So now we have yet another controversy over what some women wear on their heads.
Makes me think of something I read a few days ago. Exerpted from Sand Gets in My Eyes:
The Biker and the Old Woman: A parable of the veil
An animal rights guy is walking down the street with a bucket of red paint when he passes a Hell’s Angel wearing colors and dressed in a full set of leathers.
“Hey Dude,” he says with a smile. “Nice chaps.”
A block later, that same animal rights guy passes a little old lady in a mink coat and throws the red paint on her.
“Animals died for you vanity!” he shouts.
The point of Butchie’s parable was that both the biker and the old lady were wearing animal products, but the activist knew better than to go after the big, macho male offender, choosing to go after the helpless, frail female one instead.
She goes on to quote William Bennet (yeah I know):
“To go after women donning their veils is to attack the problem at its weakest — and frankly, least important — link (again, when the veil is freely chosen). While Muslim women are being beaten, while honor killings are extant, and while mosques, universities, and madrassahs are fomenting actual terrorism, Muslim women assuming a dress code is not where our — or our allies’ — focus should be. Go after the men who do these things — that’s where the fight is.”
Geez, don't we have more important things to get upset about? Like women in miniskirts or something?