But these are the same jackasses who love to tout their patriotism and love to throw 9/11 around when they are cheerleading for more war...all while claiming to support the heroes. In fact, the images and memories of 9/11 have been at the core of the Republican brand since September 11th, 2001. They have turned that disaster into slogans for their campaigns...time and time again. There were several years where you couldn't get them to stop campaigning on 9/11.... you couldn't avoid it if you were at a Republican event. Oh the irony.
I bet these lying, hypocritical pieces of scum sleep well at night. I don't know how they do it... but I bet they do.
The bill was the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act. Read more from Huffpo.
Congressman Anthony Weiner lashed out at Republicans. (This man should be Speaker of the House, Majority Leader, or Whip - with all due respect to Hoyer & Clyburn).
Loved his response...where he basically told a Republican to sit _______ down. Most of the Dems in Congress are spineless...can't say I have seen this much passion before out of any of them. They are far too passive.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Republicans Vote Against Supporting 9/11 Heroes
9:01 AM

Republican Party