*petition: start dialog, not war

Qaliti qalkidan Urgent Petition - Sign it!
At least 10,000 signatures needed before the Christmas holiday break
Band of brothers? Meles, Mugabe elect Bashir to head ACP (ETP December 7, 2006) - The ACP (African, Caribbean and Pacific) member countries have elected Sudanese leader Omar el Bashir (seen here) as president of the organization this week, at the ongoing 5th Summit of the ACP Heads of State in Khartoum, Sudan.
Bashir was unanimously endorsed on Thursday by representatives from 79 countries, including Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and Zimbabwe’s president Robert Mugabe. The Sudanese President will take over leadership from President Armando Emilio Guebuza of Mozambique, whose two-year term has expired.
Last November, the ACP had struck down a resolution by the European Union, at the EU-ACP Joint Parliamentary Assembly, calling for democratic reform in east Africa and immediate and unconditional release of all political detainees. Critics argue, the ASP is becoming a mouthpiece for third world dictators, concerned only in protecting their interests and not that of their people. Most of the member countries of the ACP do not have a democratically elected leader.
In his acceptance speech, Bashir defended his country against accusations that the Darfur conflict has worsened, saying the situation had been stabilized.
He in turn accused some aid agencies of giving inaccurate reports about facts on the ground. He attributed conflicts in parts of Africa to the scramble for scarce resources and not bad leadership. Prime Minister Meles arrived in Khartoum late Wednesday leading a high level government delegation.
Read also: EU ACP summit - Teshome TOGA defends human rights abuses in Ethiopia
CPJ Report: Increase in Number of Jailed Journalists Fueled by Internet
China Cuba Eritrea and Ethiopia currently the top four jailers in the World
NEW YORK: A new report from the Committee to Protect Journalists has found that the rise in Internet journalism has fueled an increase in the number of journalists imprisoned around the world. According to the group's new census, 134 journalists are now in prison worldwide, and one in three jailed journalists is now a blogger, online editor or Web-based reporter.
The annual study found that China, Cuba, Eritrea, and Ethiopia are currently the top four jailers among the 24 nations who imprison journalists. The most common charges against journalists are allegations of "antistate" crimes such as subversion, divulging state secrets, and acting against the interests of the state. The report found that 84 journalists are currently in prison for such charges, with the Chinese, Cuban, and Ethiopian governments leading the way. China is the world's leading jailer of journalists for the eigth consecutive year, with 31 in custody.(More...)
War is not the choice of the Ethiopian People
The protection of the unity and territorial integrity of our nation is not only the essence of our Ethiopian values but also our solemn duty. It is imperative to solve our internal problems through democratic dialogue. It is not the will or the choice of the Ethiopian people to get involved in the internal affairs of other nations and start wars. To use war as a diversionary tactic and to involve the nation in a conflict that will result in grave consequences for a long time to come is a national crime impossible to excuse.(More...) [Amharic version]
Ethiopia demands a Replay (CECAFA)ETHIOPIA is demanding a replay against Zambia alleging that Tuesday’s Confederation for East and Central Africa Football Association (CECAFA) Almoudi senior Challenge Cup quarter-final clash was not played in 90 minutes.
But CECAFA president Dennis Obua and general secretary Nicholas Musonye differed over the claim with the former siding with the Ethiopia Football Federation (EFF).
In a letter delivered to Zambian delegation leader Henschel Chitembeya yesterday, the EFF are claiming that the match ended prematurely.
Obua stated that the CECAFA emergency committee examined the application from both the EFF and match commissioner, which revealed that the match was not played in the stipulated time.
But Musonye dismissed the letter and urged Zambia to forge forward (More...)
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