Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Quick Thoughts

Watching the new series 'Spartacus' and seeing the considerable amount of flesh on view it made me wonder about a few things:
  • Were all Romans licentious people or were there differences in behaviour according to class or status?
  • Did 'ordinary roman citizens' walk around in a state of semi-undress?
  • Are women's breasts only sexually appealing now because women have gradually turned to using their bodies in a climate of prudery as a means to gain sexual power in response to a loss of political power? E.G. Women 'sexualised' their breasts as a strategic asset by first covering them up and then by partially revealing them as a hook to gain male interest and power over male resource allocation?
  • Is a greater penetration of porn in daily contexts a result of rising sexual competition amongst women for a perceived diminishing number of eligible males?
  • Does the popularity of watching shows like Spartacus and Rome reflect a return to 'roman values' by proxy?
  • What's a middle way between licentiousness and prudery?
  • Did Feminism fail to generate female solidarity because of the existence of class divisions amongst women? Did a rampant individualism and consumerism atomise societies and break the fabric of social cohesion all the way down to the family unit?
  • Is a society's affluence directly linked to its degree of lack of internal cohesion and is this then exacerbated in an inability to fairly generate and allocate public goods?
  • Is there any way to lessen the impact of male and female sexual competition?