Thursday, March 31, 2011

There is a special place reserved for Governor Scott of Florida

from ThinkProgress:

Today, Rick Scott Will Lay Out Cuts For Developmentally Disabled And Then Attend A Special Olympics Photo-Op
Today, Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) will announce deep cuts to programs that help the developmentally disabled in his state. Scott will invoke his “emergency powers” to impose a 15 percent cut to the rates charged by group home workers and case workers that help the 30,000 Floridians with cerebral palsy, autism, and Down Syndrome.

Those who provide services to the developmentally disabled are already decrying the cuts. “This would be a catastrophe,” one advocate told the Miami Herald. “The system can’t take this. Eventually, we will have to cut jobs and reduce services.”

Scott says the cuts are necessary to address a $170 million deficit in the Agency for Persons with Disabilities — but at the same time, he is also proposing $1.5 billion in corporate tax cuts and $1.4 billion more in property tax cuts.

Even more galling, today — the same day his cuts are announced — Scott is scheduled to appear at a Special Olympics Torch Run with his wife and other state officials. The run is designed to promote the upcoming Special Olympics in Florida, and raise money for developmentally disabled athletes along the way:

Some people.......should just burn in hell.

In "They Are Who We Thought They Were" News, GOP Congressman says he's STRUGGLING on salary of 174k

You know, certain things just write themselves.


GOP Rep: I'm 'Struggling' On My $174K Salary (VIDEO)
At a town hall meeting in Polk County, Wisconsin earlier this year, Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) was asked whether he'd vote to cut his $174,000 annual salary. Duffy sort of hedged, and went on to talk about how $174,000 really isn't that much for his family of seven to live on. Then he went on to say he supports cutting compensation for all public employees, along the lines of what Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) has proposed for the Badger State.

The whole thing was caught on tape, and it was posted to the Polk County GOP's blog, along with several other clips from the town hall. Then just that clip where Duffy talks about his salary was taken down and removed from the internet by the county party because, an official said, the YouTube clip "was being republished without our consent."

Here's the clip, obtained by TPM:

Awe, poor baby. He's barely scraping by on 174k a year. He and his brood of SIX have GOVERNMENT FUNDED HEALTHCARE, and he has a home, and someone's supposed to have sympathy for this clown? Nobody told him to have 6 can't afford them, don't have them...isn't that what they always tell poor folk?

He's paying off student loans....he's probably voted to cut education, so that other folks won't even have the choice to GET a student loan, or he's probably one of those who wants to turn BACK the student loan business BACK to the banks, something the President has stopped.

They continue to be who we thought they were. They could care less and continue to vote time and time again against anything that would help the working man or woman, and he's making almost 4x the average in his district and thinks someone's supposed to actually have sympathy for him.

The GOP is Planning to Shut Down the Government

There's been a lot of ink written on the probable GOP shutdown, but I like this from BooMan Tribune the best:

The Crazy People Will Shut the Guvmint
by BooMan
Tue Mar 29th, 2011 at 10:02:08 AM EST

I've said this once before, but I think it is worth reiterating. I can't imagine that most people can look at the landscape of turmoil in the Arab world and an ongoing nuclear and humanitarian crisis in Japan, and have much patience for another demonstration that our government here at home cannot function at the most basic level. Any government shutdown, for any reason, is going to really anger our citizens. And, obviously, the more petty the reasoning looks the worse it is going to be. Sen. Chuck Schumer is leading the messaging war for the Democrats and it comes down to labeling the Tea Party (freshman Republican class) as a bunch of extremists who Speaker Boehner is afraid to confront.

The message has the advantage of being true, for whatever that is worth these days. Brian Beutler reports that the House Republicans are making two rigid and unreasonable demands. The first is that the HR1 bill serve as the basis for any budget bill. The second is that all the cost savings in the budget come from non-defense discretionary funding. Ezra Klein expresses some puzzlement at the latter requirement:

Funny. I thought this debate had always been about the deficit, or at least cutting spending. Guess not. Rather, the Republican position appears to be: “How do we preserve current tax rates and most current spending while getting Democrats to accept deep cuts to the small fraction of the budget called non-defense discretionary spending?” It's a weird position, but it looks to be what we’re dealing with.

Given this bargaining position, both Beutler and Klein agree that a government shutdown on April 8th is almost inevitable. Jonathan Chait has a good explanation for why the Republicans are being so inflexible. A new study of conservatives discovers that Tea Party-identifying conservatives think the president is destroying the country (71%) while non-Tea Party-identifying conservatives do not (6%). It's really just a scientific way of documenting what Steven Thrasher said last September:

About 12:01 on the afternoon of January 20, 2009, the white American mind began to unravel.

It had been a pretty good run up to that point. The brains of white folks had been humming along cogently for near on 400 years on this continent, with little sign that any serious trouble was brewing. White people, after all, had managed to invent a spiffy new form of self-government so that all white men (and, eventually, women) could have a say in how white people were taxed and governed. White minds had also nearly universally occupied just about every branch of that government and, for more than two centuries, had kept sole possession of the leadership of its executive branch (whose parsonage, after all, is called the White House).

But when that streak was broken—and, for the first time, a non-white president accepted the oath of office—white America rapidly began to lose its grip.

Go to the link to read the rest of it, but I think it's on point. I don't want the Guvmint to shut down, but I'm ready for it, because these folks need to be exposed for exactly who they are. Period.

Where Do They Get These Kneegrows?

from Religious Right Watch:

Tea Party Leader: African Americans Can’t Be Christian And Support Obama

Ron Miller is the president of the Tea Party group Regular Folks United, and a former Republican candidate for Congress and the Maryland state senate. Miller, who is a black former staffer with the Bush Administration, adamantly defends Tea Party activists from charges of racism, blaming Obama for his “open display of condescension toward ordinary Americans.” But while Miller deplores charges of racism against members of the Tea Party, he claims that African Americans only support Obama because he is black. He told the American Family Association’s OneNewsNow that anyone who backs Obama cannot be Christian, and black Obama voters “place their blackness ahead of Christ”

Sometimes, you come across these fools, and just have to show them for what they are.

African-Americans only support Obama because he is Black.

Barack Obama got 95% of the Black Vote.

Every Democratic Presidential Candidate from Jimmy Carter on has gotten upper 80th percentile to 90+% of the Black vote.

Yet, they were all WHITE candidates.

So, does Barack Obama getting 95% of the Black vote have to do with him being Black, or him being the Democratic Candidate for President?

So, BIG FAIL on that idiot point.

Now, let's get to "place their blackness ahead of Christ”

What does CHRIST have to do
a) Blackness
b) How I vote

You know, this type of Black person gets on my last nerve. Going before White folk, shinning and grinning. He doesn't have the nerve to go down to Mount Olive Missionary Baptist and tell those parishoners this garbage he's telling those White folk. He wouldn't dare take himself before a bunch of Black folk and utter this garbage to their faces. He doesn't have the nerve.

Monday, March 28, 2011

The President Speaks About Libya

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The Slave Catcher Known as Herman Cain Doesn't Understand the Concept of RELIGIOUS FREEDOM

hat tips-GOVCHRIS1988 and SouthernGirl 2

I have tried to ignore Herman Cain and his ridiculousness, but his foolishness is just getting more and more ridiculousness.

from ThinkProgress:

EXCLUSIVE: Herman Cain Tells ThinkProgress ‘I Would Not’ Appoint A Muslim In My Administration

As the Republican presidential nomination process begins, one GOP candidate is making a name for himself as the Islamophobia candidate: Herman Cain.

Earlier this week, Cain gave an interview to Christianity Today in which he declared that, “based upon the little knowledge that I have of the Muslim religion, you know, they have an objective to convert all infidels or kill them.”

ThinkProgress caught up with the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza today at the Conservative Principles Conference in Des Moines, Iowa, to discuss his comments further. We asked him, in light of his statements on Islam, would he be comfortable appointing any Muslims in his administration. Rather than skirting the question or hedging his answer, as most presidential aspirants are wont to do, Cain was definitive: “No, I would not”:

KEYES: You came under a bit of controversy this week for some of the comments made about Muslims in general. Would you be comfortable appointing a Muslim, either in your cabinet or as a federal judge?

CAIN: No, I would not. And here’s why. There is this creeping attempt, there is this attempt to gradually ease Sharia law and the Muslim faith into our government. It does not belong in our government. This is what happened in Europe. And little by little, to try and be politically correct, they made this little change, they made this little change. And now they’ve got a social problem that they don’t know what to do with hardly.

The question that was asked that “raised some questions” and, as my grandfather said, “I does not care, I feel the way I feel.” I was asked, “what is the role of Islam in America?” I thought it was an odd question. I said the role of Islam in America is for those that believe in Islam to practice it and leave us alone. Just like Christianity. We have a First Amendment. And I get upset when the Muslims in this country, some of them, try to force their Sharia law onto the rest of us.

WHAT MUSLIMS are trying to force SHARIA LAW onto us.


Hell, they haven't even tried to do it in Dearborn, Michigan, with the largest concentration of Arabs in America.

So, tell me.

ThinkProgress points out the problems with this:

should check his understanding of the U.S. Constitution, which states in Article 4:

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

No less than the CONSTITUTION says what he is proposing is ILLEGAL.

Cain is a slave catcher, who has been plucking my last Black nerve with his shinning and grinning and buckdance that he's been doing for the right wing.

There shall be NO RELIGIOUS TEST for Office in the United States.


Whatever their flaws, and they had many, the men who drafted the Constitution knew better. They knew from whence they'd fled, and about RELIGIOUS FREEDOM in this country.

Ignorant folks like Cain spit on the Constitution.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Arti Kekuasaan

Berapa banyak peradaban hancur karena diawali dari rebutan jabatan atau posisi dalam kekuasaan? Tidak ada perbedaan antara yang tua dan muda ketika semua otak-otak sudah dimasuki oleh racun gila kekuasaan. Atas nama rakyat, atas nama perubahan , atau apa pun namanya, semua diawali dari janji manis yang pada kenyataannya hanyalah semangat tinggi dengan pengetahuan kosong didalamnya. Naudzubillah.

Membaca Arah Gerakan KAMMI Pasca Muktamar Aceh

Ramlan Nugraha, KAMMI Jawa Barat

Muktamar VII KAMMI di Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam menghasilkan beberapa hasil yang cukup mengejutkan. Salah satunya adalah terpilihnya Muhammad Ilyas sebagai Ketua Umum KAMMI Pusat untuk Periode 2010-2012. Terpilihnya Saudara Ilyas sebagai Ketua Umum menunjukkan preferensi kader KAMMI dalam memilih pemimpin di ruang lingkup internal organisasinya.

Menurut pendapat penulis, preferensi atau selera kader, kecenderungan untuk memilih pemimpin KAMMI pada waktu Muktamar didasarkan oleh beberapa hal, diantaranya adalah pertama, kesesuaian antara karakter pemimpin dengan organisasi. Faktor kepribadian personal, yang bisa ditunjukkan dengan ketenangan sikap, kesolehan pribadi, kemampuan mengontrol emosi, menjadi faktor dominan yang dipilih oleh kader Kammi. Faktor ini sangat erat kaitannya dengan pernyataan bahwa sosok pemimpin akan dijadikan teladan bagi semua anggota.

Kedua, perubahan prioritas karakter gerakan. Sosok Ketua Umum terpilih merupakan representatif dari anggota keseluruhan. Tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi bahwa mayoritas Kamda di daerah menginginkan sosok karakter gerakan seperti Saudara Ilyas yang merupakan Ketua Bidang Pengkaderan KAMMI Pusat pada periode sebelumnya. Karakter ini diharapkan bisa lebih mendukung gerakan KAMMI.

Ketiga, Kejumudan akan content gerakan eksternal. Tidak jelasnya arah gerakan eksternal organisasi periode sebelumnya menjadikan mayoritas kader Kammi menginginkan perubahan berupa pembenahan internal organisasi. Dengan basis keilmuan yang dimiliki Ketua terpilih, diharapkan pembenahan internal organisasi baik berupa peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas anggota maupun pengembangan manajemen organisasi bisa dilakukan dengan cepat.

Kepercayaan kader Kammi secara nasional kepada Ketua Umum terpilih tentu harus dijawab dengan penuh tanggung jawab. Sebagai organisasi pengkaderan dan pergerakan, keseimbangan gerakan antar keduanya mutlak dilakukan. Kerja tim, kekuatan konsolidasi antar semua elemen yang ada di kepengurusan pusat sampai komisariat menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi kepengurusan baru. Tetapi sebelum kerja-kerja tersebut dilakukan, hal yang musti dilakukan adalah membangun tim yang kuat di kepengurusan pusat itu sendiri. Wallahu’alam bishshawab.

Bandung, 26 Maret 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

In 'THEY ARE WHO WE THOUGHT THEY WERE' News - Buried Provision In House GOP Bill Would Cut Off Food Stamps To Entire Families If One Member Strikes

from ThinkProgress:

Buried Provision In House GOP Bill Would Cut Off Food Stamps To Entire Families If One Member Strikes

All around the country, right-wing legislators are asking middle class Americans to pay for budget deficits caused mainly by a recession caused by Wall Street; they are attacking workers’ collective bargaining rights, which has provoked a huge Main Street Movement to fight back.

Now, a group of House Republicans is launching a new stealth attack against union workers. GOP Reps. Jim Jordan (OH), Tim Scott (SC), Scott Garrett (NJ), Dan Burton (IN), and Louie Gohmert (TX) have introduced H.R. 1135, which states that it is designed to “provide information on total spending on means-tested welfare programs, to provide additional work requirements, and to provide an overall spending limit on means-tested welfare programs.”

Much of the bill is based upon verifying that those who receive food stamps benefits are meeting the federal requirements for doing so. However, one section buried deep within the bill adds a startling new requirement. The bill, if passed, would actually cut off all food stamp benefits to any family where one adult member is engaging in a strike against an employer:

The bill also includes a provision that would exempt households from losing eligibility, “if the household was eligible immediately prior to such strike, however, such family unit shall not receive an increased allotment as the result of a decrease in the income of the striking member or members of the household.”

Yet removing entire families from eligibility while a single adult family member is striking would have a chilling effect on workers who are considering going on strike for better wages, benefits, or working conditions — something that is especially alarming in light of the fact that unions are one of the fundamental building blocks of the middle class that allow people to earn wages that keep them off food stamps.

This is who they are. Time and time again, they are showing you who they are. They have absolutely nothing but contempt for the working man and woman that doesn't want to spend their lives as serfs to companies, and want to fight for a decent wage. This isn't a shock...because this is just another example of how these lowlifes operate.

The First Family Finishes Up in El Salvador and Returns Home

The First Family cut their visit to El Salvador short, and have returned home.

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama wave prior to boarding Air Force prior to departing San Salvador, El Salvador, Wednesday, March 23, 2011.
-----AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Sasha (C) and Malia (2nd R), daughters of U.S. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, paint a mural which reads "welcome" during a visit to a youth assistance program known as "Superate" in San Salvador March 22, 2011. ---REUTERS/Edgard Garrido

Sasha (C) and Malia (L), daughters of U.S. President Barack Obama, paint a mural during a visit to a youth assistance program known as "Superate" in San Salvador March 22, 2011.
----REUTERS/Edgard Garrido

U.S. President Barack Obama offers a toast as First Lady Michelle Obama raises a glass during an official dinner at the Casa Presidential in San Salvador March 22, 2011.
----REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

US President Barack Obama attends an official dinner hosted by President Mauricio Funes of El Salvador at the National Palace in San Salvador, El Salvador, March 22, 2011.
----SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

First Lady Michelle Obama alongside US President Barack Obama (L) raises her glass during a toast by President Mauricio Funes of El Salvador at an official dinner at the National Palace in San Salvador, El Salvador, March 22, 2011.
----SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

First Lady Michelle Obama raises her glass during a toast by President Mauricio Funes of El Salvador at an official dinner at the National Palace in San Salvador, El Salvador, March 22, 2011.
---- SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

U.S. President Barack Obama offers a toast as First Lady Michelle Obama raises a glass to El Salvador First Lady Vanda Pignato (L) during an official dinner at the Casa Presidential in San Salvador March 22, 2011.
----REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

U.S. President Barack Obama offers a toast as First Lady Michelle Obama raises a glass during an official dinner at the Casa Presidential in San Salvador March 22, 2011.
-----REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

People wait to see the motorcade of the US President Barack Obama as he arrives to the US Embassy in San Salvador, El Salvador at the end of his visit to El Salvador on March 23, 2011. ---- Jose CABEZAS/AFP/Getty Images

US President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and daughters Sasha (2nd L) and Malia, walk to Air Force One in San Salvador, El Salvador, March 23, 2011. The Obamas are returning to Washington following a 5-day, 3-country trip that took the First Family to Brazil, Chile and El Salvador.
----SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and their daughters Malia and Sasha, prior to departing San Salvador, El Salvador, Wednesday, March 23, 2011.
----AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

A policeman passes a sign welcoming U.S. President Barack Obama to El Salvador March 23, 2011. Obama will depart El Salvador for Washington today.
----REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 23: Marian Robinson (L), mother-in-law of U.S. President Barack Obama, walks towards the residency with an unidentified woman after they returned to the White House March 23, 2011 in Washington, DC. The first family has returned from a visit to South America.
----Alex Wong/Getty Images

US First Lady Michelle Obama and daughter Malia walk across the South Lawn March 23, 2011 upon return to the White House in Washington, DC. US President Barack Obama and his family returned to Washington after a 5-day Latin American visit.
---MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images

US President Barack Obama and daughter Sasha walk across the South Lawn March 23, 2011 upon return to the White House in Washington, DC. Obama returned to Washington after a 5-day Latin American visit.
---MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The First Family - onto El Salvador

The First Family leaves Chile and continues onto El Salvador.

US President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama along with daughters Sasha and Malia, upon arrival on Air Force One in San Salvador, El Salvador, March 22, 2011.
----SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

U.S. President Barack Obama and members of his family board Air Force One as they depart Chile March 22, 2011.
---REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

U.S. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama wave as they depart from Chile in Santiago March 22, 2011. -----REUTERS/Luis Hidalgo

Sasha Obama, youngest daughter of U.S. President Barack Obama, is seen as they depart from Chile in Santiago March 22, 2011.
----REUTERS/Luis Hidalgo

US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama greet young school children upon arrival on Air Force One in San Salvador, El Salvador, March 22, 2011.
---SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

U.S. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama take part in an arrival ceremony with El Salvador President Mauricio Funes (2nd R) and first lady Vonda Pignato (R) at the Casa Presidential in San Salvador March 22, 2011.
----REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

U.S. President Barack Obama (2nd L) and First Lady Michelle Obama (L) take part in an official arrival ceremony by El Salvador's President Mauricio Funes (2nd R) and his wife at the National Palace in San Salvador, March 22, 2011.
----REUTERS/Jason Reed

US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama walk past an honor guard upon arrival on Air Force One in San Salvador, El Salvador, March 22, 2011.
---SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

US President Barack Obama (R) and First Lady Michelle Obama (C) arrive at the National Palace in San Salvador, El Salvador, March 22, 2011.
---JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images

President Barack Obama, third from left, accompanied by his wife Michelle Obama, left, and his daughters, Malia, second from left and Sasha, fourth from left, partially hidden, walks upon his arrival to the international airport in San Salvador, El Salvador, Tuesday March 22, 2011. Obama will end his Latin America tour with a two-day visit to El Salvador.
---Dario Lopez-Mills

U.S. President Barack Obama is welcomed by school children upon his arrival in San Salvador March 22, 2011.
---REUTERS/Edgard Garrido

US president Barack Obama (L) smiles while listening to his Salvadorean counterpart Mauricio Funes (R) during a joint press conference at the Presidential Palace in San Salvador, on March 22, 2011. US President Barack Obama arrived in El Salvador on the last leg of a three-nation tour of Latin America.
---YURI CORTEZ/AFP/Getty Images

US president Barack Obama gestures during a joint press conference with his Salvadorean counterpart Mauricio Funes (out of frame) at the Presidential Palace in San Salvador, on March 22, 2011. US President Barack Obama arrived in El Salvador on the last leg of a three-nation tour of Latin America.
----YURI CORTEZ/AFP/Getty Images

The president of The United States Barack Obama (2nd R), his wife Michelle (C), their daughters Sasha (L) and Malia and Salvador's Foreign Minister Hugo Martinez pose for a picture with Sherlyn Artiga and Diego Carpio -- both students of The United States of America School -- upon their arrival at the airport in San Salvador on March 22, 2011. US President Barack Obama arrived in El Salvador Tuesday on the last leg of a three-nation tour of Latin America.
---Jose CABEZAS/AFP/Getty Images

Salvadorean children present gifts to President Barack Obama, right, First Lady Michelle Obama and daughter Malia, left, upon their arrival at the international airport in San Salvador, El Salvador Tuesday March 22, 2011. President Obama will end his Latin America tour with a two day visit to El Salvador.
----Dario Lopez-Mills

The president of The United States Barack Obama (C), accompanied by his wife Michelle, receives the keys of the city of San Salvador from Mayor Norman Quijano (R), upon his arrival at the airport in the Salvadorean capital on March 22, 2011. US President Barack Obama arrived in El Salvador Tuesday on the last leg of a three-nation tour of Latin America. ----Jose CABEZAS/AFP/Getty Images

President Barack Obama, right, First Lady Michelle Obama and daughters Sasha, left, and Malia, arrive at the international airport in San Salvador, El Salvador Tuesday March 22, 2011. President Obama will end his Latin America tour with a two day visit to El Salvador.
---Dario Lopez-Mills

US President Barack Obama (2nd L) speaks with President of El Salvador Mauricio Funes (C) as First Lady Michelle Obama (R) speaks with El Salvador's First Lady Vanda Pignato during an arrival ceremony at the National Palace in San Salvador, El Salvador, March 22, 2011.
---JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images

El Salvador President Mauricio Funes (2nd R) and First Lady Vanda Pignato (R) stand with US President Barack Obama (2nd L) aand First Lady Michelle Obama (L) during an arrival ceremony at the National Palace in San Salvador, El Salvador, March 22, 2011.
---- JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images

U.S. first lady Michelle Obama and her El Salvadoran counterpart Vanda Pignato unveil a plaque during a visit to Ciudad Mujer Center in San Salvador March 22, 2011. Ciudad Mujer is support center for single mothers.
---REUTERS/Edgard Garrido

U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama shake hands to her El Salvador's counterpart Vanda Pignato during a visit at Ciudad mujer Center in San Salvador March 22, 2011. Ciudad mujer is an attention to single mothers.
----REUTERS/Edgard Garrido

U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama paints a mural during a visit to a youth assistance program known as "Superate" in San Salvador March 22, 2011.
---REUTERS/Edgard Garrido

U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama smiles as she paints a mural next to her daughter Sasha (C) during a visit to a youth assistance program known as "Superate" in San Salvador March 22, 2011.
---REUTERS/Edgard Garrido

U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama and youths paint a mural during her visit to a youth assistance program known as "Superate" in San Salvador March 22, 2011.
----REUTERS/Edgard Garrido

First Lady Michelle Obama poses with young students after helping them paint a mural at the site of a USAID project called °SupÈrate! in San Salvador, El Salvador, Tuesday March 22, 2011. The first lady and her daughters helped 30 °SupÈrate! students complete their community service project by painting a mural to decorate the centerís health clinic which will open next month.
-----Dario Lopez-Mills

U.S. President Barack Obama (2nd L) looks at a limited edition print with images of Archbishop Oscar Romero, which has been given to him as he tours the Metropolitan Cathedral in San Salvador March 22, 2011. Standing with Obama are: El Salvador's President Mauricio Funes (R), Archbishop of San Salvador Jose Luis Escobar Alas (L) and a translator. The structure on the right is the tomb of Archbishop Oscar Romero.

U.S. President Barack Obama (2nd L) tours the Metropolitan Cathedral with El Salvador's President Mauricio Funes (L) and Archbishop of San Salvador, Jose Luis Escobar Alas (2nd R), in San Salvador March 22, 2011. The woman on the right is an unidentified translator.
----REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

US President Barack Obama (R), alongside Monsignor Jose Luis Escobar Alas (L), Archbishop of San Salvador, lights a candel at the Tomb of Archbishop Oscar Romero, who was assassinated in 1980, at the Metropolitan Cathedral in San Salvador, El Salvador, March 22, 2011. ----SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images