- Monday - December 25, 2006
- Tuesday - December 26, 2006
- Wednesday - December 27, 2006
- Thursday - December 28, 2006
- Friday - December 29, 2006
[Censorship in Ethiopia enters the next phase - All Internet cafes ordered to register users]
[Somalia could be Ethiopia's quagmire - and create the same problems the U.S. is facing in Iraq] - [A Reckless War Borne of Bad Choices] - [Mass Arrests on Christmas Day in Addis] - [UIC chairman says The duels with Ethiopia will be long and unending] - [Censorship in Ethiopia enters the next phase - All Internet cafes ordered to register users] - [Somali flare-up pits three African "dogs of war"] - [Ethiopian troops advance on Mogadishu] - [Meles says up to 1,000 Islamists dead in Ethiopia offensive}
[ETHIOPIAN WOMEN LEADING THE STRUGGLE AGAINST TYRANNY] - [U.N. envoy urges cease-fire in Somalia] - [Ethiopian troops move within 50 kilometres of Mogadishu] - [U.S. Signals Backing for Ethiopian Incursion Into Somalia] - [AFRICAN UNION AND ARAB LEAGUE CALL FOR ETHOPIA'S WITHDRAWAL] - [Ethiopia urged to withdraw army] - [Former US Ambassador Questions Ethiopian Military Strategy in Somalia]
[The Road to Mogadishu Begins in Kaliti] - [SOCEPP: Ethiopian government intensifies repression in the country as war in Somalia rages on] - [CNN: Ethiopian troops enter Mogadishu] - [Somalia: Banditry insecurity rage in Mogadishu as Islamists leave] - [U.S. Should Not Support Ethiopia’s Invasion of Somalia] - [Pressure mounts on Ethiopia to withdraw troops from Somalia] - [Ethiopia's Invasion Bodes Ill for Regional Peace] - [Serkalem's struggle against tyranny] - [Kenya: MPs condemn Ethiopia’s attack on Somalia]
[Foreign Troops Must Leave Somalia - Rep. Donald Payne] - [Somalia faces months of martial law] - [Eritrea and Ethiopia Top Africa in Army Sizes]