Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rand Paul To "Test The Waters" For A Presidential Bid
Rand Paul was recently in South Carolina to "test the waters" about whether or not he should seek the GOP nomination for POTUS in the 2012 cycle:
"The only decision I've made is I won't run against my dad," Rand Paul said.

He has upcoming trips planned to Iowa and New Hampshire, in part, he said, because "I want the tea party to have an influence over who the nominee is in 2012."
If his father doesn't run it would be very interesting to see Rand Paul in the GOP field for 2012.  Would he be as much of a rebel as his father on the debate stage?  I don't think so, but he would help to provide an influx of ideas (much of the same way I think Newt will).

H/T - Wonkette