I first stumbled upon the brilliance of Amy Cutler in 2004, when she was a Visiting Artist and exhibiting at the Kemper. I've watched from afar as her career continued its upward trajectory, including inclusion in the 2004 Whitney Biennial, and publication of a book of her art:

I've even blogged about her in passing. And just today I stumbled upon a press release announcing her newest exhibition, Recent Works, showing at Leslie Tonkonow Artworks + Projects in NYC. Her work is like childhood fairy tales mixed with News of the Weird. It usually features women and animals and hybrid women-animals in whimsical settings. I'm not qualified to judge whether it is fanciful for fanciful's sake, or if it is making a comment on contemporary culture. I encourage you to search the links provided and come to your own conclusion. But regardless, I can't get enough of her work.