So we've been on a Shepard Fairey posting kick lately, and we thought we'd just clear our camera of all Obey-related pics today. So join us on a tour of Los Angeles, Obey-style.
First up, is Studio Number One, his studios and Obey HQ, located at 1331 W. Sunset Blvd. in Echo Park.
Here's a shot of people lined up on a recent Saturday morning waiting for the release of a new print.
This is the East side view of the studio.
Heading West on Sunset, next up is the Brooklyn Projects skate shop located at 2125 W. Sunset Blvd..
The shop features an entire Obey wall.
Continuing a bit west on Sunset is this Obey facade.
Making your way into Hollywood you'll find this Shepard Fairey Kobe Bryant piece, commissioned by Upper Deck.

Looping back around, you will find tucked away in a makeshift alley on Melrose and Hobart these flower guns.
Finally, the intersection of Stadium Way and Riverside Blvd. (Riverside Blvd is a new discovery for us; we imagine we'll spend a lot more time exploring this street in the near future.). This first print says: "World Police State Champs, More Militerry, Less Skools."
The other side of the utility box is this war child: