Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Humans Come in Analogue Only

analog |ˈanlˌôg; -ˌäg| (also analogue)
relating to or using signals or information represented by a continuously variable physical quantity such as spatial position or voltage. Often contrasted with digital (sense 1).
(of a clock or watch) showing the time by means of hands rather than displayed digits.
My boss wants me to get a new phone.  Just 4 months ago I bought a cheapo (NT$1900) Samsung Anycall which had no frills but which took a spill ... when I dived in the deep end at the 'gaypool' one scorching Sunday afternoon about 2 weeks ago.  I brought out my old Nokia but the boss thought that it was a bit 'old school' and has offered to buy me a new one.  Its not an offer I can readily refuse, especially given the business reasons cited for the necessity of the new purchase.

So ... next week I'll probably be buying a Samsung s5628 Monte, the same model as my girl EVA.  It has a touch screen and with the right 3G service from Taiwan Mobile I can surf the net on it anywhere I can get a signal as well as use local wifi signals.  It has apps including one where you can take a picture of some Chinese text and it will translate it into English.

However, this means a big tech change for me.  I have never used a touch screen and really really like the old style phones where you press physical keys.  Its a touch / believe thing.  I am therefore quite dreading this upgrade.  I can only reason that I am experiencing Analogue-Digital Transition Syndrome (ADTS) whereby an analogue human of the species Homo Sapiens suffers total body rejection as they are forced into adopting digital tools before he or she is ready, or fully Digital-Compatible (DC).   This tragic condition could eventually result in a D.I.C, or Digitally Incompatible human. Why?

Humans are not digital.  From our blood to our bones we are analogue all the way.  We're part of the infrastructure of this globe (well we were until we started wearing shoes but I'll leave it to another time to explain my theory of Post-Pes Era Evolution (PPEE)) We are Arthur Dent, the latest biological adaptations to the environment around us.  That environment is analogue too, excepting most human habitations which are now increasingly digital.  

So you won't catch me putting a tracking device in my body or any kind of circuit board, unless it is a nanobot which has one very useful function and then disintegrates harmlessly and is passed naturally at that time of the morning after the second analogue cup of analogue coffee kicks in.

A famous Simpsons cartoon moment has Bart and Homer watching a beautiful day with a shinning sun on their TV when right outside their window is the exact same thing.  I'm analogue and I want to experience the world analogue-style.  Its one of the reasons I prefer 2 wheels to 4. No windows. No artificial barriers or screens between me and the world around me.  

I spend all day working on my computer and it does amazing things and brings the world to me. Yeah! But at the same time I don't want to spend more time interacting with my phone.  Maybe i'll change my mind and get into apps but I'm just hoping the new model is simple enough to dial and text, whilst having some other worthwhile uses.  Google maps on the go and text convert are a good start.  Maybe I can blog from  my phone too ... we'll see.

In the meantime, I'm trying to keep it analogue, know what I mean?