Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Clarence Thomas Better Tell His Wife to Go Somewhere and Sit Down

You know, sometimes I come back to the boards after work and I can't believe all that happened when I was away from internet access. Sometimes, you read stuff in the threads and you have to read it two or three times to believe what folks posted.

So, how do you think I felt when I got over here and read this:

“Good morning, Anita Hill, it’s Ginny Thomas,” she said, according to ABC News. “I just wanted to reach across the airwaves and the years and ask you to consider something. I would love you to consider an apology sometime and some full explanation of why you did what you did with my husband. So give it some thought and certainly pray about this and come to understand why you did what you did. Okay have a good day.”



This woman has the GALL to think that she can call up Anita Hill..



Prime Example 101 of the Unmitigated Gall of Ms. Anne.

The thought...
The thought...

that she could just call up Anita Hill and leave a message....


What did she think was going to happen?



Maybe Mrs. Thomas is feeling the heat from folks asking about the ramifications of the Citizen United Case in how her husband betrayed the very tenants of democracy by approving a court decision that opened the floodgates to not only underground corporate monies being poured into politics, but as we've been following it here at JJP, the very real possibility that foreign corporations and foreign governments are funding political campaigns - underground. What Clarence Thomas did, with his vote in that case was undermine and betray the principles upon which this country was founded.

So, what does Citizens United have to do with Mrs. Clarence Thomas?

She runs one of those 'groups' where money is pouring in, yet nobody knows where it's coming from. I wonder if someone called her up, since folks ARE paying attention to these groups, and we've found out that Karl Rove's group's funds come from basically THREE PEOPLE...if they asked Ginny Thomas where her money was coming from, and if any of those donors had...say...


Cases which would be an OBVIOUS CONFLICT OF INTEREST..

but, of course, that would mean that Clarence would actually be, oh, well, decent enough to know that the obvious impropriety of it all would have him recuse himself.

Then again, his wife having her own political slush fund group sort of blows the ' they know about impropriety' theory of mine out of the water.

Clarence Thomas’ Wife May Have Benefitted from His Vote on Campaign Financing

Monday, October 11, 2010
Clarence Thomas’ Wife May Have Benefitted from His Vote on Campaign Financing

By involving himself in the decision to throw out campaign contributions limits for corporations and unions, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas helped expand fundraising opportunities for his wife’s new political organization.

Virginia “Ginny” Thomas, the most partisan of any Supreme Court justice spouse ever, according to The New York Times, is the founder of Liberty Central, a conservative group that seeks to end the “tyranny” of President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party.

In January, the high court ruled it illegal to limit the spending of businesses and organized labor, clearing the way for big-money interests to pour huge sums into the 2010 election. In order to cloak their spending, many contributors are giving to certain nonprofit groups, like Liberty Central, which are not required by law to disclose their financial backers.

Ginny Thomas launched her organization in late 2009 with two unidentified gifts of $500,000 and $50,000.

Look, the woman might be crazy.. I don't know. What would you call someone who calls another woman out of the blue after 20 years, talking about GETTING an apology from said woman?

Crazy might be accurate.

Or, just the total picture of it all - a sitting Supreme Court Justice married to someone collecting large sums of UNREPORTED CASH from ANONYMOUS DONORS.....well, the whole imagery of that is even something the GOP can't clean up, try as they might.

So, Mrs. Thomas is sleazy, corrupt, amoral - just like her husband, and maybe she's playing crazy to cover THAT up.

Whatever it is, it's not going to fly.

Good for Ms. Hill- calling the FBI.

And, Mrs. Thomas?

Nobody's forgotten about your monies and yes, we still want to know where it comes from, and why these folks are throwing money on you like you're the headliner at the best strip club in Vegas.

Yo Clarence...if you wind up getting impeached over this....
