...[but] privately, some Republicans and Democrats have said Shelby’s handling of the issue has caused tension on the panel.
...sources said there was frustration on both sides of the aisle about Shelby’s negotiating style. Republicans felt he was not keeping them in the loop on the status of negotiations, and Democrats felt he was moving the goal posts on deals that had already been made.
Patriot Act Extended Without Debate
The USA Patriot Act had certain expiring provisions extended by the Senate yesterday on a voice-vote:
One provision authorizes court-approved roving wiretaps that permit surveillance on multiple phones. A second allows court-approved seizure of records and property in antiterrorism operations. A third permits surveillance against a noncitizen suspected of engaging in terrorism who may not be part of a recognized terrorist group. In agreeing to pass the bill, Senate Democrats retreated from adding new privacy protections to the USA Patriot Act. The Senate approved the bill on a voice vote with no debate. It now goes to the House.
Byrne, A Democrat?
It basically trashes Byrne for giving a few hundred buck to Bill Clinton and for being a delegate. Also it mysteriously attacks Byrne for not believing that the entirety of the Bible is meant to be "literally true."
H/T - Left In Alabama, Tuscaloosa News
Obama Layeth The Smacketh Downeth
What if He Can’t Give You The Platinum Wedding?
What if he can’t give you the platinum fairytale wedding? Do you pass him up and wait for a man who can? Has it all come down to the wedding? I think that it has to a certain degree. Women (many of them) seem to be falling in love with the idea of the wedding day itself, as much as with the men that they claim to want to spend the rest of their lives with. This is at least part of the reason why half of all marriages in this Country fail. They often aren’t based on anything real to begin with.
I guess I’m a little old fashioned. I though marriages and weddings were supposed to be based on real love. I guess that went out of style at some point. It must have. Because weddings have now turned into huge gluttonous events, where the bride gets to show off for her friends. That’s basically what weddings (and now even marriages) have become. You get the sense that they all have a competition going where one is trying to outdo the other.
A recent blog posting by the Field Negro (Philly Attorney), entitled The Power of the Bling, led me to write on this topic. The subject of his post was very similar - the venality & superficiality of women, particularly when it comes to the ring. Of course my response was a little hardcore, but it was painfully true. We are living in a society that is growing more and more shallow by the day. Money and material things are increasing in importance for many women. Most women are Gold Diggers or have the tendencies of same to some degree (and this varies). Sorry ladies. Love ya! But I can’t abandon the truth. To me, this includes women who won’t date a man unless he has a certain type of job, earns a certain arbitrary amount of money, or unless he’s a certain race (especially the race most synonymous with money & “success”); all the way up to the women who stalk entertainers, pro athletes, rich attorneys & CEO’s…and the Donald Trumps and will generally only pursue millionaires. These are often women who aren’t ashamed to admit that they want to marry for money. Anything less than the figure on their theoretical price tags is considered “settling” or marrying down. Notice I didn’t mention character at any point…. Because character apparently isn’t one of their top factors for finding a suitable partner (that’s a clue as to why they so often choose bad men… the dogs, playboys, the a--holes, the inconsiderate guys, or those who never seem to work out for them for one reason or another).
There is an entire wedding industry in this country that plays right into this f**knuttery. The numbers back up the fact that these are grand gluttonous events. The wedding industry does roughly $70 Billion worth of business annually, with the average wedding costing approximately $30,000 (Pre-economic collapse of 2008-2009). (also see here). And when you are talking about middle class professionals & the upper middle class, you are looking at weddings easily costing more than $50,000.00. In some parts of the country $50,000 is actually the average. So before you even get to what many would consider a platinum wedding (well over $100,000.00) you are paying tens of thousands….just as an average. I hover between lower middle class and working class. (although I have a graduate degree & a half at this point). For me the lower average of $30,000 is platinum territory. I would definitely see $50,000 as “platinum”. Who needs to spend that kind of money for a wedding? It’s insane. The cost of a wedding has increased several fold just over the past 3 decades or so. It wasn’t always like this. Back in the 1950’s, 60’s, 70’s…even the 1980’s, folks didn’t go into massive debt for “the big day”. There have always been platinum weddings, but they were typically limited to those at the very top- those who we refer to today as being the top 1 or 2 percent. These extravagant parties were not the burden of the average American. Most people really didn’t care much about the lavishness of the wedding ceremony or the reception in those days. Folks would spend a couple thousand bucks, use the house or a friends home as a venue and would have a great time. Why? Because it was about love, companionship and family, or at least that's the message that was sent. Coretta Scott married MLK in her parents house. MLK didn’t have much money at the time - he was a fledgling minister. I keep using that example because it says quite a bit about how society has changed in terms of values. And we don’t necessarily have to go back that far to find that kind of an example. I can recall my fathers wedding to my step-mother back in 1986. I was 12 years old and was the ring bearer. No lavish wedding… they had the wedding in the living room of our house in Kansas. Could they have had a bigger wedding? Absolutely. My parents could have thrown a military gala on post, could have invited dozens of their military and Shriner buddies….Or could have had a big private affair in town. But why spend all that money…or go into debt unnecessarily? They ended up having a small event with about 30 or so friends and a few family members from St. Louis who drove up for the weekend. The money was better spent on the house, their two kids, and a third child that was to come into the world about 18 months later (BTW..That child - the one who wasn’t even thought of in 1986 - is now serving in the Navy…the military tradition continues. They just love to say we aren‘t patriotic don‘t they?). Smart decision in my opinion. That wedding taught me a lesson about what was important.
The wedding industry racket that pushes lavish weddings is a rather recent phenomenon. Today it’s not just the top 1 or 2 percent that have the big expensive weddings…. The average couple is now expected to throw tens of thousands into a wedding. Most women not only want it, but there is an expectation that they’ll get it.
It should be no surprise that when weddings were about love and relationships, marriages tended to last longer. As weddings have gotten more superficial, so have the marriages. Cause & effect? No. But it says a lot about the values of a society when “things” are valued more than people & relationships. It also speaks to the issue of class and the widening gaps between groups. The U.S. is becoming more of a class based society...almost like India's Caste system in some ways (for instance...it is becoming more difficult to move up in the U.S. if you are at or near the bottom). The class stratification is getting worse. Yes it is true that weddings, relationships and marriage are about money to a large degree...and traditionally they have always been about money. But in past generations they were also about love, family, companionship and certain values. (I don't agree with the preceding NYTimes article that claims "marriage for love" to be a recent phenomenon). There were definitely reasons other than just money for marriage/family in the nations history. Money didn't mean everything...it didn't dominate in past generations the way that it does today. Family was much more important when the U.S. was more of an agrarian society. Having plenty of hands was important for survival. With the rise of modern commercial farming, with 50% or more of the population now living in urban areas....and with the independence of women since the 1970's and 80's, the practicality of large families and the need to marry have waned.
I occasionally watch programs like “Platinum Weddings”, “Rich Bride/Poor Bride”, “My Fair Wedding”, “Who’s Wedding Is It Anyway”, etc…. just to see how ridiculous the people are. They demonstrate how thoroughly screwed up our society really is. It’s like watching a sociological train wreck. It is clear to me that women are marrying money (not all …but certainly a significant portion of them). They are marrying material thing. Men in many cases (not all…but many) are simply conduits for women to live a certain status based lifestyle…to simply have access to the “things” they want. They are marrying “things” and not men.
I was watching Platinum Weddings a few days ago & it was the episode with Tony Gwynn’s daughter as the bride. Several hundred thousand was spent on that wedding. I caught another episode with an Asian bride & a white groom (cough cough) where something on the order of $100,000 was spent just on flowers. This kind of craziness has now crept into the mainstream. But is it right? More importantly, could it hurt the marriage itself? (not that marriage is a grand institution anymore… I happen to believe that weddings and the wedding culture are a joke, and the state of marriage is in the toilet). But the point is, could this just add to the reasons why men shouldn’t get married? Could it discourage marriage? I think it could. The more I learn about weddings and the state of marriage today- that both are largely about money and little else - the less receptive I become to the idea of marriage. In fact, it is making me run in the other direction, as far away from the idea as I can get. What incentives does a man have for getting married? In just about every measure… it’s a losing proposition for a man. There is no incentive. In fact, I would say that there is probably more of an incentive today for a man to stay single. Marriages are nothing more than business contracts today…and no good business man would want to sign a lopsided contract. In the business world it doesn't happen that way. Why would a business man sign a lopsided contract that benefit’s the other side 80%-20%? It's unheard of. So why should a man enter into an equivalent deal in the world of marriage? Men typically lose the most from beginning to end.... from the first time he meets his future wife (he spends tons and has to demonstrate financial prowess to impress), to the time that the divorce is final and she takes almost everything he has worked for....and in some cases...he loses financially for the rest of her life...if he has to pay alimony...not to mention any child support required.
I came to the realization about 6 years ago that marriage was not in the cards for me - that it was not likely to happen. And for the first time, I’m starting to get comfortable with that reality. I was 30 then. Now I’m approaching 37. The further I have gotten away from 30, the more I feel that I don’t want to get married at all. I see marriage, weddings, and the rest as something that I actually can’t afford. I see women and weddings as being for men who can afford them. (Yes, I see women & relationships and all the stuff they bring as being expense items at this point). A woman who fits the typical mold (which generally isn’t my type anyway) literally just isn’t affordable. I have already begun to come to terms with the idea of living the rest of my life as a single guy. I have been chasing an American Dream for the past 18 years that is becoming more elusive. And I never reached a point during all that time where I actually enjoyed life. It seems as though a long stretch of my life has been wasted. So I have been trying to figure out how I will contribute to the World solo. There is one bright side to this situation… being single for so long (basically all my life) means that I won’t really miss anything by remaining single. But I do hold the door open 5 years down the road when maybe I’m doing a little better on the employment and financial front for a sexy nerd who doesn’t care about Platinum weddings, or how much money I earn.
In the meantime, I will remain disgusted by our society.
Related Link
The future of America - Tyra Show segment on women teaching daughters to marry for money. (I don't really like Tyra Banks...never have. But I found this link on youtube and thought that the segment was actually useful...and that's rare for the Tyra Banks Show, lol).
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Interview with Stephen Stafford
Hear an interview with 13 year old Morehouse College student Stephen Stafford...from NPR.
We posted about Stephen Stafford back in January. I'm even more impressed after the interview. Unfortunately he isn't representative of Black students in the wider culture. He has parents who successfully shielded him from the wider culture and the wider education system.
I wish we could get to a point where Stafford isn't such an exception... such a stark contrast from what we typically see, but just a brilliant student within a culture that embraces and cultivates this type of excellence as the norm.
House Votes to Repeal Antitrust Exemption for Insurers
Although comprehensive Healthcare Reform is dead.. and has been dead for months, the Democrats may be able to get smaller pieces of good legislation passed. This is a strategy that I have mentioned before, and the Dems should have used it months ago. Next, they should put a bill on the floor for Pre-existing Conditions.
Once you simplify these bills, it plays in favor of the Democrats. Republicans have taken advantage of the complex nature of the larger bills to basically confuse Americans. Making these bills much smaller..simplifies them and makes it much harder for the Republicans to distort facts and put out misinformation.
Anti-gay campaign in Taipei
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Appeals Court To Hear Cell-Phone Tracking Case
A U.S. Appeals Court in Philadelphia are hearing an appeal of two lower court opinions that tracking someones location by cell-phone without showing probable cause violates the Constitution:
Back in 2007, the US government applied for court permission to obtain information about the location of an individuals cell phone, without showing probable cause that tracking the individual would turn up evidence of a crime. A magistrate judge denied the government's request and a district court upheld that decision in September 2008. The government is appealing the ruling in the US Court of Appeals.Several civil liberty advocacy groups have files "friend of the court" briefs in support of the restrictions:
The decision reached by the Philadelphia-based 3rd Circuit US Court of Appeals will not only bind federal courts throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. It will also be a key source of guidance to courts around the country as they grapple with this issue.
The groups are the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the ACLU of Pennsylvania, and the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT).
Selasa malam (23/02), langit terasa cerah. Segar rasanya ketika aku coba hirup udaranya. Entahlah malam itu orang-orang sedang sibuk melihat tayangan di TV terkait pandangan akhir fraksi-fraksi di DPR dalam kasus Century. Pemandangan seperti inilah yang membuat masyarakat Indonesia sepertinya akan menjadi masyarakat yang cerdas dalam hal politik ketimbang Negara-negara lain di dunia. Saya yakin dan percaya hal itu. Coba perhatikan, setiap tahunnya, masyarakat kita selalu dihadapkan dengan namanya memilih pemimpin. Dari mulai RT sampai Presiden. Bolehlah anda sebutkan, Negara mana di dunia yang sesibuk Indonesia dalam hal ini? Pasti tidak ada. Dan itulah alasan kenapa aku bangga pada negeriku ini.
Tepat di malam itu, 90 Km dari tempatku tinggal. Di kawasan perkebunan teh sebelah selatan Kota Bandung, daerah yang bernama Ciwidey terjadi sebuah musibah. Hujan deras yang terus-menerus akhirnya membuat tanah di sekitar sana longsor dan menerjang pemukiman warga. Diperkirakan 70 orang warga tewas tertimbun tanah. Rute yang sangat sulit ditempuh menyebabkan tersendatnya bantuan baik berupa bahan makanan, pakaian maupun para relawan yang akan membantu ke sana.
Musibah longsor ini hanya berselang empat hari dari meluapnya Sungai Cieunteung di Bale Endah Kabupaten Bandung. Lokasinya masih di Kabupaten yang sama. Tapi jangan kira, walaupun berada di Kabupaten yang sama tapi lokasinya sangat berjauhan. Kabupaten Bandung, sebelum dibagi dua dengan Kabupaten Bandung Barat merupakan Kabupaten terluas di Indonesia. Kabupaten yang ada di Papua saja ternyata tidak lebih luas dibandingkan dengan Kabupaten Bandung. Saya masih ingat, waktu jadi relawan Pilkada Kabupaten Bandung lima tahun lalu, saya ditempatkan di Desa Cipongkor Kec Cililin (waktu itu belum menjadi Kab. Bandung Barat). Tempat Pemungutan Suara (TPS) tempat saya menjadi pengawas, berada di kaki gunung. Perbatasan dengan Cianjur. Wuiih, sungguh itu merupakan salah satu perjalanan yang tak terlupakan.
Itu sekilas tentang Kabupaten Bandung. Bercerita tentang Ciwidey, tentu akan dipenuhi dengan bagaimana rute perjalanan ke sana yang melewati perkebunan teh dan hutan, dinginnya udara di sana serta yang paling berkesan adalah pemandangannya yang indah. Tapi dibalik itu semua, tersimpan cerita lain sejak malam ini. Ciwidey longsor, korbannya 70 orang. Semua tertimbun tanah.
Kita berdoa semoga keluarga yang ditinggalkan bisa diberikan kesabaran atas segala yang menimpanya. Saya tidak tahu, berada di lokasi pengungsian, tempat bencana terjadi, membuat diri saya semakin merinding. Entahlah pengalaman menjadi relawan di beberapa peristiwa bencana alam seperti ke Pangandaran Ciamis, Tasikmalaya, Garut, Cianjur dan terakhir ke Sumatra Barat melatih instingku untuk lebih peduli terhadap peristiwa bencana alam.
Seorang bocah 3 tahun, berada di pelukan anda. Raut mukanya tak menunjukkan kesedihan, hanya sedikit cemberut saja karena Ia kalah bersaing mendapatkan makanan ringan itu. Entahlah, wajah bocah itu tak seperti ditinggal kedua orang tuanya yang meninggal beberapa hari lalu. Ya Rabb, aku tak tahan. Berikan hal serupa kalaulah aku seperti anak ini.
Pengalaman-pengalaman seperti itu yang menjadikan setiap tantangan adalah tahap yang harus dilalui untuk mencapai sebuah pencapaian. Saya masih ingat ketika Ramadhan tahun lalu, saya dan seorang teman yang tergabung dalam tim KRC KAMMI Pusat melaksanakan perjalanan ke Cianjur, Jawa Barat. Waktu itu Cianjur merupakan salah satu daerah yang terkena gempa bumi. perjalanan dari kota Cianjur ke lokasi bencana, bernama Cikangkareng sungguh tidak bisa kami lupakan. Bukan hanya kondisi jalannya yang gila! Ataupun karena dalam perjalanan kami stand up terus selama enam jam non stop. Tapi lebih dari itu. Di lokasi longsor, kami menemukan satu rumah diantara puluhan rumah yang hancur, tinggal puing-puingnya, akibat longsor bebatuan dari perbukitan, selamat dari terjangan sebuah batu besar. hanya berkisar satu meter saja, batu besar itu bisa saja menimpa rumah kecil yang terbuat dari bambu itu. Tapi ternyata Tuhan berkehendak lain. Teman, penghuninya adalah seorang yang rajin beribadah. Subhanallah.
Hujan yang terus menerus akhirnya kembali menelan korban. Bukan menyalahkan sang pemilik alam, tetapi menyalahkan diri sendiri bahwa kita (manusia, red) belum bisa menjaga amanah alam yang telah diberikan.
Senin kemarin (22/02) saya dan beberapa teman berangkat ke Posko KAMMI di Bale Endah, Kabupaten Bandung. Kami kesana dalam rangka bertemu dengan teman-teman KAMMI yang dengan sukarela menjadi tenaga relawan untuk menghibur anak-anak korban banjir. Pasca meluapnya sungai Cieunteung pada Jum’at (19/02) sekitar 2000 orang mengungsi karena rumahnya menjadi tergenang banjir. Pada bencana kali ini, KAMMI fokus pada trauma healing anak-anak. Lebih dari 50 orang anak usia 5-10 tahun masih ditangani teman-teman lewat Taman Pendidikan Al Quran (TPA) yang sengaja dibentuk. Sekolah tempat mereka berdiri pun sampai sekarang belum bisa aktif. Sementara orang tua mereka tinggal di beberapa tempat yang disediakan pemerintah seperti gedung olah raga dan gedung juang serta di kantor DPC PDIP Kabupaten Bandung.
Banjir yang sudah menjadi agenda tahunan ini merupakan hal yang harus segera ditangani oleh pihak Kabupaten maupun Provinsi. Sungai Cieunteung yang melewati beberapa Kabupaten merupakan tugas Provinsi dalam hal pengaturannya. Sementara itu Satkorlak Kabupaten pun seperti biasa masih terlihat kurang sigap dalam proses penanganan bencana, terutama dalam pengaturan logistik.
Teruntuk saudaraku yang terkena musibah banjir, bersabarlah.
- Legislative Speaker Wang wants ECFA to be reviewed by the Legislative Yuan but the first step is drawing up criteria for its supervision. Premier Wu also recently claimed that the Legislature would be able to reject the deal but I'm skeptical that the formal powers to do so will be implemented in time ..
- Meanwhile, MAC and SEF are busy asking Taishang in China to act as ECFA cheerleaders for the Doubting Thomas crowd back home .. and so it is that business leads the way. If a policy makes the CEOs money then it is 'good' and if not it is 'bad', the public or any political or social or moral principle standing in the way be damned.
- President Ma again promotes absentee voting, though now more insistently - the rationale being that it is to protect the constitutional and human rights of Taiwan's electorate, something he has been renowned for since his police snatched and destroyed the ROC flag to please Chen Yunlin.
Interior Minister Jiang Yi-huah said the ministry has adopted a "more stable, fair" approach on absentee voting and intends to implement it gradually.
The government's plan would allow "transfer voting, " enabling election workers, military personnel, students and inmates to cast ballots in constituencies in which they are working, studying or serving sentences instead of in the electoral districts where their households are registered.
The ministry hopes to implement the proposal for the 2012 presidential election, Jiang said.
Jiang stressed, however, that absentee voting by mail will not be allowed, meaning Taiwanese businessmen in China and other citizens living abroad would still be required to return home to cast their ballots.
This is a potential double edged sword which I'm guessing the KMT is hoping will always fall in their favour ... but could equally as not fall against them.
- Great editorial from Taiwan News on Ma's rewinding of the clock on Taiwanese popular sovereignty and democracy by calling Taiwan a region under the constitution. Fact check for Ma: the 1946 ROC Constitution doesn't mention Taiwan. It is only a mere statute that claims Taiwan as such and it is one the could be easily repealed by a Legislature with sufficient intent. Here's the money quotes:
Frankly speaking, the presidential office's position that the ROC government has sovereignty over the China mainland, presumably including both the PRC and Mongolia, because their interpretation of the ROC Constitution says so crosses the border between the ludicrous into the sphere of the self-delusional.
Ironically, former president Lee devoted considerable efforts over his 12 years in office to gradually weaning the KMT from the myth imposed on Taiwan by the late KMT dictator Chiang Kai-shek that the KMT-ruled ROC was the "sole legitimate government" of all "China," a fiction that provided the ideological pillars for 38 years of martial law rule.
Ma's shift from "two countries" to "two sides" is not merely an ideological reprise to the authoritarian Chiang era but deliberately aims to blur the lines of distinction between Taiwan and the PRC as legally constituted states whose sovereignty does not overlap.
- Apple Daily rips into President Ma again, this time for claiming to have learnt about the resignation of Taipei Magistrate Chou Hsi-wei from the newspapers:
We are worried about whether the president is indeed stupid, or whether he thinks it is everyone else who is stupid. We would prefer it to be the latter, because if not, then it means he is being kept in the dark.If a president rules the country by reading the newspaper, then it would be better to seek a newspaper chief to serve as president.
Some have mocked Ma on the Internet that he only knew he was elected president after reading about it in the paper and that the first step when China invades Taiwan will be to destroy all newspapers so that Ma will know nothing about it.
- Native Hawaiians to establish their own Government. Good news except that it will be a government whose membership is based on race - and we know where that can go. Better still would be an entirely free and independent Hawaii.
- Australian aboriginal programme to cure social ills known as 'the intervention' gets harsh condemnation from the United Nations special rapporteur on indigenous human rights, James Anaya.
- Mike Turton on Taiwan's recovering economy.
- Now it appears that the Atlantic also has a growing repository of floating plastic waste. The Earth: a giant human rubbish tip.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
To Be Young, Gifted and Black is STILL Disrespected
saw this over at W.E.E. See You
From Myron Rolle's off-field success could hurt in the draft
The whole segment is worth watching, and the companion piece by Wright Thompson at ESPN.com is worth reading, but the Outside the Lines segment ended on an odd note, citing ESPN's draft experts as saying Rolle's off-field pursuits would actually hurt his stock among NFL teams.
The thinking, according to ESPN, is that NFL teams want to draft guys who need to play football and want to study nothing more than a playbook -- not guys like Rolle, who wants to become a doctor and enjoys studying the latest developments in stem cell research. The report said Rolle has dealt with this mentality before when his defensive coordinator at Florida State, Mickey Andrews, told Rolle that he was spending too much time on school and not enough time on football.
It's kind of a sad commentary: After a great piece about what a fine young man Rolle is, ESPN felt the need to point out that being a fine young man could, in Rolle's case, actually count against him on NFL teams' draft boards.
But it's surely true that Rolle could decide at any time to walk away from football and find greater success in another field. As far as NFL teams are concerned, that's not a good quality in a draft prospect.
When I first saw this over at W.E.E. See You, I wanted it to be one of those pieces from The Onion. After all, who in their right mind, would be offended by a promising athlete taking time out of his career to go study at one of the finest institutions in the WORLD? I mean, this studying didn't include him playing dangerous sports that would damage his body, thus making him unable to play in the NFL. He hasn't been partaking in dangerous after hours activities, like riding motorcyles, cigarette speedboating, extreme sports, etc. or anything like that.
No, this article actually says that his prospects are being dimmed because he WENT TO STUDY AT OXFORD.
Wrap your mind around that.
What an insult.
A complete insult.
You wouldn't want a player who has their act together, ALL TOGETHER?
I guess not. I guess they want players that they can use, abuse, then throw away like Dexter Manley.
Dexter Manley is the anti-Myron Rolle.
No Rhodes Scholar was Manley.
In fact, Manley went through an entire professional career as an ILLITERATE.
Signing contracts that he couldn't even READ.
Dexter Keith Manley, nicknamed the "Secretary of Defense" (born February 2, 1959 in Houston, Texas) is a former American football defensive end in the National Football League for the Washington Redskins, Phoenix Cardinals, and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in an eleven-year career from 1981 to 1991. He also played in the Canadian Football League for the Ottawa Rough Riders. Manley played college football at Oklahoma State University.
Professional career
Manley was drafted in the fifth round (119th overall) of the 1981 NFL Draft by the Washington Redskins, where he would play for nine seasons. During his career with the Redskins, Manley won two Super Bowl titles and was a Pro Bowler in 1986 when he recorded 18.5 sacks. He then played for the Phoenix Cardinals and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. In 1989, Manley failed his third drug test and was banned from the NFL for life, with an opportunity to apply for reinstatement after one year. However, after he failed his fourth drug test, he was permanently banned from the National Football League for life on December 12, 1991.
Officially, Manley had 97.5 quarterback sacks in his career. His total rises to 103.5 when the six sacks he had his rookie year of 1981, when sacks were not yet an official statistic, are included. After his career in the United States ended, he revealed that he was functionally illiterate, despite having studied at Oklahoma State University for four years.
ELEVEN YEAR CAREER....and illiterate.
But, THAT is the kind of athlete that the NFL seems to want.
Barely scribbling his name to the contracts he can't read; happy for anything the NFL threw at him.
As Town wrote:
If this were some white football player taking a year off to go to Oxford he'd be the toast of the town, but a black guy? Forget about it.
Hell no do I believe if this were a White player he wouldn't be lauded up and down ESPN as the EPITOME of what an athlete should be. A White player would be lavished with numerous endorsement deals before he even played his first down in the NFL.
NOT ' his off-field pursuits would actually hurt his stock among NFL teams.'
Mr. Rolle, I believe you have your head on straight and can see the forest for the trees. So, for those who would be insulted by your intelligence...
For those who would be threatened by your intelligence...
For those who would want you to lapse into some Black Male Athlete Stereotype of the ' YOUNG BLACK BUCK'...
Continue to shine and excel.
I honestly believe that when it's all said and done, when your obituary is written, your NFL career will be almost a footnote in what you will accomplish.
Quick Thoughts
- Were all Romans licentious people or were there differences in behaviour according to class or status?
- Did 'ordinary roman citizens' walk around in a state of semi-undress?
- Are women's breasts only sexually appealing now because women have gradually turned to using their bodies in a climate of prudery as a means to gain sexual power in response to a loss of political power? E.G. Women 'sexualised' their breasts as a strategic asset by first covering them up and then by partially revealing them as a hook to gain male interest and power over male resource allocation?
- Is a greater penetration of porn in daily contexts a result of rising sexual competition amongst women for a perceived diminishing number of eligible males?
- Does the popularity of watching shows like Spartacus and Rome reflect a return to 'roman values' by proxy?
- What's a middle way between licentiousness and prudery?
- Did Feminism fail to generate female solidarity because of the existence of class divisions amongst women? Did a rampant individualism and consumerism atomise societies and break the fabric of social cohesion all the way down to the family unit?
- Is a society's affluence directly linked to its degree of lack of internal cohesion and is this then exacerbated in an inability to fairly generate and allocate public goods?
- Is there any way to lessen the impact of male and female sexual competition?