The Shins, "Phantom Limb" from the forthcoming "Wincing The Night Away (Sub Pop, Jan. 2007).
Continuing with yesterday's theme of anticipated music, today's post regards arguably the most anticipated release of 2007: The Shins' new album "Wincing The Night Away." They have released the first single from the album. It's available for streaming at The Shins myspace , and available for purchase at the Sub Pop web shop.
It's pretty hard to hate this band, right? Usually when an indie-anything blows up big there's a backlash. I don't think there's ever been a Shins backlash. In fact, a "Shins backlash" might not even be possible. I think that if you don't like the Shins, you're trying to be cool, but you're not doing a very good job of it. Go listen to the new single and let me know what you think.
Today's extra bonus:
The Shins 2003 appearance on Turnpike, a great Lawrence, KS music television show. Back when music television actually meant, er, music on the television.