This is a Civil War Era Slave Sale Re-enactment in St. Louis.
A mock flyer is posted advertising the re-enactment of a mid-19th century slave auction January 15, 2011 in downtown St. Louis, Missouri. Some 150 re-enactors participated in the mock-auction on the steps of the city's Old Courthouse, as the first commemorative event in Missouri marking the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. With other sesquicentennial events in the South emphasizing "states rights" as the cause of the conflict, organizers in St. Louis said they wanted to stress slavery as the central issue of the war. Before the war, St. Louis, with its location on the Mississippi River, had been a primary hub for the sale and movement of slaves. The U.S. Civil War, which lasted from 1861-1865, resulted in the death of more than 600,000 Americans, more than in all of the country's other wars combined.
----Photo by John Moore/Getty Images North America
In This Photo: Jannett White
Slave re-enactor Jannett White is led off in shackes after being "auctioned" during a re-enactment of a mid-19th century slave auction January 15, 2011 in downtown St. Louis, Missouri. Some 150 re-enactors participated in the mock-auction on the steps of the city's Old Courthouse, as the first commemorative event in Missouri marking the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. With other sesquicentennial events in the South emphasizing "states rights" as the cause of the conflict, organizers in St. Louis said they wanted to stress slavery as the central issue of the war. Before the war, St. Louis, with its location on the Mississippi River, had been a primary hub for the sale and movement of slaves. The U.S. Civil War, which lasted from 1861-1865, resulted in the death of more than 600,000 Americans, more than in all of the country's other wars combined.
---Photo by John Moore/Getty Images North America
People portraying slaves are led down the street during a re-enactment of a mid-19th century slave auction January 15, 2011 in downtown St. Louis, Missouri.
---- Photo by John Moore/Getty Images North America
Robert Andel, portraying an auctioneer asks for bids during a re-enactment of a mid-19th century slave auction January 15, 2011 in downtown St. Louis, Missouri. Some 150 re-enactors participated in the mock-auction on the steps of the city's Old Courthouse, as the first commemorative event in Missouri marking the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. With other sesquicentennial events in the South emphasizing "states rights" as the cause of the conflict, organizers in St. Louis said they wanted to stress slavery as the central issue of the war. Before the war, St. Louis, with its location on the Mississippi River, had been a primary hub for the sale and movement of slaves. The U.S. Civil War, which lasted from 1861-1865, resulted in the death of more than 600,000 Americans, more than in all of the country's other wars combined.
----- Photo by John Moore/Getty Images North America
A person portraying a slave stands on the auction block as an auctioneer asks for bids during a re-enactment of a mid-19th century slave auction January 15, 2011 in downtown St. Louis, Missouri.
------ Photo by John Moore/Getty Images North America
A person portraying a blacksmith inspects a "slave" during a re-enactment of a mid-19th century slave auction January 15, 2011 in downtown St. Louis, Missouri.
---- Photo by John Moore/Getty Images North America
People portraying slaves prepare to be carted off during a re-enactment of a mid-19th century slave auction January 15, 2011 in downtown St. Louis, Missouri.
----- Photo by John Moore/Getty Images North America
The public takes part in a discussion inside St. Louis' Old Courthouse following a re-enactment of a mid-19th century slave auction January 15, 2011 in downtown St. Louis, Missouri.
----- Photo by John Moore/Getty Images North America
A person portraying a blacksmith carries shackles ahead of a re-enactment of a mid-19th century slave auction January 15, 2011 in downtown St. Louis, Missouri.
---- Photo by John Moore/Getty Images North America
Slave re-enactors weep during a re-enactment of a mid-19th century slave auction January 15, 2011 in downtown St. Louis, Missouri. Some 150 re-enactors participated in the mock-auction on the steps of the city's Old Courthouse, as the first commemorative event in Missouri marking the 150th anniversary of the Civil War.
---- Photo by John Moore/Getty Images North America
Spectators watch a re-enactment of a mid-19th century slave auction January 15, 2011 in downtown St. Louis, Missouri.