Friday, September 24, 2010

Quote of the Week - Our Laws Good, Your Laws Invalid

PRC Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said on the Chinese foreign ministry website that the government would send a charter plane to bring Mr Zhan home, reiterating that ...
"any form of so-called legal procedures taken by Japan against the Chinese boat captain are illegal and invalid".
Let's see.  A country with an authoritarian and despotic single party government (that imposes a very harsh and contingent rule of law upon those who are not part of the CCP or are government officials / high ranking military officers) speaks out to repeatedly and contemptuously denigrate and dismiss the sovereign rule of law in Japan as 'so-called','illegal' and 'invalid'.  This is supreme irony from the country that in the past 100 years has failed to combine a post monarchial modern state with democracy or even a semblance of a working, fair, just and consistent legal-political-economic system.  Oh, and to boot, they'll arrest a few Japanese too:
It came after four Japanese men were detained in China on suspicion of illegally filming in a military area.
A Japanese foreign ministry spokesman said its embassy in Beijing had received confirmation that the four were being held, but he said he did not want to speculate whether it was linked to Japan's detention of a Chinese fishing boat captain.
Maybe the four were spying. Maybe not.  I'm certainly in no position to say but I wonder what would be the response if Japan were now to as vociferously and petulantly demand the release of the four, ala China's tantrums about the fishing boat captain. And if the Japanese were to describe China's laws as so-called, illegal and invalid I'd bet good money that it wouldn't be 2 minutes before Chinese blogs and forums were full of Nanjing / war crimes / a past that can't be forgotten.  But there's more.  Why were the Japanese in China?
Officials said the four men were employees of a Japanese construction company who were in China to bid for a project to dispose of chemical weapons from World War II.
They were bidding to remove chemical weapons from World War II, perhaps some of them manufactured by Japanese soldiers in China during the war.

But let's get back to the point.  If China can dismiss Japanese laws so easily, what level of respect do you think they currently have for ROC laws?  And how do you think that's affecting Taiwanese business?.

Who cares right? Laws are nonsense on stilts designed to stop the liberal wimps from crying so much when nature takes her natural way? Right?

As a good friend of mine recently said, "The logical conclusion of Realism (in international politics & diplomacy a theory that Might Makes Right) is betrayal".