Carolyn Bivens, LPGA Commissioner, announced today the formation of a three piece band. The band will perform live at LPGA venues each week, and will have the reigning champion of each event as the lead singer for each week's performance. Said Bivens "we feel that this is a unique and effective marketing strategy to promote and grow the LPGA into more than a golf organization - we want to be full service entertainers".
Ok, so I was kidding a little......
In the past, I have demonstrated that I am (a) a big fan of the LPGA, and (b) a frequent critic of LPGA management (hello, Carolyn....) and their seemingly short sighted moves. Well, lock the doors and hide the children, because the times area a changin'! As reported at ESPN earlier today, the LPGA has made a Great Move.
The announcement of a 10 year deal between the LPGA and the Golf Channel will provide a stable home for LPGA tournament broadcasts, as well as a consistent, highly visible canvas upon which they can showcase their talent outside of the events- who knows, maybe they will teach Andy McGee some manners to boot ! Here's a wish for them that this is only the first in a string of smart business moves...I've got my fingers crossed, my mojo in my pocket, and a chicken tied to a stake out back, just in case ...(that's a Santeria riff, if you are wondering)