Friday, September 19, 2008

Ryder Cup - Mid Day Update

I have to be quick, because the huge dud(e) breathing down my neck needs to short some Apple stock on his e-trade account, and I am on the only PC in the corporate "tent" we are in...

Mid Day Observations:

1. Kenny Perry, and it kills me to say this, CHOKED BIG TIME....

2. AK and Philly Mick kicked a$$ today

3. AK and Sergio are REALLY short dudes...and Segio absolutely SMIRKS whenever he hits a bad shot. I don't fall for all of the "he is reformed crap...her is STILL a whiny punk...

4. Don't be over the green on the par 3 sucks...

5. For there to be 40k people here, it is really not that crowded

That's it for now....

Oh, BTW - Who predicted a USA lead at midday ? MEEEEEEE.....