Monday, May 31, 2010

Can We Discuss the 51st State and its UNACCOUNTABILITY?

I first saw this story on BooMan Tribune.
Israel Massacres Pro-Palestinian Activists

by BooMan
Mon May 31st, 2010 at 09:43:45 AM EST

Here's how Haaretz tells it:

The left-wing activists on board a flotilla carrying aid to the Gaza Strip tried to lynch the Israel Navy commandos who stormed their Turkish-flagged ship early Monday, Israel Defense Forces sources told Haaretz.

The commandos, who intercepted the Turkish ferry Mavi Marmara after it ignored orders to turn back, said they encountered violent resistance from activists armed with sticks and knives. According to the soldiers, the activists threw one of their comrades from the upper deck to the lower after they boarded.

Activists attacked a commando with iron bars as he descended onto the ship from a helicopter, the army said. The IDF said its rules of engagement allowed troops to open fire in what it called a "life-threatening situation".

The soldiers said they were forced to open fire after the activists struck one of their comrades in the head and trampled on him. A senior field commander ordered the soldiers then to respond with fire, a decision which the commandos said received full backing the military echelon.

At least 10 people were killed and several more wounded after the Israel Navy troops opened fire on the six-ship flotilla. Unofficial reports put the death toll at between 14 and 20.


I mean, do you honestly believe this is how it went down?

I'll admit that I don't believe it for one second. The Israelis EXECUTED these people.


This boat was in INTERNATIONAL WATERS, and they executed these people.

The response from Turkey?

Turkey threatens action; Israel on alert

New Delhi: Turkey has threatened Israel with unprecedented action after Israeli forces attacked an aid vessel, killing 10 peace activists headed to Gaza.

Israel said 10 people died while those on the ship said at least 15 were killed

A shocked world has responded with outrage. Turkey recalled its ambassador to Israel and warned of unprecedented and incalculable reprisals.

Two Turkish activists were reported to be among those killed in the flotilla. Ankara warned that further supply vessels will be sent to Gaza, escorted by the Turkish Navy, a development with unpredictable consequences.

Israel has sounded an alert throughout the country fearing rocket attacks by Hezbollah in Lebanon.

The Arab League has called an urgent meeting on Tuesday to decide on a common response. Egypt is under pressure to end the blockade of Gaza while Greece has cancelled a military exercise with Isreal.

The world is waiting for the response from Washington, how will President Obama react to the provocation from America's closest ally.

Turkey was Israel's closest supposed Arab ally, and this is how they treat them.

We have the ARAB LEAGUE meeting, which is never a good sign.

So, where is Bibi Netanyahu?

Hauling ass back to Israel, ' skipping' a planned meeting with the White House.

And the response from the United States Government?

the White House later released an account of the conversation(between the President and Netanyahu), saying Mr. Obama had expressed “deep regret” at the loss of life and recognized “the importance of learning all the facts and circumstances” as soon as possible.


It is time.

It is PAST TIME for the United States to HONESTLY evaluate what our sponsorship of Israel is costing us.

Not only in terms of dollars, but also in terms of good will around the world.

WE are the ones giving Israel the basically-interest free monies, not the other way around.


And, it's time for this country to do an evaluation of what return we are getting for that money.

It's time to have a real debate on WHY we should continue to sponsor the 51st State.

And ALLLLL them mofos in Congress who want to shout down anyone asking this simple question should be forced, to say, to the American people, WHERE THEIR ALLEGIANCE IS.

WHICH country are they representing:




The Oath that a member of Congress takes is the following:

I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

They took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States - it's time that they be reminded of it, before they open their damn mouths.

It's also good and well past time for the American people to fully understand what AIPAC does, and why it's so influential. AIPAC's influence flourishes in the dark. Most people have absolutely no clue about its influence, and why that influence is detrimental to the United States. Time to turn on the light and show AIPAC for what it is. And, how the safety and security of the United States isn't their goal.

Turkey isn't backing down. They are also using their own diplomatic cards.

NATO to Hold Meeting on Israeli Attack

NATO has agreed to a request by the Turkish premier to hold an emergency meeting over the fatal Israeli raid on the Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla.

"Planning is underway for a meeting at the request of the Turkish authorities tomorrow afternoon," James Appathurai, a spokesman for the alliance, said in a Monday statement.

NATO is deeply concerned about the loss of life in international waters, he added, AFP reported.

Since Turkey IS a member of NATO, how will the United States handle that? What about the rest of the member states, and do we see this as an attack on the country of Turkey?

Why, does it seem, everytime Israel is involved, things have a way of just spinning out of control in a flash?

Dem Primary Predictions

The same parameters are being used as my previous post for the GOP, so if you aren't mentioned, you don't matter:
This has not been an "interesting" race per se, but Ron Sparks has went from being the Ag Commish that everyone loved to the cut-throat AEA/Milton McGreagor hatchet man.  Now, his proposals do have some validity, but he has run one of the more disgusting primary campaigns in recent memory.  I would say that all of this has just made the race close, as I have always had Davis winning and still do.  Why, you ask?  Demographics, my friend.  Sparks knows he has a demographic problem, admit it or not, and for that reason has played heavily to the black interest groups in the Democratic Party (i.e. ADC, New South).  Personally, I don't think that will matter as I believe most black Alabamians will support the first legitimate black candidate for Governor of Alabama when they are in the privacy of the booth, and despite the considerable exposure of the GOP races, I think he gains some crossover support.
Projected Winner:  Artur Davis

Attorney General:
This race hasn't gotten much coverage and the candidates went to the air at the last minute so, it is really anyone's guess.  I will say that all three look to be qualified, and I personally like Michel Nicrosi, but this is politics and she lacks in the personality department as well as the fact that she hasn't raised as much money as her Democratic counterpart James Anderson and Giles Perkins.  Electability in the form of fundraising prowess alone is why I think James Anderson secures the nomination.  There is a distinct possibility of a run-off in this race, but the Democrats know they are facing a money machine in Luther Strange in the fall and I believe they will choose Anderson to try and compete money wise.
Projected Winner:  James Anderson

State Treasurer:
Jeremy Sherer has run a good campaign, but I feel like Charlie Grimsley has the inside support one needs to win such a low profile race.
Projected Winner:  Charlie Grimsley

U.S. Senate:
Who knows which one of these sacrificial lambs will get beat by Shelby in November?
Projected Winner:  Bill Barnes

5th Congressional District:
The money in this race is on Steve Raby because of fundraising prowess and some insider ball experience, but I think Taze Shepard has a really good chance to knock off the supposed front-runner.  Regardless, I feel like we are headed to a run-off.
Projected Winner:  Run-Off

7th Congressional District:
Despite all the hooplah, this race for the majority-minority seat in Alabama really comes down to Terri Sewall and Earl Hillard Jr.  Shelia Smoot will probably be an also ran in this race, but will not make the eventual run-off.
Projected Winner:  Run-Off

Why Black Farmers Are Broke

Today is the deadline for the government to pay Black farmers more than one billion to settle a class-action lawsuit that began more than a decade ago. For decades, the U.S. Department of Agriculture denied or delayed small loans to Black farmers. The USDA even admits it is guilty.

Read the rest at The Loop.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

GOP Primary Predictions

As readers of this blog or my previous one may know, I have never done a full primary prediction for Alabama, but I am here to attempt a brief one.  Its brevity is largely due to me being tired and having a long day tomorrow (as it is the day before election day).  If I predict a run-off I will withhold judgment until I see if I am correct and then will make a prediction as to the winner later.  Also, if I don't mention someone's name, they don't matter.  Sorry Bill Johnson, but no one cares.  Well, here we go:

I, as most people probably have, can't make up my mind how I feel about this race.  When I make any predictions I largely just go with my gut, which has been really good to me in the past, but I just don't know.  I think that it is evident to everyone that Bradley Byrne will make the eventual run-off, so that takes care of him.  Its picking his opponent that is so damned hard.  First let me say that I think Tim James will not make the run-off.  I know he has (and is spending) gobs of money to try, and that might prove me wrong, but I just feel like he peaked to early and is now heading south.  As far as this state is concerned, I hope that is the case and his race for Governor just ends up being the largest single act of masturbation in Alabama history.  That pretty much leaves Dr. Robert Bentley and Judge Roy Moore.  The obvious selection here would be Moore, as he has maintained a base of support throughout the campaign and that would lead one to believe a more solid voter group, but I think that Dr. Bentley will be Bradley Byrne's opponent largely due to the best ads this election cycle and the degeneration of the James and Byrne campaigns into petty squabbles.  Again, I know that this will probably be the most dubious of my predictions, but who the hell really knows as close and up and down as this race has been.
Projected Winner:  Run-Off

Lt. Governor:
To the chagrin of the Democrats and the praise of the GOP, Kay Ivey entered this race and actually gave the GOP a chance at being competitive in November.  While she hasn't spent as much money as I would have anticipated since deciding to seek the jr. office rather than Governor, I think Kay Ivey's name recognition and the fact that Hank Erwin might be a lunatic secures the nomination for her in this race.  Cam Ward thanks you Senator.
Projected Winner:  Kay Ivey  

Attorney General:
Wow, such an underwhelming choice GOP voters have:  sleazeball Luther Strange or "how the hell did he finish high school" Troy King.  Good luck making that choice.  In any case, I think this race is fairly easy to predict.  I believe that Luther Strange will layeth the smacketh downeth Tuesday on Troy King for a number of reasons.  The first and foremost reason Strange will win is that Troy King chose the wrong side of the gambling issue.  For those who think he sold out to Victoryland I disagree.  As stupid as King seems to be, he has to know that it wouldn't bode well for him in a GOP primary if he didn't back Riley with the anti-gambling task force so he probably believes his legal opinion is correct.  The fact remains that Alabama is the home of the spin-off Christian Coalition because the national Christian Coalition is to "liberal" and they will trounce King in a GOP primary.  I expect a double-digit defeat of Troy King here by the perennial GOP insider Strange.
Projected Winner:  Luther Strange

State Treasurer:
This has been an interesting race to follow for me and one of my least comfortable predictions, but I think George Wallace Jr.'s name recognition trumps the fact that Young Boozer is qualified for this office and was in no way involved with the PACT debacle.  I wouldn't be surprised if this was close, but being such a low-profile office, especially in a primary, its hard to trump the Wallace family name.  Don't forget the race he ran against "Big" Luther in 2006, Wallace wins.
Projected Winner:  George Wallace Jr.

Alabama Supreme Court, Place 2:
I have followed this race the least among state offices, but I feel like the appearance of hanky-panky with Tracy Cary's financial filings (which it appears there was none) has probably done him in.  Cary has done better with ads, so I am a little skeptical, but I believe they will probably get lost in the fray and most of his recognition will be negative.  The incumbent Bolin dominates his opponent.
Projected Winner:  Mike Bolin

Alabama Supreme Court, Place 3:
I must also admit willful primary ignorance when it comes to this Supreme Court race as well.  I don't really have an analysis except that Tom Parker is in trouble and this could be really close.  In any case, since I don't have anything to really say, so I think Parker beats Houts, just because he is the incumbent.
Projected Winner:  Tom Parker

Public Service Commission, Place 1:
I normally wouldn't have a clue who would be favored in this, but Twinkle Cavanaugh has the luxury of being close to the Alabama GOP, still hasn't taken her signs down from her race against Lucy Baxley in 2006, and still has the name recon from that race, so Twinkle wins without a run-off.
Projected Winner:  Twinkle Cavanaugh

Public Service Commission, Place 2:
I don't know who the voters will favor in this race between Chip Brown & Terry Dunn, so I will predict Brown wins because his name is first on the ballot.
Projected Winner:  Chip Brown

Agriculture Commissioner:
Well, I guess everyone knows who Dale Peterson is now, don't they?  This has shaped up to be one of the more intriguing Ag primaries I have ever seen.  One would tend to lean toward Dorman Grace in this area because of his backing by ALFA, or maybe John McMillan because he is probably the most qualified, but I think the gun-wielding cowboy takes this race, if for no other reason than his ad exposure.  Aside from that, I think Dale Peterson has attended every single GOP meeting in the state (all at the same time, mind you) and also has single-handily given the Alabama economy a boost by printing more signs than the state has ink.  Dale might be a long shot, and sometimes they payoff, but not without a run-off.  Sorry Dale, you got close.
Projected Winner:  Run-Off

U.S. Senate:
Dick Shelby straight dominates his opponent with prejudice.
Projected Winner:  Dick Shelby

1st Congressional District:
Jo Bonner follows in kind with Dick Shelby.
Projected Winner:  Jo Bonner

2nd Congressional District:
After lulling behind some of the other races in the state Rick Barber finally made this interesting with his new ad while not giving a single reason he deserves anyone's support.  I feel like Stephanie Bell could make this race interesting, but I think Roby is the lead vote getter.  In any case, this will be replayed at the end of the month.
Projected Winner:  Run-Off

5th Congressional District:
I have fought to get as much information on this race as I could (not being that close to it) and still haven't seen a poll.  I would say that from the beginning I have thought (and still do) that turncoat Parker Griffith would get nominated by his new party and head to November, but that has come into question more and more recently.  At the outset, I wouldn't even have had him in a run-off, but now I do.  Here's your shot Mo.  I will qualify this selection, though, by saying that if there isn't a run-off Griffith wins.
Projected Winner:  Run-Off

6th Congressional District:
Spencer Bachus will thrash his two GOP opponents in this primary contest.
Projected Winner:  Spencer Bachus

7th Congressional District:
I know I stated previously that if I didn't mention someones name they didn't matter, but I am forced to mention one here.  The Democrats will maintain this seat and I have no idea who will win.  In fact, I had to look up who was running in the GOP primary.  With complete honesty, this is a cop-out, but there are 4 Republicans running, so I think this one heads to a run-off.
Projected Winner:  Run-Off

Well, there it is, let the arguing begin, but if I say you are gonna lose, you are gonna lose.  Not really, as primary races are so much harder for me to predict, but I hope this is fun.  The Democratic predictions will be coming later, or tomorrow morning.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Comments On Free Iron Bowl Tickets

Jim Metrock, president of Obligation, Inc., has a new video that advocates the donation of the free Iron Bowl tickets that Alabama legislators receive to charity:


The answers to why the excuses won't cut it

THE LIBERTY TIMES EDITORIAL: The illogical fear of referendums

President Obama's Weekly Youtube Address

Friday, May 28, 2010

Current Reading: The Theory Of Moral Sentiments

The Theory of Moral Sentiments (Penguin Classics)
While I probably won't get much reading done until after the primary elections, I just had to write and say that I began Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments and am completely enamored with it.  While it was not exactly what I expected, everything from the introduction through the second chapter (all I have read up to this point) have been intoxicating.  The writing is very succinct and understandable, setting it apart from most philosophy of its time, and very informative.  Can't wait to finish it.

"Though our brother is upon the rack, as long as we ourselves are at ease, our senses will never inform us of what he suffers.  They never did and never can carry us beyond our own persons, and it is by the imagination only that we form any conception of what are his sensations...His agonies, when they are thus brought home to ourselves, when we have this adopted and made them our own, begin at last to affect us, and we then tremble and shudder at the thought of what he feels."
                                                  -Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Chapter 1

U.S. Senate Poll Update

Here are some new poll numbers for the U.S. Senate races in Pennsylvania & Kentucky.  
Joe Sestak (D): 43 (40)
Pat Toomey (R): 40 (45)
Undecided: 17 (15)
(MoE: ±4%)
Jack Conway (D): 41 (39)
Rand Paul (R): 44 (42)
Undecided: 15 (19)
(MoE: ±4%)
The first poll is showing that Joe Sestak has picked up considerable momentum since wrestling the Democratic nomination from turncoat Arlen Specter.  I would still consider the Kentucky race a long-shot, but it appears that Paul is suffering from the recent upheaval over the 1964 Civil Rights Act.  Just two glimmers of hope for the Democrats in a year that looks to be all gloom & doom.

H/T - SwingStateProject

Bits and Pieces

A good friend of mine in New York has pointed out some similarities between the Time Magazine layout and China Fashion Weekly. Go HERE to see the way lax copyright enforcement threatens jobs around the world.


In other news, Deputy Minister of National Defense Andrew Yang yesterday announced that although President Ma's adminsitration was doing everything in its power to maintain peace, it still considered China "a major threat". To wit, he added:

“We are fully aware that we are facing a clear and present threat from the other side of the Taiwan Strait,”

Mmm, interesting comment. First, Ma is doing 'everything in his power to maintain peace' - that sounds like maintaining peace is a bit of an uphill struggle so can we assume that China have been leaning ever more heavily upon him? Could it be that should Ma not deliver a full ECFA on China's terms or, god forbid, the referendum is allowed and the public reject ECFA or the Government fails to sign it, China will label Ma a 'troublemaker' too?

Second, is it not absolutely astonishing that a Government can at once regard a country as a major threat and yet be engaged in talks on an economic pact that will integrate the economy of Taiwan into that of its greatest threat? We all know that Governments do shady deals in private with the very people they villify in public (Iran-contra scandal) but do they sign very extensive trade pacts with them, under current and oft stated threat of missile attack?


Finally, a court is getting tough with everyone's favourite ex-civil servant Kuo Kuan-ying (郭冠英), ordering him to pay NT$50,000 in damages or serve a 50-day jail term for defaming National Taiwan University professor Chen Shih-meng (陳師孟) and political commentator Chin Heng-wei (金恆煒) for saying that they were “official violent dogs for Taiwanese independence” and that they “used violence to oppress the weak.”

Remember Kuo? He was the self proclaimed high-class mainlander who wrote under the pseudonym Fan Lan-chin (范蘭欽), whilst on the job, arguing that “[China] should spend many years suppressing [people in Taiwan] instead of granting [them] any political freedom once they have taken Taiwan by force,” in addition to calling Taiwan a “ghost island.”

Kuo used the humbug freedom of expression defense but apparently the judge had none of it thank goodness. Now, time to cough up the pennies Kuo or spend some time at the President's pleasure (Should have been more like NT$500,000).


I just had to comment on the Government's attempts to argue against an ECFA referendum. The other day C.V. Chen came out with some arguments which it would be a compliment to call them weak, unsophisticated and ill-thought out. Here's some more from a public hearing by the Referendum Review Committee on the TSU's proposed question: “Do you agree that the government should sign an economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) with China?”

MAC Deputy Minister Liu Te-shun (劉德勳) said [the ECFA] does not re­volve around the concept of an “area,” adding that “it is merely a mechanism.”

Liu urged the public to trust the legislature, saying legislative oversight was sufficient to keep the government in check. (The Legislature controlled by the same party as the President who is also Chairman of the party?)

With legislative oversight in place, Liu said it was unnecessary to hold a referendum on whether to sign the trade deal, although the government respects the public’s right to hold one if it so desires. (Let's see that respect in a RRC decision to allow the referendum then)

"We are not against a referendum,” he said. “We just don’t endorse it.”

Conducting a referendum on the cross-strait economic cooperation framework agreement is unnecessary and inappropriate, according to Cabinet-level Mainland Affairs Council Deputy Minister Chao Chien-min. (Giving the public a vote on a critical trade agreement inappropriate?)

"From this perspective (Of ECFA's supposed economic benefits), talk of the trade pact undermining the ROC’s sovereignty and economically shackling the nation to mainland China is baseless,” (But then so are the government's claims that it will be isolated if it doesn't sign it)

“The public must keep in mind that the ECFA requires legislative approval before going into effect. This is to say, the Legislature is already safeguarding the people’s interests.” (Ludicrous claim given that the LFY is dominated by the KMT) (Like it only reviewed about 3.5% of administrative orders made by the Government involving opening up to China?)

“The TSU should use ‘disagree,’ rather than ‘agree’ in its [referendum] question,” he said. “There is strong likelihood that the party is manipulating the referendum system in an effort to exploit loopholes in the referendum law.” (Baseless accusation)

“The TSU is clearly against signing an ECFA with China, but it asks whether voters ‘agree’ with an ECFA — this could be misleading and tricky,” he said. (Diversion)

“We do not support a referendum on the matter, because it’s a purely economic agreement, touching on taxation and tariff issues, which, according to the Referendum Act (公民投票法), cannot be subjected to a referendum,” Chao said. (False claim)

As the signing of an ECFA is likely to precede the referendum, “the result of any referendum should not create obstacles to the normal functioning of government,” Chao said. (Read: the Government will pursue its agenda regardless of the outcome of the referendum)

And on the other side ...

Lee Chien-liang (李建良), a professor at Academia Sinica’s Institutum Iurisprudentiae, said that whether other countries have held referendums on a certain subject should not be a factor in deciding whether a referendum can or should be held in Taiwan. “Someone has to be the first, right?” He said. (Switzerland already held a similar referendum so Taiwan wouldn't be first anyway).

“It doesn’t matter whether the petitioner agrees with the question asked in the proposal or not ... I think the proposed question clearly asks whether the public supports the signing of an ECFA with China, not whether they agree with the content of an ECFA, so the rule that taxation and tariff issues cannot be a topic in a referendum does not apply here,” Lee said. (And anyway, is allowing gambling on outlying islands a topic suitable in a referendum and if not why was that vote allowed and, lets not forget, why was the threshold bypassed for that vote?)

Roll on June 3rd when we find out if the RRC really believes in democracy and the right to a referendum under the 2003 law or not ...)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Call for Support

This just came in my inbox. Hanna Shen and others are sending round a petition to make the EU waive visa for Taiwanese. The petition will be sent to members of the European Parliament.

To participate, click HERE.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Thought Leaders in the Black Community - NY State Senator Eric Adams

Host Marvin King interviews NY State Senator Eric Adams from the 20th district (D-Brooklyn). We get Adams's take on the Stop the Sag campaign, frisking by police, and getting parolees the right to vote.

Wonder if Rand Paul would defend THESE folks' PROPERTY RIGHTS?

hat tip-a JJP reader based on a comment from ms martin


”To discuss whether or not Rand Paul is a racist is a waste of time, he clearly is; only a true and real racist would give power to racism.

If one would wish to start a debate about "property rights" I would think one would focus on eminent domain or something of that nature, I would hardly think they would start with what race of people they are required to let into their businesses. The very nature of that is purely racist, purely racist and everyone that is discussing this knows it is purely racist.

If Rand Paul wants to discuss property rights, let's get real. Let's discuss the rights of the people who owned the property that is the United States before it was stolen from many. That's a property rights discussion I would love to hear. “

In The Cross-Heirs

A loophole in real estate law pits families against developers and each other. Some say there’s more than money at stake.
Posted May 1, 2009 11:40 PM CDT
By Anna Stolley Persky

Standing on a bare stretch of beach in early February, Billy Freeman is not alone. His memories, his family, his ghosts are here with him in North Carolina, at the edge of the ocean.

It is here where Freeman played in the sand with his cousins. It is here where his family, for generations, fished, cooked and watched the tide with an intimate familiarity. And it is here where his family built Freeman Beach, nicknamed “Bop City,” a beachside haven where African-Americans could enjoy the summer months—even in the days of segregation.

“It’s a part of me,” says Freeman, 68, digging a heel into the sand, facing the cold winter wind. “We’ve always had the land. No money—but land.”

Freeman can trace his heritage and land to his great-great-great-grandfather, Alexander Freeman, a freed slave who in 1855 bought 99 acres near Myrtle Beach Sound. But Freeman and his relatives are in danger of losing part of that original plot, Freeman Beach. A developer claims to have majority ownership interest in the land and has filed court documents requesting a partition sale.

Freeman and his family are particularly vulnerable because the land has been passed down through “heirs’ property,” which means without the benefit of a will. Heirs’ property results in descendants who inherit real property as tenants in common, with each owner having an undivided interest in the land. For the descendants, heirs’ property also creates a problem—anyone who inherits or buys an interest in the land, no matter how small, can file with a court to force other owners to sell.

Some practitioners and scholars are concerned that poor and middle-income people, and particularly Afri­can-Americans, are being forced off their land through partition sales. During these sales proceedings, the heirs who want the land often don’t have the means to purchase it, so the property can go to outside bidders, such as developers. As a result, land owned by families for generations is suddenly lost.


The issue has alarmed some legal scholars and practitioners for years. In the South, land loss among African-American families is considered a particularly significant concern.

According to the Land Loss Prevention Project, a Durham, N.C.-based organization that provides legal support to financially distressed farmers and landowners in the state, of the 15 million acres of land acquired by African-Americans after Emancipation, about 2 million remain owned by their descendants. Nationally, it’s estimated that African-American land ownership has decreased from as much as 19 million acres in 1910 to 1.5 million acres in 1997, according to the Southern Coalition for Social Justice.

Read rest of article at link above.

So, here it is, PROPERTY RIGHTS.

Why do I think Paul would have nothing to say about THESE folks' property rights?

It's a damn scam. A scam to rip off Black families from their land.


This is about wealth. This is about building wealth. And Black folks being able to control their own destinies.

It's also about Black families sitting down and making sure that you have, in legal documents, what you want to happen, so that you don't allow for this predator behavior to come in and hurt your family.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Letter in the Taipei Times

This got printed today: (your comments very welcome)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010, Page 8 ‘Ashen decade’ awaits

According to a recent report, Chinese customs in Shenzhen are to forbid terms such as “Taiwan,” “Taiwan, ROC,” or “Taipei, Taiwan” appearing on any documents for Taiwanese exports. Instead, these goods can only enter into clearance procedure with place of origin recorded as “Taiwan, China.”

Apparently, this practice has been in place since 2005, which should also come as an embarrassment to the former Democratic Progressive Party government, considering its justified but rather late concern with Taiwan’s rapidly eroding economic and political sovereignty.

Despite “protests” from Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs Lin Sheng-Chung (林聖忠), can we really expect the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) government to make a principled stand on this issue, given that it watches idly as illegal Chinese products continue to flood the country — including, recently, illegal Chinese laborers, some of whom are apparently being employed in Taichung helping to build the new offices of the Taichung City Council?

Both in principle and practice, it would appear that what’s good for business comes first and all other considerations are an afterthought. The construction­-boom theory of development (if in doubt, pour more concrete and the economy will recover) stands as a great example of putting the needs of developers first and the environment and citizens last.

Greenlighting more large-scale polluting factories and science parks in Yunlin, Changhua and Taichung counties and undermining rigorous environmental impact assessments speak volumes about the government’s so-called “green” policies, as does the Taipei City Council’s alleged involvement in the effective silencing of Green Party Taiwan’s recent bus ad campaign drawing attention to Formosa Plastic’s appalling record on carbon emissions and pollution.

It is clear that this government of slogans, intent on reaching the world through China, has no stomach to fight for Taiwan or Taiwanese interests. It would rather talk big and act small, lest it draw the ire of companies that have a disproportionate influence on government policy.

The forthcoming Taiwan-China trade pact will not cure the economy nor bring about a “golden decade.” It will instead make it almost impossible for future governments to implement any kind of protections for local businesses, its citizens or the environment. Instead, an “ashen decade” of tears and impotence will have begun.

Links May 25th

Lots of activity out on the news wires today:
  • Frozen Garlic really is a blog that will open your eyes to Taiwanese politics. Written by a Phd Research Associate at Academia Sinica, these three posts on the CEC's redistricting plan for the upcoming municipal elections provide more well researched information than probably nearly all of my previous 500 odd posts combined. They are a must read. Here are links to the plans for Tainan, Kaohsiung and Taichung and more here.
  • Retired Taiwanese military personnel are flocking to China for hobnobbing and golf with the PRC adversaries. Except that I'm sure golf is not going to be the only thing on the discussion lists. The Taiwanese government's response? "the Ministry of National Defense (MND) noted yesterday that the government hopes these retirees can restrain themselves for security concerns despite their civilian status." - sigh
  • Finally, a legislative Committee grows a pair to prevent Chinese companies bidding on Government sponsored BOT public works projects. Closing the stable door after the horse has bolted anyone?
  • Fear-mongers attempt to sway the Referendum Committee against allowing the ECFA referendum on purely spurious grounds. "Prominent lawyer C.V. Chen, head of Taiwan’s Red Cross Society and a former secretary-general of the Straits Exchange Foundation ... said that if the referendum failed to pass, the TSU would claim the public did not support ECFA so the deal should be rejected. Approving the party’s request for a plebiscite could end with a crisis of democracy, he said." - Public rejects casinos on Penghu = no crisis of democracy. Public rejects ECFA = the sky falling down on our heads. Could it be to do with that unrealistic 50% of ALL voters threshold as set out in the Referendum Law? My guess is that the chicks at the RRC will likely reject the referendum for fear it won't pass and the implications of this for Ma's flagship proto-unification policy if it happens.
Ma told Taiwan citizens that "my objective is to strive for enough time and enough historical phases to allow the people on the two sides, who are both descendants of the Yan and Yellow Emperors, to find a method to resolve the cross-strait problem through the guidance of the wisdom of the Chinese nation-race."

The president's statement marked a public return to his advocation expressed and quickly downplayed in 2006 that "the Taiwan question should be decided together by the people of both sides of the Taiwan Strait."

Monday, May 24, 2010

Dr. Robert Bentley & James Anderson Release Ads

GOP candidate for Governor Robert Bentley & Democratic candidate fro Attorney General James Anderson have released ads this week in support of their candidacy:


Sparks Claims Lead In Alabama Democratic Primary

Neglecting to clue us in on the specific numbers, Ron Sparks issued a press release claiming to be leading his Democratic rival Artur Davis by one-point:
A new poll conducted by Montgomery-based Matrix LLC for the Ron Sparks campaign shows Sparks with a one point lead over Artur Davis, the first poll during the election to show Sparks with a lead.

The poll's most significant finding shows Davis well below the 50 percent mark with African-American voters, receiving a soft 43 percent. The poll also showed continued weakening by Davis with white voters, with only 30 percent choosing Davis.
As with any campaign released poll, I am very skeptical of these findings, even more so because the Sparks campaign didn't release the actual head-to-head numbers. To Sparks's credit, the recent Davis radio ad that is clearly aimed at African-American voters certainly adds some credence to the fact that Davis is somewhat worried about his support within that demographic.

Wyclef Jean survives criticism, works to uplift Haiti

During election seasons, Republicans love to blast liberal, Hollywood actors for spouting off their political beliefs. In reality, it’s quite hypocritical, but that’s another story. Yet, Wyclef Jean and Sean Penn continue to make mincemeat of conservative critics that claim that Hollywood entertainers are dim-witted glamour hounds. Our collective thanks should to these two, who continue to toil away even when there are no cameras around.

Read the rest at The Loop.

Mo Brooks & Les Phillip Hit The Aire In AL-5

Mainstream GOP outliers Mo Brooks & Les Phillip have hit the airwaves to challenge turncoat Parker Griffith for his 5th district seat in North Alabama it will be interesting to see if either candidate can overcome Griffith's mainstream institutional supremacy.  The Mo Brooks ad is fairly well done while I think the Phillips's ad was probably done in a high school yearbook class:
Mo Brooks

Les Phillip

H/T - Flashpoint, Left In Alabama

Sunday, May 23, 2010

My Brother Graduates From West Point

Sorry about being out of pocket the end of this week, but my brother graduated from West Point last Saturday.  You can view President Obama's address to the cadets HERE.  In addition, here are a few photos of the event:

DPP LIne-up for the November Municipal Elections

Its finally confirmed. Here is the line-up:

Kaohsiung: Chen chu (A solid chance of winning)

Tainan: William Lai (A good chance of winning)

Taichung: Su Jia-chyuan (Currently, not much chance of winning)

Taipei: Su Tseng-chang (Given Hau's record, Su has as good an opportunity as ever to win)

New Taipei City: Tsai Ying-wen (Up against the KMT's princeling Eric Chu - a tough battle)

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Ramlan Nugraha

Di setiap amal kebaikan pun, setan selalu mencoba memasukkan nilai-nilai yang merugikan manusia. Untuk itulah berdoa meminta perlindungan ketika memulai suatu aktivitas adalah mutlak dilakukan. Bertanya atau melakukan komunikasi dengan orang-orang sholih pun harus menjadi satu tahapan untuk mendapatkan jawaban apakah aktivitas yang kita lakukan bisa bernilai manfaat dan bisa menjauhi kemudharatan.

Apa yang diingatkan Gusti Alloh kepada manusia? Salah satunya adalah menjauhi sikap yang berlebih-lebihan. Sikap ini ada korelasi dengan sombong. Sebuah sifat yang seringkali menjadi tabiat manusia apabila dia tidak pandai atau lalai bersyukur kepada Allah Swt. Manusia merasa keberhasilan atau perjalanan dalam menempuh sebuah pekerjaan merupakan hasil kerja kerasnya. Tidak jarang terselip kesombongan diri mengatasnamakan pengakuan bahwa inilah hasil dari niatku. Semua jerih payah yang telah kulakukan akhirnya menghasilkan ini atau itu.

Inilah yang ditakutkan. Kita mencoba untuk berhati-hati dalam melaksanakan prosesnya, tetapi ketika akan memasuki babak akhir terselip kesombongan. Sekecil apapun itu, maka bangunan niat dan proses yang telah dijaga bisa hancur seketika. Sangat disayangkan tentunya.

Oleh karena itu, penting kiranya kita selalu melakukan muhasabah atas niat dari setiap perbuatan. Menyempurnakan ikhtiar dengan tetap menjaga nilai-nilai seperti berbaik sangka, musyawarah, tidak tergesa-gesa, tidak berlebihan, bersabar, meningkatkan ukhuwah, dsb.

Setan seringkali menggelincirkan seseorang apabila dia telah mendapatkan keberhasilan tertentu. Kita harus ingat bahwa angin dan kondisi yang dihadapi seorang pendaki apabila sudah sampai di puncak, maka akan lebih besar dibandingkan ketika ia memulai pendakian. Berhati-hatilah. Jangan lupa, anda harus tetap melakukan inisiatif bertanya kepada para pendaki lainnya, sambil memperbaiki jalan yang akan didaki.

Wallahu’alam bishshawab.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Why Rand Paul Matters - Rachel Maddow Explains

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Alabama Teacher Gives Interesting Math Lesson

Just read for yourselves.

I think I have Tea Party fatigue, racist/bigot fatigue, and politics fatigue. 2 & 1/2 more years of this s---?

The State Dinner for Mexico

Here are pictures and the toast for the State Dinner for the country of Mexico:

US President Barack Obama waves as he stands with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, his wife Margarita Zabala, and US First Lady Michelle Obama, as the Mexican President arrives at the White House May 19, 2010 for State Dinner ceremonies, at the White House in Washington, DC.
----PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images

WASHINGTON - MAY 19: First Lady Michelle Obama and her husband U.S President Barack Obama wait for Mexican President Felipe Calderon and his wife Margarita Zavala to arrive for the State Dinner at the White House on May 19, 2010 in Washington, DC. President Obama welcomed President Calderon to the White House today for an official state visit that is taking place amid tension over immigration politics and Mexico's deadly drug war.
---- Mark Wilson/Getty Images

REST OF POST INSIDE (with video)

The party and entertainment tent on the South Lawn of the White House awaits the guests for the state dinner hosted by U.S. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for the President of Mexico Felipe Calderon and his wife Margarita Zavala at the White House in Washington May 19, 2010.
----REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama wait to welcome Mexican President Felipe Calderon and his wife Margarita Zavala, at the North Portico of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, May 19, 2010.
----AP Photo/Charles Dharapak

Speed skater Shani Davis arrives for the State Dinner for Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Wednesday, May 19, 2010, at the White House in Washington.
----AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari

Rep. Nydia Velazquez, D-N.Y., and Dennis Rivera arrive for the State Dinner for Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Wednesday, May 19, 2010, at the White House in Washington.
----AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbar

First Lady Michelle Obama, left, and Mexican First Lady Margarita Zavala, right, walk to the State Dinning Room of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, May 19, 2010.
----AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Calif., and Carolina Reyes arrive for the State Dinner for Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Wednesday, May 19, 2010, at the White House in Washington.
----AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari

Entertainer Whoopi Goldberg and Thomas Leonardis arrive for the State Dinner in honor of Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Wednesday, May 19, 2010, at the White House in Washington.
----AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari

Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis and Sam Sayyad arrive for the State Dinner for Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Wednesday, May 19, 2010, at the White House in Washington.
----AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari

Cory Booker, mayor of Newark, N.J., and Gayle King arrive for the State Dinner for Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Wednesday, May 19, 2010, at the White House in Washington.
----AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari

Giselle Fernandez arrives for the State Dinner for Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Wednesday, May 19, 2010, at the White House in Washington.
----AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari

New Jersey Jets' Mark Sanchez, right, and D'Brickashaw Ferguson, arrive for the State Dinner for Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Wednesday, May 19, 2010, at the White House in Washington.
----AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Paul Pelosi arrive for the State Dinner for Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Wednesday, May 19, 2010, at the White House in Washington.
----AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari

White House Chief Usher Stephen W. Rochon, left, and White House Social Secretary Julianna Smoot watch as President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama host Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Mexico's first lady Margarita Zavala for the State Dinner at the White House in Washington, Wednesday, May 19, 2010.
---AP Photo/Charles Dharapak

US President Barack Obama waves as he stands with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, his wife Margarita Zabala, and US First Lady Michelle Obama, as the Mexican President arrives at the White House May 19, 2010 for State Dinner ceremonies, at the White House in Washington, DC.
----PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images

First Lady Michelle Obama brushes off the tuxedo of U.S. President Barack Obama as they await the arrival of Mexico's President Felipe Calderon and his wife Margarita Zavala at the North Portico for a state dinner in their honor at the White House in Washington May 19, 2010.
----REUTERS/Jim Bourg

Actor and comedian George Lopez and his wife Ann arrive for the state dinner hosted by U.S. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for the President of Mexico Felipe Calderon and his wife Margarita Zavala at the White House in Washington May 19, 2010.
----REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Peter Orszag, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and Bianna Golodryga arrive for the State Dinner hosted by US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for the President of Mexico Felipe Calderon and his wife Margarita Zavala at the White House in Washington on May 19, 2010. ----REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Actress Eva Longoria arrives for the state dinner hosted by U.S. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for the President of Mexico Felipe Calderon and his wife Margarita Zavala at the White House in Washington May 19, 2010.
----REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

U.S. President Barack Obama (R) and Mexican President Felipe Calderon descend the grand staircase prior to a state dinner in Calderon's honor at the White House in Washington, May 19, 2010.
----REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Chairman and CEO of American Express Kenneth Chenault and his wife Kathryn arrive for the state dinner hosted by U.S. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for the President of Mexico Felipe Calderon and his wife Margarita Zavala at the White House in Washington May 19, 2010. ----REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and his sister Vesta Richardson arrive for the State Dinner hosted by US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for the President of Mexico Felipe Calderon and his wife Margarita Zavala at the White House in Washington on May 19, 2010.
----REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

US Trade Representitive Ron Kirk with Ms. Elizabeth Kirk arrives for the State Dinner in honor of the visiting Mexican President on May 19, 2010 at the White House in Washington, DC.
----TIM SLOAN/AFP/Getty Images

US First Lady Michelle Obama and her Mexican counterpart Margarita Zavala walk away after posing for pictures at the White House before a state dinner in Washington on May 19, 2010.

US President Barack Obama addresses the state dinner for Mexican counterpart Felipe Calderon at the White House in Washington on May 19, 2010.
----NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images

US First Lady Michelle Obama raises her glass in a toast at a state dinner in honor of President of Mexico Felipe Calderon (2nd L) at the White House in Washington, May 19, 2010.
----REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

A place setting is laid for the state dinner hosted by U.S. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for the President of Mexico Felipe Calderon and his wife Margarita Zavala at the White House in Washington May 19, 2010.
----REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

And the menu itself:

Jicama with Oranges, Grapefruit, and Pineapple
Citrus Vinaigrette
Ulises Valdez Chardonnay 2007 "Russian River"

Herb Green Ceviche of Hawaiian Opah
Sesame-Cilantro Cracker

Oregon Wagyu Beef in Oaxacan Black Mole
Black Bean Tamalon and Grilled Green Beans
Herrera Cabernet Sauvignon 2006 "Selección Rebecca"

Chocolate-Cajeta Tart
Toasted Homemade Marshmallows
Graham Cracker Crumble and Goat Cheese Ice Cream
Mumm Napa "Carlos Santana Brut" N/V

4 for 1: Brothers Johnson, Tom Scott, Newbirth, Mayer Hawthorne

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Documentary - Before The Music Dies

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When Will The Feds Go After Ken Cuccinelli?

Ken Cuccinelli, The Attorney General of Virginia, is not even trying to hide his unethical activities. Rachel Maddow destroyed him tonight.

Are the Federal Prosecutors in Virginia asleep? This guy has done just about everything except wear a sign that reads "Feds... please investigate me".

Thursday, May 20, 2010

More Crazy From The Tea Party Crowd - They Want to Hang Him Then Torch Him

Damn. They want to hang him first, then set him on fire.

For those who may not be clear on the history of lynching in America, this was once par for the course. It was tradition for whites in some parts of the Country to have lynching parties (like barbecues), where people would bring food. The hanging of a Black victim was the centerpiece of the social gathering. They would often lynch the victim first.... then torch him... as everyone stood and watched. (They would also bring their children to these gatherings... just like a social picnic). (check our archives for posts on "lynching").

A group of Tea Party folks from Wisconsin (or those sympathetic to the Tea Party) were reminiscing recently about this great American pastime.... and were crazy enough to record it. 

Anyone still in denial about America at this point? If you are... then you are out of your mind.

Common Nonsense: Glenn Beck and the Triumph of Ignorance

A new book by Alexander Zaitchik -Common Nonsense: Glenn Beck and the Triumph of Ignorance -reveals untold truths about con artist Glenn Beck. Finally we have a book that peels back the layers of fraud on Beck and challenges some of the lies. Finally people will have a chance to see that Glenn Beck a lie. It's a false persona. It's the same kind of phony act that Beck used when he was a cheap shock jock on a radio morning show. The only difference now is that his audience is much bigger...and the American people, like boneheads, have fallen for the act.

To me, Glenn Beck's popularity says a lot about the American public. In fact, it says more about the people of this Country and their gullibility for con artist entertainers like Limbaugh, Hannity & Beck, than it says about the man himself.

The book is due to hit the bookstores in June, but I am sure it can be pre-ordered.

See a review.

The Field Negro also posted on this gem.

Information from the publisher

See My Previous Commentary on Glenn Beck

Black Kids Still Showing Bias Towards White or Light Skin

CNN project basically rehashes the famous doll test.

Why do we always seem to see the same results?

John Lewis & Jesse Jackson Jr. Stump For Artur Davis

Well, not literally, but they are in a new radio ad in support of Artur's run for Governor of Alabama:
This may help Davis in his primary fight, especially in light of the fact that Ron Sparks has been endorsed by ADC & New South, but I wonder how the Jackson endorsement plays in the general.  Sure JJ Jr, isn't his father, but I don't know that most people understand that.  He also quantifies the endorsement with the statement that they "don't agree" on everything, but is that something that will receive the proper context against a Republican?  All in all this probably plays well for now, but be very very careful.

H/T - Left In Alabama


Michelle Obama Looked Fierce at State Dinner For Mexico's President

Michelle Obama looked especially fierce for this weeks State Dinner for Mexico's President and First Lady.

Although the Republican Party's right wing media trashed her.

The Experience of Blacks in Nazi Germany

Check out an interesting post from Heidi Durrow about the experience of Blacks in Hitler's Germany.

Rand Paul on NPR - ADA and Racial Discrimination Should be Dealt With Locally

Hear Rand Paul's NPR interview from yesterday...where he reiterated his views... on the same day that he tried to downplay his position on Maddow. I guess he's like John McCain. Some days, he's a maverick, and other days (depending on the political winds) he's not. Paul is a part time racist then in the same way I guess.

Wow... It is amazing how America has moved to the extreme right. Hear interview. This is, in part, the result of the Conservative media controlling the narrative for so long.

Paul says he has a Tea Party mandate... (in other words, he believes a mandate from the racist Tea Party = A national mandate). What is sad and scary about that is.... he may be correct. With the nations swing to the right... and with the idiocy of the American electorate... anything is possible.

There is a good chance that this man will be in the Senate after the November elections. A Tea Party Senator.

See a previous more detailed post on this from Rikyrah.

Janet Napolitano In the Middle Of Gulf Oil Spill Crisis

Paraphrased by the New York Times in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Disaster as saying:

'she did not know if the Defense Department even had equipment that might be helpful'. (They did...and have for years).

Lesson - This is why politicians have no business in these kinds of positions -- Director of Homeland Security, FBI director, FEMA director, TSA chief, OSHA chief, EPA chief, CDC director, HHS Secretary, FDA director, Consumer Product Safety Commissioners (CPSC), director of MMS, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Secretary of Defense, etc. These are crucial positions that involve emergency management & response, public safety, and national security/defense. They require leaders to have a clue about what the Hell is going on. Heads of these agencies and departments should have some level of expertise and experience in the kinds of work that they are directing.

This is one of the big reasons why I didn't care for her selection for DHS director. She's a politician. Not a national security person. Not an emergency manager. Not a public safety person. Not a law enforcement person. Not a security expert. Not a first responder. You should have some practical experience in at least one of these areas if you are going to be the Homeland Security chief.
There were tons of more qualified individuals (including some Black Americans... although I don't have a racial litmus test) who could have been chosen for this position.