Friday, October 30, 2009

Ransom Rationale

This has to be one of the most lucid and rationale ransom demands by a hostage taker that I've ever heard:

The transcript of the ransom call made by Somali pirates to the BBC:

Caller: "They have been captured by our brothers, who patrol the coast. We have been informed about their presence in the area, where bandits operate. If they do not harm us, we will not harm them, we only need a little amount of seven million dollars."

Recipient of call: "Seven million dollars is a lot of money, isn't it?"

Caller: "No, no, no, Nato operations have had a lot of negative impact here, they have destroyed a lot of equipment belonging to the poor local fishermen.

"They arrest fishermen and destroy their equipment, in defiance of our local administrations.
"They illegally transfer the fishermen to their own prisons, and prisons of other foreign countries, so when you consider the damage and all the people affected, we say the amount is not big."

Council of Labour Affairs wants direct control of unions - is this democratic?

Normally, I'm a big fan of unions in principle whilst keeping enough flexibility to recognise that an institution with such resources is often quite vulnerable to corruption or power hoarding by union representatives and officials.  This said, the general purpose of a union is to ensure that workers rights are respected and protected and to ensure that workers and management come to negotiations on a more equal footing.  In an ideal world, if management did not treat workers in such a dispensable and disrespectful manner then there might not be a need for unions altogether.  That's the theory.

In Taiwan, the practice is that unions are not exactly politically impartial nor solely focused on protecting workers rights.  An example here is how the Chinese Post Union protested against the name change of the Post Office in 2007.  That protest appeared contrived by a politicised union leadership probably with the agreement of much of the management, much in contrast to public opinion about the change (mostly neutral or indifferent).  The ROC loyal post office worker's union protested not because worker's rights were affected by the name change but rarher because they were, I suspect, ordered to.

Now let's cut to a recent development in union practice and law that in principle threatens the political 'independence' of all unions in Taiwan.  According to reports in the Taipei Times, the Council of Labour Affairs has been trying to push through "amendments to the Labor Union Act (工會法) that were scheduled for legislative review yesterday despite lawmakers’ promises last week to hold public hearings first."

What are the problems with the proposed revisions? 
Unions are opposed to the revision because it would grant the Council of Labor Affairs the power to suspend union activities and even fire union officials over union activities the council considered illegal. The amendment also proposes removing a clause in the Labor Union Act that makes union membership mandatory for industries and firms with unions.

Activists believe that removal of the mandatory membership clause would lead to destruction of unions and labor rights movements.
In other words, the Government is seeking the power to intervene in union affairs and is acting to undermine the bargaining power of unions by allowing for non-affiliated workers in the same work place.  I remember this trick from the days of Thatcher in mid-80's UK.  The result is likely to be that management will use non-affiliated workers as leverage against the collective representative power of unions.  Once the number of unaffiliated workers reaches a critical level, the ability of the union to resist harmful or illegal management policies will be severely undermined.   

One has to wonder why tinker with the unions now?  Is it because there is a recognition that a strict restructuring of the economy is required for Taiwan to adjust to new economic conditions as a post-ECFA satellite provincial economy of the PRC following the financial crisis.  It is likely that older larger state run, or majority owned, enterprises will have to be downsized or replaced leading to significant layoffs.  Perhaps then the amendments to the law are designed to give the Government a legal basis for ensuring that no elements can delay or prevent this restructuring.    The argument is something like as follows:

1) The need for restructuring is paramount and the process inevitable.

2) If normal democratic procedures are followed the restructuring may be incomplete.

3) The Government does not wish to negotiate with unions, who it thinks will not understand the sacrifices that need to be made and will obstruct the process, impacting the efficacy of the Government's policies and adversely affecting public support for the policy.

4) The process of handling the unions will be greatly facilitated if the Government is legally allowed to intervene and if union power is undermined.

5) The revisions to the Law should be carried out as quickly as possible so that significant opposition is not given the time to form and become effective:
[Union leaders] were upset not only because of the proposed amendments to the law, but also because they felt legislators had tricked them.

“When we came here last Friday to protest the Cabinet’s proposed amendments to the Labor Union Act, both the Democratic Progressive Party [DPP] and Chinese Nationalist Party [KMT] caucuses promised they would hold public hearings to listen to what we have to say,” National Federation of Independent Trade Unions official Liu Yung (劉庸) told the demonstrators.

“Despite their promises, the legislature again scheduled a review of the amendments without having held a single public hearing,” he said.

Liu said the unions were especially upset because they had only learned about yesterday’s scheduled review from KMT Legislator Ho Tsai-feng (侯彩鳳) during a private meeting a few days ago.

“If we hadn’t met with Ho, we probably wouldn’t have known until the revision was passed,” he said.

Confederation of Taipei Trade Unions (CTTU) chief executive director Chou Chia-chun (周佳君) agreed.

“We would have been on our way to Tainan right now to attend a public hearing organized by [DPP] Legislator William Lai [賴清德] if we hadn’t found out about today’s legislative agenda,” she said. “I think the public hearing was just a way to get us away from Taipei so we wouldn’t be able to protest while they pass the revision.”
Here we see a use of the promise of 'public hearings' to satisfy the public's wish to be consulted without the government ever having to genuinely seek the inclusion of potentially oppositional elements in the hearing process.  The rationale seems to be that you don't ask those bodies and individuals who are activists to a hearing since their definitive stance means that their position will be obvious, and they will therefore only get in the way of the government achieving its pre-determined outcome.  The 'public hearings' are not supposed to have uncertain results but rather give the sheen of democracy to what is in effect a barely democratic process. 

A clear example of this was the decision to rename Taiwan Democracry Memorial Hall which was supposed to preceded by three public hearings - hearings that were in fact closed door discussions by select academics.  Not exactly 'public' hearings then. The result? Oh, yes.  They agreed with the Government to change the name of the hall back to venerating a dictator, in the complete absence of any public desire to do so.  Some things are just too important to be left for the public to decide.  If you were to believe the Government ir most newspapers, the only 'real' public opinion is that which is indifferent, centrist, 'pragmatic' and inherently conservative.  Any other opinion is categorised as 'controversial' or 'extreme' or 'contrived', especially if it is delivered with passion and conviction.  Does the culture of harmony aid those Governments who do not seek to rule democratically but rule a notional democracy?

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

We Found the Missing Link....

Well, sort of....several years back Rick Reilly (love him or hate him..) wrote a pretty cool piece of fiction about our favorit sport called "Missing Links". Now the story has broken that Missing LInks will be made into a feature film. For those of you who have not read the book, I highly recommend it - you can snag a copy right here.

It's a great story about a group of people who (what else) play golf and hang out at a local muni that's under seige by the neighboring high brow Country Club. It's got laughs, sex (yowza!!!), and even a few moments to tug your emotions. If that's not enough, it's rumored that Steve Carrell of "The Office" fame will take the starring role. I'm more of a fan of Ricky Gervais than Steve Carrell, but I'm sure the flick will be well worth the effort - so be sure to check it out

Tanggapan atas Perubahan Jadwal Pelaksanaan Mukernas KAMMI

Ramlan Nugraha
Kadept. Kebijakan Publik KAMMI Jawa Barat

Tanggapan atas perubahan jadwal pelaksanaan Mukernas yang disampaikan oleh Sdr. Juanda Sukma (Sumatra Utara), Sdr. Arief Eka Atmaja (Semarang) dan Sdr. Gunawan (Kalimantan) perlu kita apresiasi dengan baik. Hal ini wajar, karena terkait dengan fixasi perencanaan agenda di wilayah atau daerahnya masing-masing.

Ada dua hal yang ingin saya sampaikan, pertama, rekan-rekan Pengurus Pusat supaya memperbaiki kinerjanya terutama dalam hal budaya manajerial organisasi. Training Pengkaderan Nasional (TPN) dan Mukernas biarlah menjadi pelajaran bagi kita semua. Walaupun alasan perubahan dapat kita terima, tetapi dalam culture organisasi profesional tetaplah ini merupakan sebuah noda hitam (the black stain).

Kedua, momentum nasional seperti Mukernas merupakan tanggung jawab KAMMI Pusat selaku penyelenggara kegiatan. Tetapi pelaksanaannya bisa dilakukan partnership antara Pusat dengan wilayah atau daerah tertentu. Semisal, kalaulah Muktamar menjadi daya pikat bagi semua pihak untuk menawarkan diri jadi tuan rumah, mengapa itu tidak terjadi pada Mukernas? Agenda nasional seperti Muktamar dan Mukernas apabila direncanakan dengan baik tentu bukan hanya untuk kepentingan organisasi semata, tetapi dapat berperan untuk turut serta membangun atau mempromosikan daerah yang menjadi tuan rumah kegiatan ke seantero nusantara. Saya yakin setiap orang bisa membaca peluang seperti ini. Hal ini tentu akan memberikan kebaikan bersama, dengan syarat semua pihak yang terlibat selalu mendahulukan kepentingan orang banyak dibandingkan dengan urusannya masing-masing.

Sebagai penutup, pekerjaan rumah yang harus kita perbaiki adalah bagaimana membangun budaya manajerial dan kepeloporan organisasi (develop the managerial culture and pioneering of the organization). Wallahu’alam []

Illuminating Information

Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation is apparently more interested in sponsoring events in China then Taiwan. But then, with a customer base that is literally addicted to its products, I'm sure they're not worried about boycotts:
DPP opposes TTL sponsoring Asian Games in Guangzhou
Taiwan News, Staff Writer
Page 2
2009-10-28 12:00 AM

Opposition Democratic Progressive Party lawmaker Huang Wei-cher yesterday proposed restrictions on state-run enterprises sponsoring events in China.

Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation spent NT$500 million on the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou, even though it never spent any money on the Taipei Deaflympics, the Kaohsiung World Games, or the victims of Typhoon Morakot, Huang said.

Taiwanese state-run companies bore a responsibility toward their own citizens and should not spend money on advertising in China, he said.
According to the Taipei Times today (one day after the information above became apparent) the Premier wholeheartedly supports TTL's investments: 
Premier Wu Den-yih (吳敦義) yesterday praised state-owned Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corp (TTL, 台灣菸酒公司) for sponsoring the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou, China, to the tune of NT$400 million (US$12.29 million). “When I heard about the plan, I approved without hesitation because it offers tremendous benefits: The tasty Taiwan Beer will sweep the mainland and the brand will promote the ‘Taiwan concept’ and Taiwan’s excellence. It could also generate extra revenue of NT$30 billion a year,” Wu said.

TTL president Duan Wei (韋伯韜) signed the sponsorship deal with the 16th Guangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee in Beijing on Monday and announced the launch of corporate offices in Beijing and Shanghai.

TTL has sought to register the Taiwan Beer brand as a trademark in China since 1999, but Beijing did not approve the registration until in May, objecting to the use of the word “Taiwan.”
One of course wonders what has changed so that the word 'Taiwan' is now acceptable.  Other than that, one thing that leaves me rather cold is Wu's reference to the 'Taiwan concept' which, as Tim and EVA pointed out, is better translated as 'Taiwan subjectivity'.  Is this a rather weak attempt at scoring points with the anti-annexation majority whilst riding on the assumption that a beer product will somehow also deliver a sense of the Taiwanese experience to its consumer?.  Any other government would I suspect have said that "x beer will sweep y region promoting the nation's reputation, economy and values."  The question can be asked, if the government wants to avoid having the economy work towards explicitly building and promoting the nation ('Taiwan') they may go off and explicitly help to support another. 

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Begala Blames Lieberman's Opposition On Insurance Donations
Democrat Paul Begala has provided his answer to the question I posed earlier: Lieberman is opposed, as he always has been, because he is in the insurance industry's pocket:
Lieberman sided with insurance companies against sick people, and with insurance companies against citizens who wanmaget to sue to protect their rights in court. As The New York Times reported, "Many of Mr. Lieberman's friends said he had no alternative but to take this position because it was the one favored by the insurance industry. The industry is important to Connecticut's economy and has generously donated to Mr. Lieberman's campaigns over the years."

But in fairness to Sen. Lieberman, that's just what his friends said back in 2000, not what he says today. What he says today is that President Obama is "trying to do too much at once."

Sen. Lieberman is always there when we don't need him. Don't ask him to do more than that. It's just too much.

Lieberman Seeks To Block "Public Option"
Not long after Harry Reid announced that the Senate version of the health-care reform bill would have a public option, former Democrat and Republican apologizing Independent Joe Lieberman is threatening to old up a cloture vote on the bill to avert passage:h
"I told Senator Reid that I'm strongly inclined - I haven't totally decided, but I'm strongly inclined - to vote to proceed to the health care debate, even though I don't support the bill that he's bringing together because it's important that we start the debate on health care reform because I want to vote for health care reform this year. But I also told him that if the bill remains what it is now, I will not be able to support a cloture motion before final passage. Therefore, I will try to stop the passage of the bill."
I have given up on understanding Lieberman. Anyone care to opine about what he's thinking?

McGovern Mulls A Run Against Thune

Matt McGovern, grandson of former Senator George McGovern, is considering challenging Senator John Thune for his South Dakota Senate seat.

All in all, an interesting development. I haven't seen any recent polling on Thune, but have a little respect for him because of who he defeated for his seat (Daschle). McGovern's name alone will bring attention to this race.

Video Of Arrington Endorsing Sparks

I've been a little behind the news lately, but here is the video:


Sofá Saruyama

O sofá Saruyama, é um projecto revolucionario e exclusivo desenhado por Toshiyuki Kita em 1989 para a Moroso, que se tornou um icon do design contemporaneo. Com a sua forma geomorfica, é um objecto extremamente lirico, composto por 3 módulos que juntos formam uma grande ilha circular, um diferente do outro a sugerir uma interpretação diferente do assento. É destinado a grandes espaços, contract, hotéis, espaços comerciais, etc. Disponível em varias cores.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

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And the gay-bashing continues

Some Taiwanese Christians, whom I suspect are not representative of the majority, recently decided to conduct an anti-gay parade on the grounds that homosexuality was a threat to the future of Taiwan.  No hyperbole there then.  Luckily, being Taiwan, it was a generally peaceful encounter.

I've been the red square in Ximending a few times and thoroughly enjoyed the ambiance and relaxed attitude of the patrons and business people and I've spent a few very nice afternoons at the gay pool in Taichung amongst men whose attention to their physiques put my own heterosexual form quite into the shade.  It must be agony for girls to see all the ripped tanned bods and know that they are nearly all reserved exclusively for the bros.  This said, I have never felt any tension whatsoever in public about homosexuality.  It is when homosexuality becomes a public debated issue that people squirm around looking to see what other people's positions will be, before deciding which moral framework won't alienate most of their friends or threaten their guanxi.   In public we are all moral upright citizens who care about democracy and lead law abiding honest lives of graft and responsibility.  In private .....

Then I check to see how the country where I was raised and whose culture I was conditioned in to see what's happening and I see this:
PC James Parkes was off duty and on a night out with friends when he was attacked outside a gay bar, Superstar Boudoir, shortly before 10pm on Sunday.
He sustained multiple "life-threatening" skull fractures and fractures of his eye-socket and cheekbone in the assault allegedly carried out by up to 20 teenagers.

The attack comes two weeks after the death of Ian Baynham, a 62-year-old civil servant who suffered severe head injuries in a homophobic attack in Trafalgar Square four weeks ago.
Baynham, from Beckenham, south-east London, was punched and kicked to the ground. His attackers also shouted homophobic abuse. Detectives have arrested two teenage girls and an 18-year-old man in connection with his murder.
For the life of me I can't understand why some teenagers in the UK get so much pleasure from mindlessly (I'm sure they haven't thought about why they hate gays, its just that they do) destroying someone's life.  It's not just gays.  But gays make an easy target.  If I was a societal doctor I would take this as a very serious symptom of sickness of the entire body of society and an indicator that the patient, in fear, is rejecting it's 'New Labour' heart (an old Tory heart revamped) and relapsing hard to the right.  Maybe its timely to remember the saying that evil prevails when good people stay silent.

At least one person with some fame is prepared to stand and be counted - Paul Haggis.

Diane Lee admits she has dual-nationality

It's confirmed. Former KMT Legislator for Daan, Diane Lee, admitted in court that she has dual-nationality for the US and Taiwan (case details). The court decided that because her husband and children live in the US she has been barred from leaving Taiwan.
Former KMT legislator Diane Lee (李慶安) made her first court appearance yesterday at Taipei District Court on charges that she defrauded the government of more than NT$100 million (US$3 million) in wages and benefits.
Lee admitted for the first time to possessing dual-citizenship from the US but pleaded not guilty to the charges of fraud and forgery.
Interesting is that in May 2009, it was suspected that Diane Lee had committed fraud and theft of US$3, yet at the same time former President Chen, who was also suspected of theft of the same amount, had already spent 160 days in preventative detention.  Diane Lee has yet to serve one hour in detention. 

In September 2009 (just 1 month ago) Lee's laywer Lee Yung-ran (李永然) had this to say:
Lee Yung-ran, told reporters that his client could not accept the indictment ...

“She served as an elected representative and participated in the legislature for 14 years. This would be unacceptable for anyone in her position,” Lee Yung-ran told a press conference.
Clearly then it turns out that it was acceptable to her, in her position, to commit fraud and forgery for deliberately concealing dual-citizenship whilst holding office. Here's a rough time line of the case:

1. Diane Lee accused of holding dual citizenship. Lee scoffs at the suggestion and says she can find the documents to prove sh no longer has US citizenship.

2. US Immigration fails to provide a clear answer on Diane Lee's citizenship provoking further speculation that she may be holding US citizenship.

3. Diane Lee insists again that she is innocent.

4. US Immigration confirms Diane Lee's citizenship.

5. Legislature refuses to eject Lee but public pressure mounts.

6. Lee resigns from the Legislature allowing her to avoid being ejected on the grounds of holding dual-citizenship.  CEC revokes her election results (but not the legislative results of votes she participated in).  Lee's official record remains that she resigned and was not stripped of her seat for committing a felony.

7. Lee goes into effective hiding whilst preparing her case.  She still denies all charges calling them 'unacceptable'.

8. Lee admits in court that she has dual-nationality.

The future? - Lee gets a fine (a % of her income as legislator) and bail but no time in detention (that would be too much for the Lee family to bear).  Applies for compassionate leave to travel to US to visit her family.  Leaves Taiwan but fails to return on time or pay most of her fines.  KMT now not sure whether to still push for an extradition treaty with the US since once signed it is likely to be used to ask for the return of Lee and other business/KMT fugitives and not just those friends of Chen the SIP wants to question.  Lee claims an atmosphere of persecution and political witch hunts in Taiwan and refuses to return until 'conditions are sufficient to guarantee her just treatment'.  *sigh*

Since one cannot commit slander if the slandered have already admitted to the accusations of the slanderer,  I think that it can now safely be said that Diane Lee has gone down in history as a liar and a thief. We have yet to see if we can add the adjectives 'humbled', 'contrite' and 'chastened' to that description.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Mesa de Vidro Supercross

Mesa de vidro com estrutura de aço cromado polido, quadrada ou rectangular com vidro transparente extralight, disponivel nas seguintes dimensões: 160x160x72cm ou 240x120x72cm.
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Telf: 214 867 378
Lisboa / Portugal

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Video of the Week

Al Franken, Senator for Minnesota talks straight on health care.

Mark Thomas article on Protest being the new Extremism

This article below from the Guardian

I was sent the now notorious "police spotter card" through the post. It's an official laminated card for "police eyes only" and labelled as coming from "CO11 Public Order Intelligence Unit". The card contained the photographs of 24 anti-arms trade protesters, unnamed but lettered A to X. My picture appeared as photo H. You can imagine my reaction at finding I was the subject of a secret police surveillance process … I was delighted. I phoned my agent and told him I was suspect H. He replied: "Next year we'll get you top billing … suspect A."

The Metropolitan police circulated the card specifically for the Docklands biannual arms fair in London to help its officers identify "people at specific events who may instigate offences or disorder". Which is such a flattering quote I am thinking of having it on my next tour poster. While being wanted outside the arms fair, I was legitimately inside researching a book on the subject, and uncovered four companies illegally promoting "banned" torture equipment. Questions were later asked in the Commons as to why HM Revenue & Customs and the police didn't spot it. Though, in fairness, none of the torture traders featured on the spotter card.

What exactly was I doing that was so awfully wrong as to merit this attention? Today's Guardian revelations of three secret police units goes some way to explain the targeting of protesters and raises worrying questions. The job of these units is to spy on protesters, and collate and circulate information about them. Protesters – or, as the police call them, "domestic extremists" – are the new "reds under the bed".

Many of those targeted by the police have committed no crime and are guilty only of non-violent direct action. So it is worth reminding ourselves that protest is legal. Sorry if this sounds obvious, but you might have gained the impression that if three police units are spying on and targeting thousands, then those people must be up to something illegal.

The very phrase "domestic extremist" defines protesters in the eyes of the police as the problem, the enemy. Spying on entire groups and organisations, and targeting the innocent, undermines not only our rights but the law – frightfully silly of me to drag this into an argument about policing, I know.

Protest is part of the democratic process. It wasn't the goodwill of politicians that led them to cancel developing countries' debt, but the protests and campaigning of millions of ordinary people around the world. The political leaders were merely the rubber stamp in the democratic process. Thus any targeting and treatment of demonstrators (at the G20 for example) that creates a "chilling effect" – deterring those who may wish to exercise their right to protest – is profoundly undemocratic.

No police, secret or otherwise, should operate without proper accountability. So how are these three units accountable? Who has access to the databases? How long does information remain in the system? What effect could it have on travel and future employment of those targeted? How closely do these units work with corporate private investigators, and does the flow of information go both ways? Do the police target strikers?

A police spokesman has said that anyone who finds themselves on a database "should not worry at all". When a spokesman for the three secret units will not disclose a breakdown of their budgets, and two of the three will not even name who heads their operations (even MI6 gave us an initial, for God's sake), then the words "should not worry at all" are meaningless. Indeed, when the police admit that someone could end up on a secret police database merely for attending a demonstration, it is exactly the time to worry.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Quotes of the Week

Apparently, some Christians in Taiwan have decided that homosexuality is a 'sin' against nature and want the annual Gay Pride Parade to be shut down or downsized to an acceptable number:
Pastor Chen Yu-chuan (陳宇全):
"The annual gay parade was first held in 2003 with only 500 people, but the number of participants grew to 18,000 last year. Don't you think that's horrible?”
“The gay parade last year was the biggest in Asia and may become the biggest in the world in the future. Would you want to see the downfall of Taiwan?”
Pastor Peter Chu (朱植森):
"Sexual relations between two men or two women was against human nature and could bring disaster. We're worried that God may bring destruction upon Taiwan and everyone who lives here, just as he did to Sodom and Gomorrah,” 
A woman surnamed Lin (林):
"gay marriages would only create “incomplete families” that would give their children “twisted values.” “Suppose that two women get married and raise a child together — who should be called mother?"
A gay rights activist Wang Hao-chung (王灝中):
“We don't think that the Bible prohibits homosexuality, it's just a matter of how you interpret it,”  “Jesus teaches us to love and not to judge. It's unfortunate that church organizations are so eager to judge gays and hold activities that will only fuel hatred,”
Pastor Peter Chu (朱植森): (The activists then sent a copy of their statement to Chu, who debated with the activists as he accepted the statement.)

“The church does not promote hatred and does not hate gays. We welcome them with our arms wide open.”
“We welcome gays, just as we would welcome murderers, rapists and robbers in the church.”

“We have nothing against gays; we just hope they would correct their incorrect sexual behavior,” 
A Young Man taking part in the anti-gay parade:
“Gays are just not human.”
Priceless.  Just goes to show.  No matter how tolerant and liberal we think we are, there will always be a market for intolerance, suspicion, fear and superstition.   For the life of me I just can't imagine how these 'Christians' logically arrive at the conclusion that another person's private sexuality will somehow invoke the wrath of God following which he/she/it will verily smite the Taiwanese with all his/her/its fury and anger.  Maybe it goes something like this:

"A typhoon is an act of God. Typhoon Morakot was unusually severe in its effects. Taiwan must have been punished because the Taiwanese made god unhappy. A falling birth rate results from greater homosexuality which is a lifestyle choice not a biological fact.  Homosexuals are causing our schools to close, women to marry foreigners or not get married and debasing our military and making it impotent.  Homosexuals also more easily spread disease which is why H5N1, H1N1, and SARS afflicted Taiwan - the nation is weak because people are engaging in debauchery against nature. Daruwan is angry.  If we shame homosexuals into being straight we can save souls and save the future of Taiwan."

As the old saying goes: When the economy's hurting, minorities are the first to feel the pain.

Mesa de Jantar Double Bottle

Mesa double bottle foi criada por E.Barber & J.Osgerby, esta mesa ganhou o Wallpaper Design Awards para a melhor mesa em 2007 , é uma mesa de jantar apenas para alguns eleitos. A união da parte superior e as garrafas é feita atraves de uma simples e resistente união em forma de cone. Tamanho: 250x100x73cm e 580kg. Disponivel em branco calacatta ou preto marquinia.

Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Lisboa / Portugal

KMT Play Book

Having been witness to the drama and intense psychological warfare of Taiwanese politics for the last five years, a pattern of 'plays' from everyone's least favourite political party has become apparent. I thought I'd note down some ideas as to how the KMT deal with those thorny issues of people actually having the nerve to question it's exceptional authority:
Play 1 - For Taiwanese audiences (TW): "This is a complex issue that can't be solved immediately and we must be patient to ensure the right outcome is achieved"

Play 2 - For foreign audiences (F): "Taiwan has a special situation that it is hard for outsiders to ever truly understand. We invite people to come here and learn more about our country before reaching inaccurate opinions"

Play 3 - (TW): "It is impossible for us to do something against the law which means that whatever evidence you have must be false or misinterpreted, and can not be officially recognised as fact"

Play 4 - (F): "We do not welcome outside interference in ROC affairs"

Play 5 - (TW): "We apologise for the public's misunderstanding of our policies. We are sorry that factors outside our control have caused the public to feel inconvenienced"

Play 6 - (TW): "In order to protect our republic and democracy we need to bring governance to a halt"

Play 7 - (F): "It is surprising that criticisms on human rights and rule of law are coming from countries whose own records are far from clean"

Play 8 - (TW): "We abhor the opposition's attempts to cause ethnic trouble and feel that this is just another action by the Chen clique to provoke China and cause cross-strait tension"

Play 9 - (TW): "We will implement our policies in line with public consensus but we oppose referendums to determine the nature of public opinion"

Play 10 - (TW): "Taiwan is a region of the ROC so we are committed to protecting the interests of the nation, which will incidentally  only be improved by deeper cross-strait integration"
Play 11 - (TW): "We are sorry that the victims of [Typhoon Morakot] did not take sufficient precautions nor [develop their communities] in a safe manner and therefore suffered terribly, which we all feel, because we've also experienced the death of a parent"
Anyone got any other plays?

Friday, October 23, 2009

Suporte para Chapéu de Chuva

Agora que começa a chuva nada melhor que este suporte para o chapéu de chuva, dotado de um design bastante moderno é bastante pratico.
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Peringatan Sumpah Pemuda: KAMMI Jawa Barat Ajukan MoU dengan Gubernur Ahmad Heryawan

Jum'at, 23 Oktober 2009

Bandung,- KAMMI Wilayah Jawa Barat bersama sejumlah OKP di Jawa Barat direncanakan akan bertemu dengan Gubernur Ahmad Heryawan pada Senin, 26 Oktober besok. Agenda pertemuan tersebut adalah terkait dengan fixasi agenda acara pada Peringatan Sumpah Pemuda yang akan dilakukan seluruh Organisasi Kepemudaan (OKP) bekerjasama dengan Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat pada Rabu, 28 Oktober di Gedung Merdeka, Bandung.

Andriyana, ST selaku Ketua KAMMI Wilayah Jawa Barat dalam pertemuan terbatas OKP se-Jawa Barat tadi malam (22/10) mengungkapkan bahwa dengan adanya Momentum Sumpah Pemuda ini, semangat pemuda untuk membangun Jawa Barat harus dibuktikan dengan berbagai kompetensi yang dimilikinya. “Pemuda harus bisa meyakinkan semua pihak,termasuk dalam hal ini Pemerintah setempat bahwa pemuda siap mengemban amanah. Saatnya yang muda yang dipercaya”, demikian sahut Andriyana. Selain itu menurut Andriyana, tokoh-tokoh pemuda Jawa Barat yang berhasil disetiap bidangnya harus dimunculkan ke hadapan publik, ini penting untuk mendongkrak semangat para pemuda.

Pertemuan ini rencananya juga akan menyepakati MoU antara OKP dengan Pemprov Jawa Barat terkait komitmen bersama untuk meningkatkan kualitas Jawa Barat menjadi Provinsi Termaju di Indonesia. “MoU ini dibuat sebagai komitmen pemuda dalam turut serta membantu pencapaian visi Jawa Barat”, demikian M. Topan, dari KNPI Jabar. Selain itu, tagline Pemprov Jawa Barat yaitu Mandiri, Dinamis dan Sejahtera akan menjadi content MoU ini juga.


Ramlan Nugraha
Ketua Departemen Kebijakan Publik
KAMMI Wilayah Jawa Barat Periode 2008-2010
Hp. 08157086176

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Mobiliario de Escritório - Cadeiras

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

National Police Agency Director-General Wang Cho-chiun (王卓鈞) is a liar

Those of you who remember the Nov 2008 Chen Yunlin visit will likely be able to clearly recollect seeing police snatching and grabbing flags from protesters.  According to National Police Agency Director-General Wang Cho-chiun (王卓鈞), you are mistaken because that never happened:
During the legislature’s Internal Administration Committee meeting yesterday, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator William Lai (賴清德) told Wang that police were over-zealous during demonstrations at the last cross-strait meeting in Taiwan, which took place in Taipei last November. Police confiscating protesters’ flags and illegally entering a road-side store during the demonstrations were two examples, Lai said.

Wang told Lai that police did not confiscate any national flags during demonstrations over the meeting between Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) Chairman Chiang Pin-kung (江丙坤) and his Chinese counterpart Chen Yunlin (陳雲林) last November.

“It will not happen in the future either,” Wang said.

Really? How does he explain this video then?

“The order we received is to let protesters be seen and heard,” he said.

Mmm. Interesting.  Outright denial of the historical record followed by a veiled statement that police had 'been ordered' (by whom? they seem to work on orders that mysteriously don't come from the top) to let protesters be seen and heard, with the caveat that they have to protest within the conditions set by the unconstitutional 1991 Parade and Assembly Law, a relic of the transition from martial law to democracy:
Minister of the Interior Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺), when asked by Chiu whether people would be banned from accessing the hotel that Chen stays at, waving national flags or chanting political slogans, said the government would not ban people from accessing the hotel or limit their freedom of speech or action “as long as they apply [for a permit to demonstrate] in accordance with the law.
Come December, I think i'll take a stroll down to the meeting place in Taichung and record some of the events.  Let's see if the administration has learnt anything.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A World Without The Internet had a contest for pictures of what a world would look like without the Internet (or, in some instances, a corporate, non-neutral Internet) that I found funny. This didn't win, but it was definitely my favorite:

Support Net Neutrality, Not The FCC
I am a staunch supporter of net neutrality and am generally happy to see the direction the FCC is moving with regards to that subject (picking up Congress's slack), but is this an uncomfortable precedent? Are you comfortable with the FCC regulating the Internet?

Unless I am misinformed, the FCC has never been granted authority to regulate Internet traffic. Although I agree with their current position, I am not to sure that I want the people that punish radio stations for playing George Carlin having any hand in how I use the Internet. Certainly, the current position is a win for Internet users, but considering the FCC is usually dominated by the party in power, one has to wonder where it will go from here? 10 years from now? 20 years from now?

Just something to chew the fat over, and a reason to still strive for Congressional approval of net neutrality laws.

Zhahu Line breaks down again

I know this because I went to catch the MRT from Taipei Zoo this morning at about 9.45am and it was closed.  Staff told me the line had broken down again.

Cadeira S de Tom Dixon

Quando em 1991, Tom Dixon lançou a cadeira S, esta tornou-se quase de imediato um classico, encontra-se em exposição permanente no Museu de Arte Moderna em Nova Iorque. com base metalica lacada a preto, varios acabamentos disponiveis e removiveis para limpeza.
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Global Views confirms Taiwanese are not naive

Global Views Magazine has published a new survey of Taiwanese opinion.  The reported results suggest that the current Taiwanese Government is losing the battle to convince citizens that the administration can live up to the high standards it articulates and losing the trust of the public in being willing to safeguarding Taiwan's sovereignty: (majorities in bold)
28.7 % - Ma can eradicate “black gold” politics and build a clean image for the KMT (2005 - 52%)

51.7 % - Ma can not eradicate “black gold” politics and build a clean image for the KMT (2005 - 20.1%)
31.7% - Ma can push the KMT's democratic reform (2005 - 65.2%)

49.1% - Ma can't push the KMT's democratic reform (2005 - 14.7%)
29.5% - Public satisfied with Ma's performance

58.6% - Public unsatisfied with Ma's performance

41.8% - Trust Ma (down 3%)

42.4% - Distrust Ma
21.9% - happy with the KMT’s overall performance in the legislature

58.5% - unhappy with the KMT’s overall performance in the legislature (up 1.7%)
47.2% - those in favor of ultimate independence 

15.7% - those who support ultimate unification
If the economic, political and social conditions on both sides of the Taiwan Strait were similar:
68.3% -  unification would not be necessary. 

11.7% -  that would be the time for unification.
45.1% - Ma’s position on Taiwan’s future is to unify with China (up 21% from 2005)

30.1% - Ma intends to maintain the “status quo”

6.3% - Ma wants Taiwanese independence.

NOT TO BE MISSED: Part 1 of Talk Taiwan's analysis of public opinion polls on the issue of Taiwan's future.

Cadeira Cloe

Cadeira de madeira disponível em vários acabamentos, assento em ratan natural.
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Lisboa / Portugal

Monday, October 19, 2009

Ma seeks Taiwanese economic dependency on profits from Chinese market?

President Ma made some remarks yesterday about the state of Taiwan's economy, the report on which can be read here. This quote caught my eye:
“It’s not possible for us to change the economy, [which is] based on exports, but we could diversify the export market, not focusing entirely on the United States or Europe,” Ma said. “Actually, the largest export destination is mainland China, but many of the goods with mainland China are reprocessed to be re-exported to the US and Europe, so we will modify that policy so that mainland China is no longer treated only as a factory, but rather as a market.”
Instantly, some questions popped to mind.  If anyone fancies answering any in the comments please be my guest.
  • Is it really not possible to change the economy?
  • When he says 'based on exports'  does Ma mean the economy is designed to be sustainable as long as other countries, including China, are buying?
  • How does one diversify the market by looking to sell products to China instead of the US and Europe? What guarantee is there that 'diversification' will nor entail a zero sum balancing of trade away from the US and Europe towards China?
  • Taiwan treats China like a factory. What an admission! How do we treat Taiwan then, like a disposable package holiday?

OK, So I know it's been a while, But Michael F*$#@+@ Jordan ???

Ok, I admit's been a fu*&^$% long time little while since you've heard anything from here at Bushwood. I could go on and on about how busy I have been, how the new tree fort Clubhouse has taken up all of my time, or how I've found other passions....but nobody gives a sh&t about that let's move onto something interesting mind boggling.

Somehow, in the short time I have been incarcerated away, Michael Jordan has morphed from a stogie chompin', gambling addicted, philandering, 7 handicap (cough,cough) hacker into a "Golf Mentor", one able to offer motivational advice and golfing tips to none other than the World's Greatest Golfers ! Yep, thats right folks - none other than MJ has "elevated his game" right off the hardball courts onto the links - with seemingly no loss of stature. I have no idea WTF Freddie Couples was thinking, or what MJ actually DID for the team (other than maybe dispense some "Hot Slots" tips), but watching him on TV at the President's Cup totally was a barf inducing event for me. Top that off with some typically insightful commentary about his presence from Kelli Tilghman- Bacon and you have pure Golf Nirvana.

What the hell is next ? And when do we have the inevitable crossover - you know, like Camillo Villegas as a ball boy at the Wimbledon Ladies Finals ? Or Anthony Kim as as the "Official Mixologist" at the Kentucky Derby ?

ASU Presentation 17 10 09 - UPDATED

This year, I returned to the Annual  Asian Studies Graduate Conference at Arizona State University, this time by video-conferencing. My topic was: "Health and sustainability of democracy in Taiwan. Is there cause for concern?".  You can download the notes of my presentation and the audio by clicking to my public folder here. (You can also find the video and final paper of my presentation last year on environmental citizenship)

File names:
ASU Presentation audio 17 10 09.mp3 - 28mb


Ben Goren - AASGC at ASU 17th October 2009 Presentation Paper - 1mb

Another promise made

President Ma has made a promise.  Although Taiwan watchers are probably well aware of how tenuous or 'reinterpreted' government promises can be, let's just put this down on the record:
Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou said at the weekend that the island's controversial trade pact with China will be subjected to parliamentary scrutiny before it is ratified.
Taipei insists that the proposed pact will boost the island's annual economic growth by more than one percentage point, but opposition leaders fear it will compromise Taiwan's de facto independence.
In a speech on Saturday after he was formally sworn in as chairman of the ruling Kuomintang party, Ma gave an assurance that all negotiations with Beijing on the "Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement" would be transparent.
"I promise all these things will be stated clearly. And once it is signed, it will be submitted to parliament for ratification," Ma said.
He also gave an assurance that the trade pact "must be what the country needs, supported by the people and placed under supervision of parliament.
"Therefore, I hereby guarantee that in the future, the government will report to parliament the contents of the pact before it is signed," Ma said.
He said Taiwan's people will be given an idea of what the pact's benefits will be, as well as "what negative impacts it may bring to Taiwan."
One thing to remember here is that the ECFA will be negotiated and signed and THEN sent to the legislature for ratification.  This does not imply oversight.  It implies a formal rubber stamping. Notice the contradiction in Ma's statements?  First he says ECFA will be submitted to the legislature AFTER it is signed and then he says that the Government will report the contents to the legislature BEFORE it is signed.  Maybe there is no contradiction.  Perhaps he means that first the contents will be discussed in the legislature and then the ECFA will be signed, after which it will return to the legislature for the stamp of approval.

Here's the rub.  If, in an alternative universe, the KMT led legislature rejects some of the ECFA agreements before it is signed, will the government then take those amendments back to the negotiating table and refuse to sign if the Chinese insist on the original conditions?

Finally, with Ma pushing the ECFA so hard, what right minded KMT legislator is going to provide any kind of critical oversight during the 'ratification' process?  Since their election campaign funds come from central party HQ, any criticism will leave KMT legislators susceptible to the accusation that they are acting to derail the ECFA, not a good way to curry favor with a President/Chairman looking to nominate election candidates. 

The result: ECFA will pass, with the only real legislative oversight coming from the DPP.

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Links 19 10 09

  • KMT will back expanded cross-strait relations. really? Tomorrow's headline: Pope reaffirms belief in Catholicism and confirms that bears really do relieve themselves in arboreal environments.
  • CCW Watchdog argues for more reforms - they point out the ever so undemocratic law that allows cross-strait agreements to automatically become law if the legislature fails to reject them.
The legislative watchdog said in a press release that it expected Ma to allow the legislature to approve or reject the content of any cross-strait agreements signed by the Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) and China’s Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait (ARATS), instead of allowing the agreements to take effect automatically.

The group was referring to Article 95 of the Act Governing Relations Between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area (兩岸人民關係條例), which stipulates that a cross-strait agreement takes effect automatically 30 days after being inked if the legislature fails to reject it.

The pacts signed during the second and third rounds of talks between the SEF and ARATS last year and earlier this year all took effect automatically even though the mechanism had drawn criticism.

“The legislature should review the content of every cross-strait agreement. As the fourth round of cross-strait talks approaches, whether or not [the government] should sign an ECFA [economic cooperation framework agreement] with China has become the subject of debate,” the group said.

The watchdog group urged Ma to listen to civic groups instead of insisting on pushing through party-proposed amendments or bills such as the rural revitalization act (農村再生條例) and a proposed amendment to the Assembly and Parade Act (集會遊行法).
  • Excellent letter on China and democratisation in the TT today - read and then reconsider the plan for Taiwan's democracy to slowly bring democracy to China by example.

Tragedy of an unregulated commons - Slowly Sinking Syndrome

If you haven't read Michael Turton's detailed overview of the problems of industrial development, polution land subsidence in Taiwan, then you're missing one of the big issues of the near future.  I recommend everyone reading that article and then looking at the parallels I found in this Guardian article on rising sea levels.  Here are the money quotes:
The sea is steadily advancing on Shanghai, tainting its freshwater supplies as it turns coastal land and groundwater salty, slowing drainage of the area's heavily polluted flood basin and eating away at the precious delta soils that form the city's foundations.

Planners are slow in addressing the threat, in the apparent belief they have time. Instead, Shanghai has thrown its energies into constructing billions of dollars worth of new infrastructure: new ports, bridges, airports, industrial zones, right on the coast.

In modern times, the city has been sinking for decades, thanks to pumping of groundwater and the construction of thousands of high-rise buildings. Today, Shanghai's engineers are reinforcing flood gates and levees to contain rivers rising due to heavy silting and subsidence.
In other news ... Hamas is apparently continuing to inflict its' morality crusade on Palestinians.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

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O candeeiro Atollo do designer Vico Magistretti em 1977. É um icon do design moderno clássico. O seu nome em italiano significa ilha. Utiliza 3 formas geométricas, base cilíndrica termina na sua parte superior em cone com abat-jour em meia lua. Disponível em 2 tipos de acabamento: dourado ou branco. Lâmpadas: 2x max 100W (E27 dimmer).

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Thoughts on the morality of the profit motive

The way in which Marks and Spencer recently 'withdrew' its advertising from the UK's Daily Mail newspaper website, I think, may be indicative of the way business deals with 'controversial' subjects or events.  This in turn may have parallels in what might happen should Taiwanese business become entirely dependent on the Chinese market and Beijing-directed investment.

After the online publishing of a barely concealed homophobic attack against the recently late Boyzone singer Stephen Gately by Jan Moir, Marks and Spencer made the following courageous move:
"We have asked the Daily Mail to move our advert away from the article," said a spokesman for Marks & Spencer.

Asked why, he said: "That is a matter for the Daily Mail." 
Note that they asked the Daily mail to move the advert away from the article but stopped short of withdrawing their advertising altogether.  Moving a digital image is a far easier option than stopping advertising with a readership that might provide handsome profits.  It appears to suggest Marks and Spencer cares about not being associated with homophobia whilst actually not impacting the Daily Mail's ad revenues even slightly.  Win-win for the Daily Mail and Marks and Spencers and arguably freedom of speech.  But this is hate speech, no matter how veiled and cleverly articulated. Furthermore, as Stephen Fry pointed out, it may contravene the law.  Homophobia is 'controversial' enough for Marks and Spencer to feel it necessary to make a symbolic protest but the numbers of homophobic Britons willing to buy Marks and Spencers products after reading the Daily Mail constitute a more powerful motive for not putting profit before principle.

A similar thing has already happened in Taiwan.  Following the screening of a documentary in Kaohsiung that China objected to, Beijing effectively 'pulled' visiting Chinese tourist groups from going to the south of Taiwan, a fact they barefacedly admitted.  As Taiwanese tourism businesses become dependent upon the flow of Chinese tourists, Beijing gains more leverage to make a whole range of demands.  The above example was of a foreign country dictating to Taiwan what films could be shown at Film Festival.  How soon then before Taiwanese businesses start making further concessions so as to ensure the continued supply of sweet poison from China?

Once China rather than Taiwan becomes the largest single market for Taiwanese businesses, I suspect profit will be placed before such esoteric principles such as democracy and freedom.  After all, goes the argument, aren't those who raise 'sensitive' subjects not just short-sighted and selfish trouble makers hurting the ability of Taiwanese business to make a profit?   Shouldn't everyone be free to do business as they wish? The customer is right and to be respected regardless of the blood splattered across their dollar notes.  Money speaks. ... ad nauseum
But if profit has no moral component,surely it becomes amoral, or open to the highest bidder, whatever the bidding.  I think that the result is that I pay A to kill B because it is far easier and less costly than going through the correct bureaucratic channels.  In a country where there is little supporting democratic practice other than a general sense that it is preferable to Martial Law, introducing a player whose goal is political unification and who has enormous financial resources at the outset of negotiations to the Taiwanese market seems to me to be little more than economic, and democratic, suicide.   History is littered with similar examples of capitulation through the peace and economy model of annexation. 

My own stumbling uncertain foray into this worrisome link between profit motive and business is much better executed in the following must read posts:

----->  Taiwan, China and Freedom
----->  The closer we move to Beijing, the farther we move  from democracy

Other links:
    On 10/18 Mr. Lin, I-Hsiung will participate in a short walk from Long-San Temple (龍山寺) to 2.28 Memorial Park and help distributing flyers along the way to publicize the planned event. Mr. Lin will then participate the 7-week (11/8 - 12/26) walking event. This planned walk will start in Taipei on 11/8, follows the west coast going south to the southern end of Taiwan and then turns northward along the east coast to return to Taipei on 12/27.

    政 黨輪替以來,台灣政治陷入行政和立法部門由單一政黨掌控,監督制衡機制嚴重失靈的困境。馬政府自恃一黨獨大,強行推動「一中」政策,向中華人民共和國大幅 傾斜,造成台灣社會的惶惑不安。有鑑於此,核四公投促進會經過數個月的討論,慎重發起「人民作主運動」,要求馬總統確實遵守「台灣前途應由兩千三百萬人民 決定」的競選承諾,即刻:1. 依公民投票法第十七條所賦予的職權,就「台灣公民是否同意本屆政府在『一個中國』的前提下,和對岸簽訂經濟合作或其他協議。」一案舉行公投,並以投票結果做為兩岸會談與協商的原則。2. 要求行政院迅即向立法院提出公投法修正案,補正現行「公投法」之不合理條文、落實主權在民精神。我們將於近日內展開密集行動:10月15日(四):記者會時間:上午 10::00am集合地點:228紀念碑前10月18日(日):台北市苦行及發傳單。時間:上午 8:30am集合地點:台北市龍山寺對面廣場後續:10月25日(日):台中座談會11月01日(日):高雄座談會11月8日至12月26日:「人民作主運動」全國苦行竭誠歡迎疼惜台灣的你/妳一起來參與。感謝核四公投促進會 敬上

    Friday, October 16, 2009

    Up-To-Date With Ralph Nader

    As always Ralph is a little out there, but makes some good points:

    A Possible Move On "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Early Next Year
    Barney Frank has told Headline News that “Early next year we will be moving on ‘Don't ask, don’t tell":
    In the Senate, White House advisers have directly discussed repealing the law with Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), a key member of his chamber's Armed Services Committee. Lieberman, a hawk on defense, is a staunch opponent of "Don’t ask, don’t tell," and his support could prove influential in winning centrist votes.

    Lieberman's office has confirmed the discussions took place but did not provide further details.
    This will do a lot for Obama's base, and he must do it before 2010 to limit political exposure. Having Lieberman on board will be really good, but expect the "Blue Dogs" to pitch a fit in the House (that means you can start jumping now Bright and Griffith).

    Huckabee Leading The GOP Into 2012
    I don't see how many of the retreads form 2008 make it, but according to Rasmussen Mike Huckabee is leading the (early) prospective GOP field:
    Twenty-nine percent (29%) of Republican voters nationwide say former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is their pick to represent the GOP in the 2012 Presidential campaign. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 24% prefer former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney while 18% would cast their vote for former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

    Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich gets 14% of the vote while Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty gets 4%. Six percent (6%) of GOP voters prefer some other candidate while 7% remain undecided.

    It appears that some on the far-right are gravitating away from Mrs. Palin (although she has received some love for her new book) and towards Huckabee, Romney appears to be holding pretty strong as the business candidate.

    Thursday, October 15, 2009

    Wednesday, October 14, 2009

    Next round of cross-strait talks to be held in Taichung

    Next round of KMT-CCP SEF and ARATS talks to be held in Taichung:
    A fourth round of talks between the chief cross-Taiwan Strait negotiators of Taiwan and China will be held in December in the central city of Taichung, the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) announced Wednesday.

    Taipei-based Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) Chairman Chiang Pin-kung and China-based Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) President Chen Yunlin last met in Nanjing in April, when they signed three agreements on the launch of regular cross-strait passenger flights, mutual judicial assistance and financial cooperation, as well as releasing a joint statement on a proposal to open Taiwan to Chinese investment.

    The date and venue for the next Chiang-Chen talks were decided upon in a meeting held in Hangzhou a day earlier between SEF Vice Chairman Kao Koong-lian and his ARATS counterpart Zheng Lizhong, according to MAC Vice Chairman Liu Te-shun.

    In their upcoming meeting, the two officials are expected to sign four agreements regarding fishing labor cooperation, agricultural quarantine inspection, standards, inspection and certification for industrial products, and the avoidance of double taxation, Liu said.
    My question here to those in the know would be to what extent are these types of agreements are to be found in similar country to country trade and finance agreements?

    Tuesday, October 13, 2009

    Monday, October 12, 2009

    Prémio Mobis – Já são conhecidos os finalistas

    Já são conhecidos os 45 finalistas das nove categorias do Prémio Mobis. O júri chegou a acordo há minutos.

    Alma Mater
    Catarino Mobiliário
    Colonial Docas

    Os vencedores das diferentes categorias serão divulgados no decurso da IV Gala Prémio Mobis, que vai ter lugar no dia 16 de Outubro, já na próxima sexta-feira, no edifício da Alfândega do Porto.

    Veja aqui os restantes Finalistas das 9 categorias: