Will Egypt Go Nuclear Too? And Just How Soon?

How would this affect Ethiopia?...
-Ex-UN chief warns of water wars (Feb. 2005)

Mr Boutros Ghali told Radio 4's Today programme that military confrontation between the countries of the Nile basin was almost inevitable. Egypt has long been the greatest user of Nile water. But countries upstream on both the Blue and White Niles are increasingly demanding a greater share. Lake Tana in Ethiopia is the source of the Blue Nile, yet at present the country uses almost none of the river despite suffering increasingly frequent droughts, which result in crop failures that leave millions of people needing food aid to survive.(More...)
Living Dangerously in Ethiopia
In this African nation, a union membership card might as well be a ticket to prison.

In Ethiopia, just being a teacher could make you a criminal—and, if you belong to the Ethiopia Teachers’ Association (ETA), it makes you all the more suspect. The ruling party of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi considers both teachers and students to be supporters of his opposition. And the ETA, the Ethiopian equivalent of NEA, has long been a thorn in Zenawi’s side.
The ETA was created in 1949, but in 1993 government officials decided they would prefer a weaker union. So the government set up its own group—with the same name. This hasn’t just been confusing for members, it has also made it much easier for the government to seize all the assets of the authentic ETA.(More...)
Ethiopia has to struggle hard to attract one mln tourists a year
It's not that the country -- labelled the cradle of mankind after the discovery of ancient human remains -- lacks attractions but its infrastructure is creaking, with poor roads and a lack of hotels.(More...)
Somalia's Islamic Courts Withdrew from Da'dher Village As Ethiopian troops approach

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