Sunday, June 6, 2010

An American Aboard The Freedom Ship Tells His Story
Obviously, this guy has a biased, he was actually aboard the ship, but I do think his story is worth telling.  The Israeli's are certainly telling their side of the story, so he deserves to be heard.  Here are some excepts, but if any of it is true, the whole article is worth a read:
When the Israeli forces picked him up, Larudee said, he was severely beaten and tied to a mast at the stern of their ship. His legs and hands were bound as he was subjected to the hot sun in wet soaking clothes for four hours. He said his body almost went into shock from the extreme hot and cold conditions.

When on land, Larudee was taken to the processing area, but refused to cooperate with authorities, who wanted him to say that he entered the country illegally. "This happened at 18 miles at sea, which is well beyond their own territorial waters, or anyone's territorial waters," he said. "We were in international waters. We weren't violating anyone's sovereignty or breaking any rules that we knew of, even by their standards."
More beating ensued. Larudee, who again let his body go limp, said he was carried by nylon restraints, which were placed on his arms and legs. They cut into his skin, causing more contusions and deep pain. He was carried into an ambulance and taken to a hospital, but wasn't treated.
I don't know what to think about this.  What is our country doing about it.  It at least deserves the same investigation that will go into to, and deservedly so, the people aboard the ships.