“I am very disappointed in today’s Supreme Court decision to allow hateful extremists to attempt to sully the memories of heroes who have fought and died to protect this country, and to heap more hurt on already grief-stricken families,” Reid said in a statement released shortly after the Supreme Court announced their decision. “These families have only one chance to bury loved ones who made the ultimate sacrifice. They deserve the right to mourn without being subjected to the ugly signs and slurs of fanatics.”
Based out of Topeka, Kansas, Westboro Baptist Church sends members around the country to protest funerals carrying signs that say “God Hates the U.S.A” and “Thank God for Dead Soldiers.”
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Reid Criticizes SCOTUS's Westboro Decision
Harry Reid
, who filed an amicus brief along with 57 other members of the U.S. Senate, has come out swinging at the SCOTUS for their affirming the free speech rights of the Westboro Baptist Church:
9:40 PM