Thursday, September 16, 2010

Links Sept 16th

What smells sweet, and not so sweet, on the news-vine today?

- Drew reports on the dangers of steel gratings outside petrol stations in Taiwan.  I'd add that it would be nice if the forecourt entrances were evenly laid rather than full of holes and bumps.

- Government to adjust the official poverty line measurement.  This could come into effect as early as 2012 but for the cabinet and ruling KMT it makes for nice electorate friendly headlines in the run up to November 27th.

- UDN makes a weak attempt to delink Mayor Hau from the Flora Expo.  Bolting gates after horses have bolted anyone?

- China Times blasts the Government's industrial policy whilst business leaders are criticising the Government for not even trying to protect Taiwan's industries from illegal Chinese imports.

- Taiwan's representative to the European Union and Belgium, David Y L Lin, blasts Taiwan's participation in UNFCCC meetings as a non-governmental organisation as 'ridiculous'.  Expect a change in personnel or a 'Lai Shin-yuan' style non-apology in the next few days as Beijing phones Ma to complain that his lackies are being disrespectful, demanding and provocative.

- Liberty Times with some sense on the Senkakus.

- If the DPP wants to be truly known as a party of clean politics, it really needs to get its house in order first.  

- According to the UDN, Taiwan's independence strategy is an infeasible dead end, as opposed to remaining as the ROC - an international outcast and diplomatic runt whose only option is to acquiesce to PRC demands for annexation, absorption and the annihilation of Taiwan's role on the world stage.

- Regional Leader Ma compares Taiwan-China to East-West Germany.  So, no timetable or intention for unification annexation then Ma?

- If survivors of shark attacks can call for an end to shark fishing (for their fins), why can't we all?  For my part, I have asked my new boss never to organise any more business meals at restaurants that sell shark-fin soup.