If you are like a lot of folks, you are just glad to have a steady source of income - and would not be totally pi$ed if your boss said, "we need you to take a pay cut in order to guarantee that you and ALL of your co-workers get to keep their jobs". Meanwhile, we read everyday that pro athletes are making ever increasing demands for even more millions of dollars (can you hear me 'Quan ? Manny ? ) - seemingly TOTALLY unaware of a worldwide recession that scares the hell out of most normal folks.
Well - SOMEONE in the pro athlete ranks has finally woken up to reality. Who is that someone ? None other than the Shark - Greg Norman.... According to a report out of Brisbane (that's in Australia, ya'll...), The Great White One states ``Prize money's being scaled back in Europe, I wouldn't be surprised if prize money's scaled back in the U.S. just out of respect to every citizen and taxpayer over there who's suffering dramatically,'' the two-time British Open champion was quoted as saying Wednesday on the Australian Broadcasting Corp. Website. ``It seems like on the PGA Tour the players are still playing for a million dollars first week, like they're recession-proof." He further states ``I think there's got to be a lot of sensitivity shown. If I was PGA Commissioner that's what I would be recommending.''
Hats off to Greg Norman for recognizing that we are now living in a VERY different world than even a year ago. As far as the rest of the pro athletes who have not figured this out yet - well, ya better look around dude. Remember, it all starts with the CONSUMER who creates DEMAND for your product or service.
Hmmm - maybe that 7-11 coffee doesn't taste so bad after all....
P.S. - Mr. Tim - are you listening ????
Well - SOMEONE in the pro athlete ranks has finally woken up to reality. Who is that someone ? None other than the Shark - Greg Norman.... According to a report out of Brisbane (that's in Australia, ya'll...), The Great White One states ``Prize money's being scaled back in Europe, I wouldn't be surprised if prize money's scaled back in the U.S. just out of respect to every citizen and taxpayer over there who's suffering dramatically,'' the two-time British Open champion was quoted as saying Wednesday on the Australian Broadcasting Corp. Website. ``It seems like on the PGA Tour the players are still playing for a million dollars first week, like they're recession-proof." He further states ``I think there's got to be a lot of sensitivity shown. If I was PGA Commissioner that's what I would be recommending.''
Hats off to Greg Norman for recognizing that we are now living in a VERY different world than even a year ago. As far as the rest of the pro athletes who have not figured this out yet - well, ya better look around dude. Remember, it all starts with the CONSUMER who creates DEMAND for your product or service.
Hmmm - maybe that 7-11 coffee doesn't taste so bad after all....
P.S. - Mr. Tim - are you listening ????