Stardate - Today, the day before the Official Beginning of the 2008 Ryder Cup.
Scotty and Mr. Sulu, being the anti -Americans that they are, are rooting hard and heavy for the Euros. After much persuasion, and discussion in the Captain's quarters, I have persuaded Lt. Uhura to root for the Yanks...so it looks like a fair fight. Scotty is all geared up in his space golf gear, while we await the unveiling of the USA unis.
Ok - back to earth. It's 3 hours till I board a flight to Louisville to attend the Ryder Cup, and I am psyched. I'm attending Friday and Saturday, and returning home to see the final (and hopefully triumphant) day in HiDef-land.
My predictions:
- Day 1: USA leads 4 - 3 - 1. Kenny and JD lead the way and spank Sergio and Lee hard. Holmes drives the green on the 328 yard per 4, and Kenny sinks the putt for an eagle - sending them on a roll which the Euros cannot overcome. Furyk and Phil struggle in the AM, but recover in the afternoon. Boo,AK, Stricker, and Ben Curtis all play well, but Cink struggles.
- Day 2: USA again takes a slight lead, 5 - 3, giving them a 2 1/2 point lead headed into Sunday In the singles matches, Boo,Perry,Stricker,Curtis,Kim,Mahan, and Leonard and Cink all play well. Curtis struggles,Phil recovers nicely, but Furyk and Cink do not.
- Day 3: USA wins 7 of the matches. Our winners are Phil,Perry,Stricker,Curtis,Kim,Cink, and Boo.
Final Score: USA 16 1/2, Euros 11 1/2
Check back in tomorrow for a Day 1 Update.