Democratic turncoat Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania is maintaining a fragile, but decent lead over his primary opponent Joe Sestak and his expected GOP rival in the fall Pat Toomey. While I still don't care for Arlen, one must admire his resiliency. Also, his party switch has probably been a good move for him politically:
Arlen Specter (D-inc): 51 (48)
Joe Sestak (D): 32 (33)
Undecided: 17 (19)
(MoE: ±5%)Arlen Specter (D-inc): 47 (45)
Pat Toomey (R): 41 (40)Joe Sestak (D): 39 (42)
Pat Toomey (R): 42 (41)
(MoE: ±4%)
H/T - SwingStateProject